
Sunday, June 25, 2023

Kanchi periyava dasaka stotram

 Sri Kama koti peetadheesa Chandra shekara  sarasawathi dasakam or

Kanchi periyava dasaka stotram


The pentad of Chandra shekara saraswatheendra  of Kama Koti peeta


The pentad prayer ofKanchi Periyava


Translated  by



(Reading the stotra while    translating , made my eyes wet)


1.Namasthe  loka  Gurave, kanchi peetadhipaaya  cha

Divya jnana  swaroopaaya vara  abhaya  karaya cha


Salutations to universal Guru   who occupies Kanchi Peeta

Who has form of divine  wisdom and grants boons and protection


2.Shiva  prakasa  roopaaya, lokaanaan Papa haarine

Sakruth kadaksha  pathena sarva  shubha hruthe  nama


Salutation  to one  who has  form shining  like Shiva, destroyer of sins of all

Who hath glance which leads you to proper way , and has heart   wishing good for all


3.Budhimathsu varishtaaya , jyothis thejomayaaya  cha

Nama  sankata  nasanaaya, namo mokshapradhaayacha


The best among   the wise having luster  of great shining

Salutations to him who destroys sorrow , salutations to him who gets you salvation


4.AApadh bhandhava  roopaaya, anaadha  rakshakaaya  cha

Nama prathyaksha devaaya, Soka  moha  vinasine


He who has form of friend in danger, who protects  the orphans

SAlutatiions to the God  who can be seen who destroys sorrow  and passion


5.Paramacharya  devaaya, sarva daridrya  nasine

Chandra mouleesa kamakshi  priya bhakthaya  they nama


Salutations to God Paramacharya who destroys  all poverty

Who is dear devotee of Shiva with crescent on head  and Kamakshi, Saluttions to him

6.AArthaanaam aarthi hanthre cha  Bheethaanaam bheetha  nasine

Samasrarnava pothaya, Jagath gurave nama


He who removes suffering to those who suffer, fear  from those who are scared
The ship in ocean of samsara, Salutations  to Guru  of Universe


7.BakthaanaamMukthi daathre cha nama  Sankara  moorthaye

Apara karunaa  Moorthe Paramathman  Namosthuthe


He who grants salvation to his devotees and one who salutes  Lord Shiva

The form of limitless  mercy, Salutation to the  divine  God


8.Veda vedantha  vijnaaya, vidhwa  jana hithaaya cha

Sarveswara  namasthubhyam, Sarva vedajna  Moorthaye


He who is knower of Vedas and vedanthas, Who does good to learned people

I salute  the God of all who has form of knower  of all Vedas


9.Sri Chandra  sekharendraaya yathaye the namo nama

Sarva saubhagya   dathre cha  Kanchi  Gurave nama


Salutations to  t he saint Chandra sekarendra,

Who grants all type of luck and is  the Guru  of Kanchi


10.Kaivalya  navaneethaaya sathya  samrakshakaya cha

Sri  Kanchi kamakotyakhya peetadheesaaya  they nama


He who has butter of  eternal joy , who isprotector of truth

Salutations to him   who is peetadhipathi  of Kanchi  Kama koti peeta


Pala Sruthi

Result of reading


1.Sadh guror dasaka stotram ya padeth  BHakthi poorvvakam

Sarvaabheeshtaan prapadhyet, ashta sidhi  thadhaiva cha


If this prayer of ten stanzas   of  the holyy Guru   is read with devotion

He would get  all his desires fulfilled  and get eight type of occult powers


2.Pratha  kale paden nithyam, roga soka  prasanthaye

Yeka kala paden nithyam, papa  SAthru vinasanam


If you daily read it  in morning, sorrow and disease  would subside

If it is  read once a day , Sins and enemies  would be destroyed


3.Dvi vara ya  paden nithyam aayur aaroghya  vardhanam

Trivara   ya paden nithyam, sarva  karyesh  sidhitham


If it is read once daily for  two weeks, health and life span will improve

If it is read once daily for three weeks , All your actions  would get positive result


Sri Jagath guru nithya smaranena sarveshaam sarva  mangalaani  bhavanthu

By remembering daily  the Jagath guru, for all perons let all good happen 


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