Friday, May 19, 2017

Do Parayana of Bhagawad Gita daily

Do Parayana of  Bhagawad  Gita daily

      Here is an easy shortcut to  do Parayana  of Bhagawad gita daily  . First  read  the Dhyanam   and then the Ashta dasa   Gita  given  as the second part. This  can be easily done by you

Part I .Bhagawad Gita Dhyanam
(Priminary prayer  to get prepared  to read  Gita)

Translated by

(Those who  do Parayana of Bhagawad Gita, should chant this  prayer before starting reading  Gita. This remarkable prayer   brings out the greatness  of Bhagawad Gita brilliantly.  I do not know who is the author of this Dhyanam.)

1.Om Parthaya  prathi boditham   bhagawathaa  narayanena swayam,
Vyasaena grahitham  Purana muninaa  madhye Mahabaratham,
Advaithamrutha varshaneem  bhagawtheem  ashta dasa dhyayineem,
Ambaa thwaam  anusandadhami  bhagwad geethaa bhava dweshineem.

That which was taught   to Arjuna  by Lord Narayana  himself,
Which  was written  by the epic sage  Vyasa in the middle of Mahabaratha,
Oh Mother goddess who showers the nectar of advaitha  called the Bhagawad Gita ,
Which has  eighteen chapters , I meditate  on you mother who  removes all past karma

2. Namosthuthe  Vyasa vishala budhe, phullaravindata tha  pathra nethra,
Yena thwayaa Bharatha thaila poorna   prajjvalitho jnanamaya pradheepa.

Salutations to Vyasa  who has immense intellect , who has eyes like petals of a lotus flower,
Who has   filled up  the  oil   to the lamp of  Mahabaratha , and lighted it  to pinpoint wisdom.

3.Prapanna parijataya , totra vetraika panaye  ,
Jnana mudhraaya Krishnaaya   geethamritha duhe nama.

Salutations to Krishna  who is a wish giving tree, who holds a cane to drive the cattle ,
Who also shows the seal   of Jnana  , and gave  us all the nectar  of Gita.

4.Sarvaopanishadho gaavo dogdhaa Gopala Nandana,
Parthoo vathsa  sudheer bhokthaa  dugdam Geetamritham mahath.

All the Upanishads are the cows and Krishna is the one who milks them,
Arjuna  is the calf , The devotees are the consumers  of the great nectar  of Gita.

5.Vasudeva sutham devam kamsa Chanoora mardhanam,
Devaki paramanandam  Krishnam vande Jagat  Gurum.

I salute the teacher of the world , who is the son of Vasudeva ,
Who killed Kamsa and Chanoora  and  is the one who gave divine joy to Devaki.

6.Bheeshma  drona   thata  jayadradha jalaa , Gandhaara neelothphala,
Shalyaaa grahavathee , kripena vahanee , karnena Velakulaa,
Aswathama Vikarnaa  ghora Makaraa  Duryodhana varthinee,
Sotheerno kalu Pandavai , rana nadhee kaivarthaka Kesava.

Bheeshma and Drona were two banks , Jayadrada was the water, Sakuni the king of Gandhara was the blue lotus,
Salya was the crocodile , Kripa was the tide , Karna was the mighty wave,
Aswathama and Vikarna were the dangerous alligators  and Duryodhana was the whirlpool,
And the Pandavas   crossed this river of war with  Krishna as their helmsman.

7.Parashrayaa vacha sarojamamalam   Geethartha  gandothkatam,
Nanakhyanaka kesaram harikatha sambodhanaa bodhitham,
Loke sajjana  shat padairaharaha pepeyamaanam mudhaa,
Bhooyad   Bharatha  pankajam  kali mala pradhwamsina shreyase.

Let the lotus flower of Mahabharata, which arose from the water,
Which are  the words of  son of Parasara, which has the pollen grains of different stories,
Which is taught in the form of stories of Lord Vishnu ,
That is  drunk by  the honey bee   of   very good people,
Help those  who want to remove  the ills of Kali age.

