Thursday, April 8, 2021

Précis of the whole of the Bhagawad Gita in 45 verses


Précis of the whole of the Bhagawad  Gita  verses

(The following 45 shlokas give you a complete précis of the whole of the Bhagawad  Gita)


Says sri  Visvanatha Krishnamurthy,

A great scholar and authority  on Indian Philosophy

Translations of verses of Gita



Chapter 4 :18-24 How to do things?

That man indeed is greatly intelligent,
Who sees inaction in action,
And action in inaction,
And he being a greatly Wise man,
Would do all his actions with a peaceful mind. 18

That man whose actions are devoid,
Of sensory gratification and determination
Is the one in whom the fire of his wisdom,
Has burnt his actions and is declared as ‘learned’,
By those who have very great wisdom. 19

He forsakes interest in results of his actions,
And is always satisfied with his life,
And also does not depend on any one,
And is seen to indulge in concentrated action,
But is perceived as one who does not do anything. 20

He is without any desires and controls his mind and body,
He forsakes ownership of all assets and only does,
Those actions which are absolutely necessary ,
And never suffers any bad effects at any time. 21

He becomes happy with anything that he gets accidentally,
He is the one who has crossed the state of duality,
He is without jealousy, has same emotions towards victory and defeat,
And he does not get tied up by his action in spite of doing it. 22

He is always without attachment, free from everything,
And concentrates his mind on wisdom only,
And his actions done with the spirit of sacrifice,
Vanish because they are completely dissolved. 23

The act of sacrifice is God,
The material that is being sacrificed is God,
This material is being sacrificed in fire which is god,
This sacrifice that is being performed is by God,
And so the one who attains the Samadhi,
By performing actions, attains God. 24


Chapter 5-what one should become ultimately


Those whose mind is set on God,
Those who think God is their soul,
Those who remain in the concept of God,
And those who consider God as their refuge,
Attain the state of no return ,
With their sins being winnowed off by wisdom. 17

The learned view with equanimity,
The humble or a wise Brahmin,
Or a cow, or an elephant or a dog,
Or the one who eats a dog. 18

Those whose mind stands with equanimity,
Have won over re birth here in this world itself,
For the ultimate truth is equal and faultless,
And due to that they stay with the ultimate truth. 19

He who realizes the ultimate truth,
Would have a very stable mind,
Would be devoid of any desires,
Would attain the life he likes,
Would not get elated with joy,
Or get sorry when he gets what he dislikes. 20

He who does not have attachment,
To the pleasure provided by the external,
Realizes the pleasure given by the soul,
And with his mind standing with ultimate truth,
He realizes the bliss, which never decays. 21

Oh son of Kunthi, those pleasures from the external,
Are really the birthplace of all sorrows,
For they have a beginning and an end,
And so the wise man will not derive joy from them. 22

He who has strength to control emotions ,
Caused due to passion and anger,
Even before he leaves his own body,
Is the one who is steadfast in yoga,
And he is the only human being who enjoys. 23

He who has well being within him,
He who has joy within himself,
He who is enlightened within himself,
That Yogi is the Brhamam even when he is alive,
And would get salvation by becoming absolutely free. 24

Those sages within whom, sins erode,
Within whom doubts fade away,
Within whom senses are under control,
And who wants only to do well to all others,
Would get salvation with absolute freedom. 25

Those sages who get freedom from desire and anger,
Who have mind which is peaceful and contended,
And who are able to realize their souls,
Would get salvation within this and in other worlds. 26

Ch.6 - shlokas 19 to23: the path

The wise men compare the non flickering,
Lamp kept in a windless place ,
To the controlled mind of the yogi,
Practicing yoga within his self . 19

One should know that, that is called yoga,
When the mind which is controlled,
By practice of concentration, gets settled,
In which the self seeks the self and realizes the self,
And gets happiness in the self itself,
In which that state of bliss is realized,
Which is limitless, known only to the intellect,
Which is beyond the reach of senses,
In which one establishes himself,
And never moves down from it ,
Which position once attained,
Makes one feel that no other gain,
Is better than that state ,
And which position once attained,
Makes one feel that no great sorrow is worth worrying about.
This type of yoga which is worth practicing,
Should be learnt with strong mind and perseverance. 20-23
Ch.9 - shlokas16 to 19  god tells   who he is?


