Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Guruvayupuresa Mangala Stuti

गुरुवायु पुरेश मङ्गल स्तुति ||
Guruvayupuresa Mangala Stuti

Translated by

श्री  कृष्णाय  मुकुन्दाय  श्रीराजद्दिव्यवर्ष्मणे
गुरुवायुपुरेशाय जगदीशाय  मङ्गलं ||||

Sri Krishnaya  Mukundaya , sri Raja  divya varshmane
Guruvatha  puresaya jagadheesaya  Mangalam

To Sri Krishna, Mukunda, he who is the top of  royal divinity
To lord of Guruvayur  , to  lord of the world, Mangalam(auspiciousness)

करुणार्द्रमनस्काय  तरुणारुणरोचिषे  |
गुरुवायुपुरेशाय हृषीकेशाय मङ्गलं  ||||

Karunardra  manaskaya tharunaruna  rochishe,
Guruvatha puresaya   hrishi kesaya  mangalam

 To him  whose mind  is wet with mercy,to one who shines like young sun
To lord of Guruvayur, to lord Rishikesa  , auspiciousness

विश्वपालनदीक्षाय  विश्वसन्तापहारिणे
गुरुवायुपुरेशाय वासुदेवाय  मङ्गलं ॥३॥

Viswa palana deekshaaya viswa santhapa  haarine,
Guruvayupuresaya   vasudevaya  mangalam

To him who has taken a decision to  look after the woprld, who removes sorrow of the world,
To Lord of Guruvayur, to Vasudeva   auspiciousness

भवाब्द्धितारकायाऽब्जभवाभीष्टद  कर्मणे
गुरुवायु  पुरेशाय नन्दपुत्राय  मङ्गलं ॥४॥

BHavabdhi  tharakaayabja bhavabheeshtadha  karmane,
Guruvayu puresaya nanda  puthraya  mangalam

To him who makes cross  ocean of karma, who doest acts  desired by  billions,
To lord of Guruvayur, and to son of Nanda  , auspiciousness

पयोधिकन्यापतये  पयोदोपम  मूर्तये
गुरुवायुपुरेशाय नन्दपुत्राय  मङ्गलं॥५॥ 

Payodhi kanyaa  pathaye  payodhopama  moorthaye
Guruvayu puresaya nanda  puthraaya  mangakam

To the husband of daughter of ocean of milk, who has form comparable to cloud,
To  lord of Guruvayur and to son of Nanda  , auspiciousness

तापापनोदलोलाय पापारण्यदवाग्नये
गुरुवायुपुरेशाय देवदेवाय  मङ्गलं ॥६॥

Thapa panodha lolaayaa paparanya  davagnaye
Guruvayu puresaya deva devaya  mangalam

To him who is mad after  fresh butter, who is the fire that  burns  fire of sins,
To lord of Guruvayur, to the god of gods  , auspiciousness

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