Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sri Venkatesa Dwadasa Nama Stotram

Sri Venkatesa Dwadasa Nama Stotram
(The prayer of twelve names   addressed to Lord Venkatesa)

Translated by

1,Venkateso , Vasudeva  , varijasana vandhita ,
Swami Pushkarani vasa , Shanka chakra Gadha dhara

1, Lord of Venkata mountain , son of Vasudeva ,Lord saluted by Lord Brahma,
He who lives in temple tank at Thirupathi , The lord   who carries the conch  and the wheel.

2,peethambaradhao   deva  , Garudarooda shobhitha  ,
Viswathma, Viswalokesa   Vijayo  Venkateswara

He who wears yellow silk , God, He who shines   riding on Garuda ,
The soul of the universe , Lord  of the universe , The victorious one  , The God  of Venkata.

3.Yethath   dwadasa naamani   trisandhyam ya paden nara  ,
Sarva papa nirmuktho  Vishno   sayujyamapnuyath.

If a human being reads   these   twelve names  ,
At dawn , noon and dusk  , he would get rid of all sins,
And  make his own   the world of Lord Vishnu.

Kamala Kavacham

Kamala  Kavacham
(Armour of Goddess Lakshmi )

From  “Viswasara  Thanthra”

Sri Ganseaya  Nama
Salutations to Lord Ganesa

Om asya  chathurakshara  Vishnu  Vanithaaya  ,
Kavachasya  Sri BHagwan    Shiva Rishi,
Anushtup chanda  , Vaghbhavaa   devatha,
Vaagbhavam bheejam  , Lajja Shakthi  ,
Remaa Keelakam  Kamabheejathmakjam    Kavacham,
Mama Shukavithva  Pandithya   samrudhi   sidhaye  Pate  viniyoga.

Om For the armour of the four lettered lady of Lord Vishnu  ,
The saint is God Shiva  , The meter is  Anushtup  ,
She who provides speech is Goddess, The root is  the power of speech,
The power is shyness  , Goddess Lakshmi is the nail ,
The armour is the root power    of   passion
And this is being chanted   for getting pleasure  ,   wisdom   and prosperity.
I  am starting   the   reading.

1,Iymkaro   masthake   pathu  Vaghbhavaam    SArva sidhidhaa  ,
Hreem pathu    Chakshshor madhye   chakshur  yugme  cha saankari.

Let sound Iym  protect my head  and the power of speech  be protected  by The all powerful one ,
Let “Hreem”   protect the middle of my eyes abd Sankari protect both my eyes.

2.JIhvaayaam  , mUkha vruthe   cha Karnayor danthayonisi .
Oshat adharo   Dantha pankthou  thalu moole   hanou puna ,

3.Pathu maam Vishnu vanithaa  Lakshmi Sri varna  roopini,
Karna   yugme   buja dwandhe   sthana dwandhe   cha Parvathi.

Let my toungue, round of face  , ears  ,  joints of teeth  ,
Lips  ,   the    teeth  , palate    as well as jaw  ,
Be protect by Lakshmi   the  lady  of Lord Vishnu  who is the colour of wealth
The twi ears  , two hands   as well as  two breasts  be protected  by Parvathi.

4.Hrudhaye   , mani bhandhe  cha grevaayaam   parsvayor  dhvayo,
Prushta dese   thadhaa guhye   vame cha dakshine thadhaa ,

5.Upasthe cha nithambe  cha  Nabhou   Janga dwaye puna  ,
Januchakre , Pada dwandhe   ghutike   anguli moolake  ,

6.Swadhaa   thu   prana shakthyaam    vaa   seemaanyaam  masthake  thadhaa,
SArvaange   pathu  Kamessi  maha devi samunnathi
Let my heart , wrists   neck  , both my sides  ,
Back  , private  parts   , right   as well as  left  ,
Penis  ,  buttocks  belly , two thighs  , the knee joints,
The two legs  , the orifices  , the joints of fingers ,
The comfort, the power of soul , the other limits  and the head
Be all protected by wife of Lord Shiva  , the greatest goddess  who is on the top.

7.Pushti pathu  mahaa maya    uthkushti   sarvadhaa aavathu.
Rudhi pathu  sadaa devi   sarvathra   shambhu vallabha.

