
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Manthras for worshipping Adhi Sankara on his birthday

 Manthras for worshipping Adhi Sankara on his birthday

Adhi Sankara , one of the greatest aacharyas was born in Kaladi Kerala. His father died when he was a young boy . With lot of persuasion and difficulty he got permission from his mother to take Sanyasa and chose Govinda Bhagawat Pada as his Guru. He enunciated and preached the philosophy of Advaitha(no two) . The Hindu religion was in a state of disarray at that time due to the coming out of Budhism and Jainism , who were trying to convert Hindus in to their religion. Apart from that Vamachara worship involving animal sacrifices and strange rites on the cremation ground was also getting popular. Adhisankara was able to bring great discipline in to our great religion of Sanathana Dharma by preaching and convincing his philosophy , reforming and Organizing the worship system of several Gods , Writing commentaries to Brahma Suthra and other Upanishads including Bhagawat Gita , Composing prayers extolling the deities in very many temples across India , and establishing Several Mutts to protect and prosper his philosophic thoughts all over India.It is believed that he did all this within a span of 24 years (from the age of 8 to the age of 32 , when he attained the feet of the Lord.

He is worshipped all over India in various temples. Here is an AShtotharam to worship him. Please do keep an idol of Adhi Sankara or his photo and worship him on his birthday/
Aadhi Sankara Ashtotharam

