Thursday, March 30, 2017

Sri Kanchi Mahaswami suprabatha dasakam

Sri Kanchi Mahaswami   suprabatha   dasakam
(The ten verse   song of waking up  of the great   Saint of Kanchi)

Translated by

(This is great Suprabatham    meant to  wake up Maha periyvaa of Kanchi.   Again thanks to Geetha Kalyan who sent me a book   today    containing  this great prayer)

1.Sri Maha Lakshmi   SAnthana   swaminadha  dhaya nidhe,
Sri   Chandra shekara  Guro   bhavathu   they suprabatham

Oh Swaminadha    son of Mahalakshmi  who is the treasure  of mercy,
A very  good morning   to   you oh Swami Chandrashekara   Guru.

2.Subrahmanyarya   vamsa jatha   sruthi sara  swaroopine ,
Bhagavath SAnkaracharya    bhavathu   they suprabatham

Oh personification of essence of Vedas who was born in the  clan of Gentleman  Subrahmanya ,
A very  good morning   to   you oh God like  Sankaracharya.

3.Uthishta swamyanushtaanaath   jagad guru  maha prabho,
Kama koti Matesaaya    bhavathu   they suprabatham

Oh   Great lord  who is the Guru of   the universe, please get up for doing  your morning  rituals,
A very  good morning   to   you , the chief   of Kama  Koti peeta.

4.Nirgunaaya  , nirmalaaya  , maayatheetha   swaroopine,
Atmavidhaam varenyaya     bhavathu   they suprabatham

Oh  saint whose   form is above Maya, who  does  not  have any  properties  and who is very pure,
A very  good morning   to   you , Oh   the greatest  person among those  who have souls.

5.Saadhu sanga samoohaaya  sarvajna    sarva saakshine,
Sathya dharma  sareeraaya bhavathu   they suprabatham.

Oh   the all knowing one of   the collection of saints, who is witness   for everything,
A very good morning to you  , Oh saint   with truth   and  dharma   as your body.

6.Veda sasthra surakshartha sanyasyasa  thilakanvithe,
Seegram aagacha bhagwan  dehi may  divya darsanam,.

Oh saint   who   took up Sanyasa   for protecting   Vedas  and Sastras,
Oh God,  please  arrive quickly   and grant me   the sight of your divine  form.

7.Nirahara  vinidraaya nirmohaaya   niranjana ,
Apraakrutha   sareeaaya    trilokyam  mangalam kuru.

Oh full moon    who  existed without food  , without sleep  and without desires,
Oh saint with  unusual   body , make  the three  worlds auspicious

8.Sampoorna kalyana guna , sachidananda  maha guro,
Athyadbutha    charithraaya trilokyam mangalam  kuru,

Oh great Guru   who has all auspicious  characters and who is divinely happy,
Oh saint  with   greatly   wonderful story , make the three  worlds auspicious.

9.AAdhi madhyaantha  rahitha  characharamayaanvithe  ,
Adiuthaaya   asokaaya , trilokyam mangalam kuru.

Oh saint without beginning   , middle or end  , who is followed by  all moving and not  moving beings,
Oh wonderful saint   oh saint without    sorrow  , make   the three   worlds auspicious.

10.Yasya niswasitham  vedaa, sareeram dharmameva cha  ,
Thasya  sad guru varyasya  keerthim vardathu   vardathu.

Thus  sighs   the Vedas, the body   as well as Dharma ,
And by that  let  that Great Guru’s  fame increase  m increase.

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