Let the great enchantress  look after my health   and she  who is on the top protect me always ,
Let the Goddess protect me when I am angry   and let  consort of Shiva  protect me  always.

8.Vaaghbhavaa  sarvadhaa pathu  , pathu maam hara gehini,
Ramaa pathu  Mahadevi    , pathu  maayaa  swaraat swayam.

Let Goddess of speech protect me always  Let me protected  the consort of Shiva 
Let me protected by  Lakshmi  , Let great  goddess protect me  who is the empress of illusion.

9.SArvange pathu maam Lakshmi  , Vishnu Maya , Sureswari ,
Vijaya pathu Bhavane   Jayaa  pathu sadaa  mamam,

Let my organs be protected  by Lakshmi  , The Vishnu Mayaa and Goddess  of devas,
Let Vijaya   protect my house , Let Jayaa  always protect me.

10.Sivadhoothi sadaa  Pathu  , Sundari Pathu Sarvadaa,
Bhairavi pathu sarvathra  , Bherundaa   sarvadaa  Aavathu.

Let Sivadoothi protect me always  , Let Sundari protect me at all times,
Let Bhairavai  protect me all over and let the terrible one protect me for ever.

11.THwarithaa pathu maam  nithyam   , ugratharaa sadaavathu,
Pathu maam Kaliika nithyam  , Kalarathri  sadaavathu.

Let her with great speed   protect me daily  , let  the angry star  protect me always,
Let Kalika protect me daily , let the great darkness  protect me always.

12.Nava Durgaa sadaa  pathu  , Kamakhyaa sarvadaavathu,
Yoginya sarvadaa  pathu , mudraa   Pathu sadaa  mama.

Let the nine Durgas   protect me always  , Let Kamakhya protect  me  always,
Let Yogini protect me  at all times , let Mudraa   protect me  always.

13.Mathraa  Pathu sadaa  , devyaschakrashthaa    yogini ganaa  ,
SArvathra   SArva Karyeshu   sarva karmasu   SArvadhaa,
Pathu   Deva Devi cha Lakshmi   sarva samrudhithaa.

13. Let mother protect me always  . Let the consort of he holds the wheel  .
Along   with her yoginis   protect   everywhere , in all actions  , in all hobs   and always,
Oh  Goddess of   devas  who is goddess  Lakshmi   who gives all types of wealth.

Ithi  Viswa sara thanthre  , Sri Kamala Kavacham sampoornam

Thus ends   the armour of Kamala which occurs  in Viswa  sara thanthra.

Nataraja Dasakam

Nataraja Dasakam

Sengalipuram  Ananthrama  Deekshithar

Translated  by

(This prayer is addressed to Nataraja(the king of dancers)   , a form of Lord Shiva.   This has been composed by one of the greatest scholars of the last generation who was an expert in Upanayasas about stories of all Gods. Sengalipuram Anantarama Dikshitar (2 August 1903 - 30 October 1969) was a Śrauti scholar and also was a great exponent of the art of upanyasas (discourses) on various subjects in Hinduism. Born in the Thanjavur district  of Tamil Nadu as the first son to SriSubramanya Dikshithar, boy Anantharaman was initiated into the learning of the Vedass under his father Subramanya Dikshithar who was also known as chinna Muthannaval brother of Sengalipuram Vaidhyanatha Dikshithar or Periya Muthannaval. After a very fruitfullife , Sri Deekshithat took Apad Sanyasa and died. His Samadhi is in Chinna Thiruppathi, Salem, Tamil Nadu)

1.Kanaka sabha gatha , kanchana Vigraha  , kama vinigraha , kantha thano,
Kali kalithakhila papamalapaha  kruthi samavrutha deha vibho,
Kuvalaya sannibha   rathna vinirmitha  , divya kireeta , subashta thano,
Jaya jaya hey  nataraja pathe  shiva bhagya samrudhi muparjaya  may.

Oh God  who lives in the golden hall,  who has a golden body   ,
who killed God of love  and has amagnetic body,
Who removes all the sins created by Kali age ,
who is the lord   who  covers his body  in elephant hide
Who  wears  a divine crown  which   is embedded ,
With several gems and resembles   the blue lotus flower,
Victory, victory   to  Lord Nataraja, please grant  me ,
The peaceful luck   and    wealth in plenty.