Translated by


1.Sri Sankaracharya varyaya nama-Salutations to Sankara the best of Preceptors (Teachers)
2,Om Brahmananda pradayakaya nama- Salutations to him who grants divine joy
3.Om Ajana thimiradithyaya nama- Salutations to the Sun who removes darkness of ignorance
4,Om Sujnanambudhi chandramase nama-Salutaions to the moon of the ocean of good divine wisdom
5.Om Varnasrma prathishtathre nama- Salutations to him who established Varnasrama
6.Om Srimathe nama – Salutations to sage blessed by Goddess Lakshmi
7.OM Mukthi pradhayakaya mama- Salutatipnds to sage who leads to salvation.
8.Om Sishyopadesa nirathaya nama-Salutations to sage engaged in teaching his disciples
9,Om Bhakthaabheeshta pradhayakaya nama-Salutations to the saint , who fulfilled the desires of his devotees
10.Om Sookshma thathwa rahasyajnaya nama- Salutations to the saint who kept the deeper meanings secret
11.OmKaryakarya prabodhakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who taught about what is to be done and what is not to be done
12. Om Jnanamudsranchitha karaya nama- Salutations to the saint who used to show the seal of wisdom by his hand.
13.Om Sishyahruth apaharakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who used to steal the heart of his disciples
14.Om Parivrajaasramo udhathre nama- Salutations to the saint who elevated the status of the status of one one observing Sanyasa
15.Om Sarva thanthra swathanthradhiye nama- Salutations to the saint who is the adept of all thanthras as well as gis independent thought
16.Om Advaitha sthapanacharyaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is the teacher who established Advaitha
17.Om Sakshath Sankara roopa druthe nama- Salutations to the saint who took the form of the real God Sankara
18.Om Shanmatha sthapanacharyaya nama- Salutations to the saint who establish the six different sub religions
19.Om Trayi marga prakasakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who threw kl light on the three fold path
20.Om Veda Vedantha thathwajnayai nama- Salutations to the saint who knew the philosophy of Vedas and Vedangas.
21.Om Durwadhi matha khandanaya nama- Salutations to the saint who criticized the religion of those who argued wrongly
22.Om Vairagya nirathaya nama- Salutations to the saint who was engaged in practicing of detachment
23.Om Santhaya nama- Salutations to the saint who was peaceful
24.Om Samsararnava tharakayai nama- Salutations to the saint who helped us cross the ocean of Samsara
25,Om Prasanna vadhanambojayai nama- Salutations to the saint who had a pleased lotus like face
26.Om Paramartha prakasakayai nama- Salutations to the saint who brought out divine meaning(Truth)
27.Om Purana smruthi sarajnaya nama- Salutations to the saint who knew the essence of Vedas and Puranas
28.Om Nithyatrupthaya nama- Salutations to the saint who was forever satisfied.
29.Om Mahathe nama- Salutations to the saint who was very great
30.Om Suchaye nama- Salutations to the saint who was extremely pure
31.Om Nithyanandaya nama- Salutations to the saint who was forever joyful
32.Om Nirathangaya nama- Salutations to the saint who was without worries
33.Om Nissangaya nama- Salutations to the saint who was not attached
34.Om Nirmalathmakayai nama- Salutations to the saint who had a pure soul
35.Om Nirmamaya nama- Salutations to the saint who did not have the thing called “self”
36.Om Nirahankaraya nama- Salutations to the saint who did not have pride
37.Om Viswa vandhya padambujayai nama- Salutations to the saint who had lotus feet worshipped by the world.
38. Om Sathva apradhanayai nama- Salutations to the saint to whom existence was not important
39.Om Sadbhavaya nama- Salutations to the saint who had proper emotions
40.Om Sankhyatheetha gunojwalayai nama- Salutations to the saint who had innumerable shining qualities
41.Om Anaghaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is faultless
42.Om Sara hrudayaya nama- Salutations to the saint who had a meaningful heart
43.Om Sudhiye nama- Salutations to the saint who has a very good understanding
44.OM SAraswatha pradhayaya nama- Salutations to the saint who grants learnedness
45.Om Sathyathmane nama- Salutations to the saint who is a soul of truth
46.Om punyasheelaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is the habit doing blessed deeds
47.Om SAnkhya yoga vichakshanayai nama- Salutations to the saint who has clear understanding of Yoga as well as Sankhya philosophy
48.Om Thaporasyai nama- Salutations to the saint who did heaps of penance
49.Om Mahathejase nama- Salutations to the saint who has great luster
50.Om GUna thraya vibhaga vidhe nama- Salutations to the saint who divided conduct in to three divisions
51,Om Kalignaya nama- Salutations to the saint who destroys evil of Kali age
52.Om Kala Karmagnaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is skilled in dealing with time(death)
53.Om Thamogana nivarakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who avoids base qualities
54.Om BHagavathe nama- Salutations to the saint who is venerable
55.Om Bharathi jethre nama- Salutations to the saint who won over Bharathi
56.Om Sharadhwanapandithaya nama- Salutations to the saint who was the learned man invited by Sharada
57. Om Dharmadharma vibhagajnaya nama- Salutations to the saint who differentiates between Dharma and absence of Dharma
58.Lakshya bhedha pradarsakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who shows us when we change our aim
59.Om Nadha bindhu kalabijnaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is an expert in sound , dots and crescent
