
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Sakala Karya Sidhi slokas from Durga SAhasra Nama


Sakala Karya Sidhi slokas from Durga  SAhasra Nama


Translated by



For getting all good things you want (11 times)

Haraa  Maheswari, mukthaa Hamsini, Hamsavahana

Bhagyaa Phala kari  NithyaBhakthi gamya   Bhayapahaa


Wife of Lord Shiva , The great goddess, She who islike pearl, She who has a Swan, She who rides on swan

She who grants lucky results, She who is forever, She who can be    attained by devotion, She  who removes fear


For getting  the power needed by you(12 times)


Vanadurgaa Vahnihasthaa, Vanchithartha pradhaayini

Vana Malika cha vaaraani vaga sara  nivasini


The durga of forest , She has hands like firte, She who grants desired results

She who wears forest garland, she who is like ocean, she who lives in summary of words


To get   cured of madness (108 times)


Apasmara mruga vyagri, chitha kshobha  vimochini

Kshaya  mathanga panchaasyaa kruchra  varghabha  harini


She who is liker  to cure epilepsy , she who frees from mental  problem

She who is like a lion who reduces madness , she who defeats pain like people


To get cured of severe illness and devils and ghosts to go away(12 times)


Peenasa swasa kasagni  pisachopathi   Mochini

Vivadha   samani , loka badha  panchaka nasini


She who is like fire to destroy heavy breath, She who frees you from disease caused by ghosts

She  who brings down  arguments. She who destroys five    types of disease of people


To win in war(32 times)

Apavadha haraa sevyaa  Sankrama vijaya   pradhaa

Raktha pitha Gala vyadhi haraa, Hara vimohini


She who defeats wrong bad names, She who serves, She who helps us to win in war

She who defeats diseases of anemia as well as neck, She who attracts Lord Shiva

To get cured  of leprosy and diabetes (10 times)


Kshudra salya mayaa dasaa, karyaramba  samudh sukha

Kushta gulmapremahagni, gooda salya  vinasini


She who serves those affected by bad troubles of body , She who makes beginning of jobs easy

She who is like fire to leprosy, disease of spleen,diabetes and cures secret  troubles


To become parent (32 times)


Dhyaanaani kala samjapyaa, bhaktha santhana  bhagyadhaa

Madhyahna kala santharpya, jaya   samhara soolini


If devotees  spend time in chanting, they would be lucky to get children

At noon time please satisfy  the Victorious soolini who kills


To become wealthy(five times)

Panasava madha  dwamsi, moolika sidhi dhayini

Phala pradhaa khuberadyaa Parijatha   prasoona pak



She who breaks state of need, she who grants  power to drugs

She who  makes  you fruitful like Khubera, she who makes it fruitful like parijatha


To get married quickly (11 times)

Lajjavathi  , labdha puthri  laaki neelola  kundalaa

Labdha bhagyaaLabdha kamaa labdha theer labdha mangala


She who is shyShe   who makes us get a  lady  with ear globes of Blue stone

Along with getting  luck   getting passion, getting longevity and auspeciousmess


To get  rid  of all fears (12 times)

Soola hasthaa, soora sevyaa, soolini, soola nasini

Sukruthyanumathi soorpaa, sobhanaa , soorpa dharini


She who has spear in her hand, she who is srved by valorous  people, She who is Soolini and destroys spears

She who grants permission to lucky ones, she who is with winnowing basket, She who makes things great , she who holds a winnow


To get rid of road blocks (10 times)

Nirlobha, neethimath preetha, nirvighnaa , nimishapahaa

Dumbheeja, dushta samhari durmathaa durithapaha


She who is free from desire, she who likes just people, she who has no obstacles, she who crosses time

The seed of  everything, destroyer of bad people, she who destroys bad opinions and destroys   suffering


To get rid of problems  created by planets(9 times)


Graheswari  , gruharadhyaa  grahini, roga mochini

Grhavesa kari  graahyaa  gruha akramapi     rakshini


Goddess of planets, She who is worshipped by planets, housewife, she who saves us from diseases\

She who makes planet active, She who makes planets workShe who saves people from problems created by Planets



To get rid  of effects of bad dreams (3 times)


   Padkarasthraa phalakara  phalanthi  phala  varjithaa

Swathanthriya charithaa, swasthaa  swapna graham  nishoodhini



Even tree about to break  and which does not Have fruits  would bear fruit,

The one with independent character would be peaceful   with out   any dreams

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