
Thursday, October 3, 2024

Murari Pancharathnam

Murari  Pancharathnam


Translated  by



Sri Murari Pancharathnam is the Slokam in praise of and in prayer to Lord Sri Maha Vishnu. Lord Vishnu has got the name Murari as He had destroyed the demon named Mura.



यत्सेवनेन पित्रु मात्रु सहोदराणां
चित्तं मोहमहिमा मलिनं करोति
इत्थं समीक्ष्य तव भक्त जनान् मुरारे
मूकोऽस्मि तेऽङ्घ्रि कमलं तद तीव धन्यम् (1)


Yath  sevane na  pithru  mathru  sahaodharaanaam

Chitham   na  moha  mahima malinam  kaothi

Itham  sameekshya thava  baktha   janaan  Muraare

Mookosmi  they angry  kamalam, thadha    atheeva  dhanyam


By  not doing service to father  , mother  and  brothers

Do not make  dirty  the mind due  to passion and praise

Oh killer  of Mura   knowing this  your  devotees

Make  me  dumb, your lotus like feet , makes me greatly  indebted



ये ये विलग्न मनसः सुखमाप्तु कामाः
ते ते भवन्ति जगदुद्भव मोह शून्याः
द्रुष्ट्वा विनष्ट धनधान्य ग्रुहान् मुरारे
मूकोऽस्मि तेऽङ्घ्रि कमलं तद तीव धन्यम् (2)


Ye ye  vilagna manasa  sukham  aapthu  Kaamaa

They  they  bhavanthi jagad   udhbhava  moha   sunyaa

DRushtaa   vinashta dhana  dhanya  gruhaan murare

Mookosmi  they angry  kamalam, thadha    atheeva  dhanyam


These these  slender  minds  that makes  desire   as  pleasure

They they  would make the universe bereft of  passion of production

Oh killer  of Mura seeing  the homes bereft of  money and grains

Makes  me  dumb, your lotus like feet  makes me greatly  indebted




वस्त्राणि दिग्वलय मावसतिः श्मशाने
पात्रं कपालमपि मुण्ड विबुऊषणानि ornaments
रुद्रे प्रसादमचलं तव वीक्ष्य शौरे
मूकोऽस्मि तेऽङ्घ्रि कमलं तद तीव धन्यम् (3)


Vasthraani   digvalaya , mavasathi  smasane

Pathram  kapalam api  munda  bibuvukshanani

Rudre   prasadam    achalam   thava  veekshya   sareere

Mookosmi  they angry  kamalam, thadha    atheeva  dhanyam



He uses  the directions  as dress  , he  lives  in cremation ground

The alms vessel  he caarries  is a  skull, he uses  dead bodies as  ornaments

Rudra  was pleased , not moving, and    the body  you looked at is  this ,

Makes  me  dumb, your lotus like feet  makes me greatly  indebted


यत्कीर्तिगायनपरस्य विधातृसूनोः
कौपीनमैणमजिनं विपुलां विभूतिम्
स्वस्यार्थ दिग्भ्रमणमीक्ष्य तु सार्वकालं
मूकोऽस्मि तेऽङ्घ्रिकमलं तदतीव धन्यम् 4

Yath keerthi gayana parasya  vidhathu  soono

Kaupeenam auNam ajinam  vipulaam vibhuthim

Swasya artha  dig bramana meeksya thu    saarva kalam

Mookosmi  they angry  kamalam, thadha    atheeva  dhanyam


Oh  son of learned  person  singing   the  fame  of others

Wearing loin cloth  , and wild animal fur   and sacred ash

And for sake of health   travelling  in all directions all the time

Makes  me  dumb, your lotus like feet  makes me greatly  indebted


यद्वीक्षणे धृतधियामशनं फलादि
वासोऽपि निर्जिनवने गिरिकन्दरासु
वासांसि वल्कलमयानि विलोक्य चैवं
मूकोऽस्मि तेऽङ्घ्रिकमलं तदतीव धन्यम् 5

Yadh  veekshane  drutha   dhiyam  asanam  phalaadhi

Vaasopi nirjana   vane giri  kanda  rasu

Vaasamsi  valkala mayaani  vilokya  chaivam

Mookosmi  they angry  kamalam, thadha    atheeva  dhanyam


With his  look of intelligence , with  his food  being fruits

Living in a bare  forest with  mounts   and caves

Dressing with tree bark and being   visible, he

Makes  me  dumb, your lotus like feet  makes me greatly  indebted


स्तोत्रं पादाम्बुजस्यैतच्छ्रीशस्य विजितेन्द्रियः
पठित्वा तत्पदं याति श्लोकार्थज्ञस्तु यो नरः 6

Stotram padambhujasyai thachr eesasya  vijithendriya

Padithvaa thath padham yathi  slokarthajnasthu   yo nara


The prayer  from the lotus  like feet   of god  will make  you win over  his sense organs

By the man who reads with verse  along  with its meaning

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