Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sri Santhana Ganesa Stotram

Sri Santhana  Ganesa   Stotram

Translated by

(Here  is a rare prayer   addressed  to Lord Ganesa , Requesting him to give us a son

1.Namosthu   Gana nadhaaya , Sidhi Budhi yutaya cha,
SArva  pradhaaya devaaya  , puthra  vrudhi prathaya   cha

Salutation  to Lord Of Ganas who is along   with Sidhi and Budhi,
Who gives    everything   and  also gives   birth of a son

2.Guru tharaaya  Gurave  Gopthre   guhya sthithayathe  ,
Gopyaya kopitha  sesha  bhuvanaya Chithathmane.

Oh  Guru   who is the  greatest , who is   secretive  and lives  in secret ,
Who hides   his anger    and is divine   soul of the world..

3.Viswamoolaaya bhavyaya, viswa srishti  karayathe,
Namo  namasthe sathyaya sathya  poornaaya  Gandine

Oh God  who is the root of the  world, who has humility, who is the  cause of creation  of the world,
Salutations   and salutations to   you who is truth   , who is full of truth and  who has broken tusk.

4.Eka danthaya sudhaya sumukhaya  namo nama,
Prapanna  jana paalaaya, prantharthi  vinasine

Oh God  who has only one tusk, who is pure , who  has a pleasant face, Salutations,
You  look after  those who surrender to you  and  you destroy wants of  those  who salute  you.

5,SAranam bhava   devesa   santhathim  sudrudam kuru,
Bhavishyanthi ye puthraa   math kule  gana  Nayakam

May salutations   be yours oh lord of devas,. Make my   children healthy,
Let such   sons of my clan become leaders   of the group.

6.Deva  Sarve  thava  poojaartham nirthayur   varo matha  ,
Puthra  pradhamidham   stotram   SArva   AAsthi pradhayakam

Oh God for   sake of your worship, may my rest of life be dedicated,
And  let this prayer for getting son    give   all prosperity

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