8.Mookam karothi vaachaalam  , pankhum lankayathe  girim,
Yath krupa thaham vandhe Paramananda madhavam.

I salute that Madhava  of divine joy , whose graceful mercy,
Makes the dumb as master of words  and the lame  to cross the mountain.

9.Yam brahmaVaruna indrua Rudra maruthsthunvanthi divyai sthavai,
Vedai saang padakrama upanishadair gayanthi  yam SAmaga,
Dhyanasthitha thadgadaina manasa  pasyanthi  yam Yogino,
Yasyaantham na vidhu surasura ganaa  devaaya thasmai nama.

I salute him who  is worshipped by divine chants by  Brahma, Varuna, Indra , Rudra  and Vayu,
Who is pleased by singers of Sama Veda by   singing Vedas and Upanishads  by following the word sequence,
Who is seen by yogis who are absorbed in him, with their mind merging in him,
And whose   end is  not known even by   the hoards  of devas  and Asuras.

Part II. Ashta Dasa  Sloki
(a selection of one sloka from each chapter  of tyhe Bhagawad gita   for daily  Parayana  Purpose by a great divine  soul,   so that people can do the Parayana  of Gita daily)

I saw this great selection Kamksha vijayam Krishna na cha Rajayam Sukhani cha,
Kim no  Rajyena Govinda kim bhogair  jeevithena va  1.32

I do not desire victory Krishna, or country or pleasure,
What is the use in having this country Govinda,
And what is the use in having a pleasure filled life?
For what is the point in having a country or even life 1.32

Najaayathe   mriyathe  vaa kadhaa  china, Naayam bhoothwaa  bhavithaa  vaa na bhooya,
Ajoo nithya saswatho  ayam purano , Na hanyathe hanyamaano sareere  2.20

This soul is never born nor ever dies,
It never comes to existence and later vanishes,
And this soul which is permanent, perennial and old,
Never dies when the body dies. 20

THathwa vithu  Mahaa baaho  guna karma  vibhaagayo,
Gunaa  Guneshu  Varthanthaithi mathwaa  na sajjathe  .3-28

But , oh great warrior, he who knows,
The differentiation and function of the senses,
Would understand that these senses,
Would act through sense objects,
And would never get attached to them.. 28

Brahmarpanam Nrahma havirbrahmagnai  Brahmana hutham,
Brahmaiva  thena  ganthavyam  Brahma karma samaadhinaa.  4-24

The act of sacrifice is God,
The material that is being sacrificed is God,
This material is being sacrificed in fire which is god,
This sacrifice that is being performed is by God,
And so the one who attains the Samadhi,
By performing actions, attains God. 24

Vidhya vinaya  sampanno Brahmane gavi  hasthini,
Suni chaiva   swapaake   cha pandithaa  samadasana.  5-18

The learned view with equanimity,
The humble or a wise Brahmin,
Or a cow, or an elephant or a dog,
Or the one who eats a dog. 18

Sana  sanairuparameddhudhyaa druthi grahithayaa,
AAthma samsatham  mana  kruthwaa  na kim   chidapi chinthayeth.  6.26

When the listless and unstable,
Mind wanders hither and thither,
It should be brought under control,
By using the self alone, 26

Bhoomirapo  analo vaayu   kham  mano budhoreva cha ,
Ahankaara  mitheeyam   may BHinnaa  prakruthirashtadha, 7-4
My nature is split in to,
The eight fold division of,
Earth, water, fire, air, ether,
Mind, wisdom and pride. 4

OM ithyekaksharam  Brahmaa  vyaaharan maam anusmaran,
Ya prayaathi  thyajan deham  sa yaathi parmam Gathim. 8-13

Chanting the letter “Om”,
Which is the single letter Brahman,
And leaves his body,
With my thought in his mind,
Attains the highest ever state. 13