I am the rituals, I am the sacrifice,
I am the offering to the manes,
I am the medicine , I am the chants,
I am the ghee, I am the fire ,
And I am also the sacrificial offering in the fire. 16

I am the father and mother of this world,
I look after it, I am its grandpa, further,
I am the one to be understood,
I am purity , I am the letter “Om”,
And I am the Rik, Yajur and Sama Vedas. 17

I am the goal , I am the sustainer,
I am the Lord, I am the witness,
I am the abode, I am the refuge,
I am the friend, I am the source,
I am the destroyer, I am the support,
I am the repository and the eternal seed. 18

Oh Arjuna, I give rise to heat ,
I restrain and let loose the rain,
I am the death as well as immortality,
I am the existence and non existence. 19


Ch 13: 12 to 17; what is path of Brahman

I will now tell you about that,
Which should be achieved and,
When achieved leads to deathlessness.
For that is the highest, birth less Brahman,
Which is neither a being nor a non being. 12

It has arms and legs everywhere,
It has eyes, head and mouth everywhere,
And it has ears everywhere and exists,
Pervading everything in the world. 13

Though it exists in the actions of sense organs,
It is completely bereft of all sense organs,
Though it is unattached to anything,
It sustains everything, though it is without properties,
It is the prime protector of all properties,
Though it is outside of all beings, it is also inside,
Though it is moving , it is also not moving,
And being subtle, it is difficult to understand,
And though it is far away , it is very near. 14-15

Though it is an undivided in beings,
It appears as if it is divided and,
It is known as the creator,
Maintainer and destroyer of beings. 16

It is described as the light of lights,
And is also mentioned as beyond darkness,
And it exists in the heart of every being,
As the knowledge, that is to be known,
And as that one which can be attained by knowledge. 17


Ch.13: 27 to 31:What will you  achieve  by following Gita


He who is able to see that great God,
Who exists equally in all things and ,
As Imperishable in all perishable objects ,sees me. 27

Seeing that God who abides
Equally everywhere, he reaches
The higher self by , not denying the real self . 28

He only sees, who sees that,
Only nature does all the actions of the world,
And knows that the soul is inactive. 29

When he realizes in his mind ,
That the diversity of beings,
Ultimately belong to one source,
And they also emanate from one source,
He himself becomes the ultimate Brahman. 30

Oh son of Kunthi, the supreme self*,
Which is indestructible and without beginning,
And which is bereft of any properties,
Does not act , even if it is in the body,
Nor is it attached to anything. 31
*supreme soul/Brahman


Ch.18: 49 to 56  Lord Krishna  Summarises  Gita

With unattached intellect , subdued heart,
And not having any desire at all,
And by renunciation , one attains ,
Freedom from action and Supreme perfection. 49

Oh son of Kunti, learn from me now,
How by reaching such supreme perfection,
One attains the everlasting goal,
Which is the supreme consummation. 50

He is fit to attain the everlasting goal,
Who has pure intellect, has fortitude,
Has controlled his body and senses,
Subdued sound and other senses,
Has abandoned hatred and attraction,
Has retired to a very lonely spot,
Eats little, has controlled body , speech and mind,
Is engaged in meditation and Yoga,
Is dispassionate, has forsaken egoism,
Pride, power, lust, wealth and property,
Is peaceful and is free from me and mine. 51-53

Attaining the supreme goal,
He becomes peaceful,
Neither desires nor grieves,
And is same to everyone,
And has great devotion to me. 54

By devotion he really understands me,
As to who and what I am,
And having thus known me,
He enters and merges with me. 55

Even after doing all actions.
But by taking refuge in me,
By my grace, he will attain,
My feet which is eternal and stable. 56