60.Om Yogi hrud padma bhaskaraya nama- Salutations to the saint who is sun for the lotus of the mind of Yogis
61. OM Atheendrya jnana nidhaye nama- Salutations to the saint who is the treasure of wisdom beyond the senses
62.Om Nithyanithya vivekavathe nama- Salutations to the saint who has wisdom to recognize permanent and temporary things
63.Om Chidanandaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is divinely/purely joyous
64.Om Chinmayathmane nama- Salutations to the saint who has a soul of pure thought
65,Om Para kaya prevasa kruthe nama- Salutations to the saint who entered in to another’s body.
66.Om Amanushacharithradayaya nama- Salutations to the saint who has unprecedented superhuman story.
67.Om Kshema dhayine nama- Salutations to the saint who gives prosperity
68,Om Kshamakaraya nama- Salutations to the saint who makes others patient.
69.Om Bhavyaya nama- Salutations to the saint who has humility
70.Om Bhadrapradhaya nama- Salutations to the saint who provides safety.
71.Om Bhoorimahimne nama- Salutations to the saint who has abundant greatness.
72.Om Viswa ranjakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who brought unity in the world.
73.Om swaprakasaya nama- Salutations to the saint who has luster of his own.
74.Om Sadadharaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is a permanent support
75.Om Viswabandhane nama- Salutations to the saint who established ties with the world.
76.Om Shubodhayaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is rising of auspiciousness
77.Om Visala Keerthaye nama- Salutations to the saint who has very broad fame
78.Om Vageesaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is the Lord Who controls his words
79.Om Sarva loka hithothsukaya nama- Salutations to the saint who had enthusiasm in bringing good to all the worlds
80.Om Kailasa yathrasampraptha Chandra mouli poojakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who after reaching Mount Kailasa and worshipped Lord Shiva with moon in the crown.
81. Om Kanchyam Sri Chakra rajakhya yanthra sthapana dheekshithaya nama- Salutations to the saint and one learned in Vedas who Consecrated The Sri Chakra in Kanchipura
82.Om SriChakrathmakathatanga thoshithamba manoradhaya nama- Salutations to the saint who gladdened mother Kamakshi by fulfilling her desire , by stamping the soul of Sri Chakra .
83.Om sri Brahmasuthropanishadhad bhashyadhi grandha kalpakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who Wrote the books which were like Kalpaka trees detailing the commentaries on Brahma Suthra and Upanishads.
84.Om Chathurdik chaturamnaya prathishtathre nama- Salutations to the saint who established four Mutts in the four directions .
85.Om Mahamathaye nama- Salutations to the saint who has great intellect
86.Om Dwi sapthathi mathochethre nama- Salutations to the saint who cut off one hundred and forty relegions
87.Om Sarva Digvijaya prabhave nama- Salutations to the saint who is the Lord who travelled and won over others in all four directions.
88.Om Kaashaya vasopathaye nama- Salutations to the saint who wore ochre robes.
89.Om Basmodulitha Vigrahaya nama- Salutations to the saint whose body is coated with sacred ash
90.Om Jnanathmaika dandadyaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is the soul of esoteric wisdom and fines the wealthy
91.Om kamandakulasadkaraya nama- Salutations to the saint who carries the water pot in his hand
92.Om Guru bhoomandalacharyaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is the Guru and teacher to the earth.
93,Om Bhagawatpada samjakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is indicated by name “Bhagawat Pada”
94.Om Vyasa sandarasana preethaya nama- Salutations to the saint who was pleased by visit of sage Vyasa
95.Om Rishyasrunga pureswaraya nama- Salutations to the saint who was the lord of Rishyasrungapura (Sringeri)
96.Om Saundaryalahari mukhya bahu stotra vidhayakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who composed Saundarya Lahari(Wave of beauty) and several other important prayers.
97.Om Chathusashti kalabijnaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is conversant with sixty four arts
98.Om Brahma Rakshasa mokshadhaya nama- Salutations to the saint who gave salvation to Brahma Rakshas
99.Om Sriman Mandanamishrakhya swayambhoojaya sannuthaya nama- Salutations to the saint who appeared before Mandana Mishra and worshipped of his own.
100.Om THotakacharya sampoojyaya nama- Salutations to the saint who was worshipped by THotakacharya
101.Om Padmapadarchithangrikaya nama- Salutations to the saint who was worshipped by Padmapadha and established a branch
102.Om Hasthamalaka yogeendra brahma jnana pradhayakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who gave knowledge of Brahman to the king of Yogis Hasthamalaka
103.Om Sureswarakhyasacchishya sanyasrama dhayakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who gave SAnyasa to Sureswaracharya and other disciples
104.Om Nrusimhabhakthaya nama- Salutations to the saint who is the devotee of Lord Narasimha
105.Om Sadrathnagarbha Herabha poojakaya nama- Salutations to the saint who worshipped Lord Herambha(Ganesa) who was filled with jewels.
106.Om Vyakhya simhasanadhesaya nama- Salutations to the saint who was the lord of the throne of commentators.
107.Om Jagatpoojyaya nama- Salutations to the saint who was worshipped by all the world
108.Om Jagat gurave nama- Salutations to the saint who is the Guru(teacher) of the world.

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