Anayaachinthayantho maam  ye janaa  Paryupaasathe ,
Theeshaam   nithyaabhiyukthaanaam  yogakshemam   vahamyaham  9-22

I look after the welfare of those,
Stable minded and great devotees,
Who do not think of anything except me,
And worship me through meditation. 22

Adha vaa bahunaithena   ki Jnaathena   thavaarjuna,
Vishatabyaaham idham kruthsna ekaamsena  sthitho jagath.  10-42

But Arjuna. ,What advantage would you get,
By the knowledge of these and please understand,
That I am firmly supporting all the worlds,
Using a small portion of my divine power. 42 

Arjuna Uvacha
Sthaane   Hrishikesa  thava prakeerthyaa,jagathprahrushyathyaanurujyathe cha  ,
Rakshaamsi bheethanidhiso dravanthi  sarve namasyanthi cha Sidha Sanghaa. 11-36

Arjuna asked:-

It is only proper that the world becomes extremely joyous,
And becomes attracted by the singing your praise,
And the rakshasas get frightened and run everywhere
And all the host of perfected beings are saluting you. 36

Anapekshaa  suchirdaksha udhaaseeno  gathavyadha,
SAravaaramba parithyaagi  yo mad bhaktha sa may  priya   12-16

That great devotee is very dear to me,
Who does not want anything, who is pure,
Who is clever, who is extremely indifferent,
Who is never troubled and does not start.
Any action aiming at fruits of such action. 16

Kshethra kshetrajnayorevamantharam  Jnana  Chakshusha  ,
Bhootha prakruthi moksham cha ye   vidhuryaanthi they param.  13.34

Those who perceive the difference between,
The nature and the Supreme Purusha,
And see through their eye of knowledge,
That all beings that are born merge in nature,
Reach and merge with the supreme Self. 34

Sri BHagavanuvacha
Prakaasam   cha pravruthim  cha mohameva   cha paandava  ,
Na dweshti   sampravruthaani cha nivruthani kaamkshathi . 14-22

The God said:-

Oh Pandava, the transcended one does not hate,
The light of the mind due to Sathwa,
The state of activity due to Rajas,
The state of delusion due to Thamas,
When these properties come up,
And he does not feel sorry when they cease. 22

Aham Vaiswanaro  bhoothraa praaninaam deham aasritha,
Pranaa pana  samayukthaa  pacgamyannam chathurvidham. 15-14

Becoming the digestive fire of all beings,
And uniting myself with the exhaled and inhaled breath,
I digest all the four types of food* which is consumed. 14
*Food that is eaten, swallowed, sucked or chewed.

Ya saastra vidhi muthsrujya varthathe  kama  Kaaratha,
Na sa  sidhimavapnothi  na sukham na paraam gathi,m.  16.23

Oh Arjuna , that man who avoids these,
Three dark paths to hell and follows,
What would bring good to himself ,
Goes towards the supreme goal and reaches it. 22 

Anudwegakaram  bvaakhyam   sathyam priyaahitham   cha yath,
Swaadhyaabhaasanam  chaiva  vaangmayam   thapa uchyathe.  17-15

Talking of words that does not hurt,
Talking that which is truth, that which is dear,
That which causes good and
Recitation of the Veda that one has learnt ,
Is termed as the vocal austerity. 15

Nashto moho   smruthir labdhaa thwath prasaadgaan mayaachyutha,
Sthitho asmi Gatha  SAndeha   karishyo  vachanam thava,  18.73

My delusion is completely destroyed,
And by your grace, I have regained my wisdom,
And Oh Achyutha, since my doubts are gone,
I will be firm and do as you told me. 73

Yathra  Yogeeswara  Krishno yahra parthaa  dhanurdhara ,
THathra Srirvijayo  bhoothir druvaa neethirmathirmama  18-78

My firm conviction is that, wherever there is Krishna,
Who is the Lord of Yoga and wherever there is Arjuna,
The great wielder of the bow, there is prosperity and victory. 78

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