2.Karakalithamala   , shula bhayangara , kala nirasaka  Padha vibho,
Padha kamala gatha   bhakthajanaqvana , bhaktha sukankana  deva vibho,
Shiva nilayagatha bhoothi vibhooshitha, deekshitha  poojitha  poojaya thano,
Jaya jaya hey  nataraja pathe  shiva bhagya samrudhi muparjaya  may.

Oh God who holds the pure trident   and  is the lord 
Who kicked by his    feet the horrifying    God of death,
Who is determined      to look after  the pleasures,
Of the forest of devotees   who come seeking  his lotus like feet ,
And whose form is worshipped   by  the Deekshithas,
Who have applied sacred  ash and came from Kailasa,
Victory, victory   to  Lord Nataraja, please grant  me ,
The peaceful luck   and    wealth in plenty.

3.Hara hara Sankara Bhaktha hrudambara vasa Chidambara nadha Vibho,
Duritha niranthara, Dushta Bhayankara  darasana sankara divya thano,
Dasa satha kanthara sesha hrudanthara, sankara rakshitha Partha guro,
 Jaya jaya hey  nataraja pathe  shiva bhagya samrudhi muparjaya  may.

Oh God who lives  on the minds of devotees, who shout,
“Hara hara Sankara” and who is the lord of Chidambara,
Who is fearful loking to those   bad people   ,
Who permenantly  cause    trouble to others ,
Who has a holy body seeing which you grant peace ,
Who occupies the heart   of  Adhi sesha with thousand heads,
AndWho s the teacher of Arjuna   who  gave him protection,
Victory, victory   to  Lord Nataraja, please grant  me ,
The peaceful luck   and    wealth in plenty.

4.Shiva , shiva Sankara  , Samba puranthara poojitha   sundara manthra nidhe,
Mura hara   sannithi mangala Darsana Manthra rahasya  Chidathma thano,
Pura hara   samharapapamapaa kuru, bheethimara athikrutha makilaam,
Jaya jaya hey  nataraja pathe  shiva bhagya samrudhi muparjaya  may.

Oh peace  of peace   who is Sankara , who is  with the Goddess,
Who is worshipped by Indra   and  is the treasure  of pretty chants,
Who  grants auspicious  looks  near  the  killer of Mura ,
Whose form  is that   of secret chants   and the ultimate divine,
Who destroyed  the three cities, please destroy  my sins,
Fear   which is created by   all the enemies,
Victory, victory   to  Lord Nataraja, please grant  me ,
The peaceful luck   and    wealth in plenty.

5.BHujaka vibhooshana , bhoothi vilepana  , Phala vilochana  , loka thano,
Vrushabha suvahana , ganga payo dhara , Sundara  narthana  , soma thano,
Sutha dhana  Dhayaka , soukhya vidhayaka , sadhu dayakara   sathva thano,
Jaya jaya hey  nataraja pathe  shiva bhagya samrudhi muparjaya  may.

Oh God who decorates himself with snake  , who applies sacred ash,
Who has an eye on forehead  and whose    body is the world,
Who rides on a bull, who carries     a river  ,
Who dances  beautifully  , who has a body with Goddess,
Who grants sons   and  wealth , Who grants pleasant life ,
Who shows  mercy on the good   and has a body of pure conduct,
Victory, victory   to  Lord Nataraja, please grant  me ,
The peaceful luck   and    wealth in plenty.

6.SAkala hrudanthara , Chandra kala dhara  , manthra parakrutha  , bhootha dhadhe,
Charana samarchana   divya  druhagatha, Deva vararpitha   BHaghya dadhe,
Vidhi , hari narada   yaksha surasura  , bhootha krutha sthuthi   Thushata mathe ,
Jaya jaya hey  nataraja pathe  shiva bhagya samrudhi muparjaya  may.

Oh God who is in the heart of all  beings  , who carries crescent of moon,
Who is the one who has Bhoothas    that can be driven away by Manthras,
And who gets    satisfied   by prayers of  Vishnu, Brahma  , Narada,
Devas, Asuras   and  the Bhoothas,
Victory, victory   to  Lord Nataraja, please grant  me ,
The peaceful luck   and    wealth in plenty.

7.Giri Thanayarpitha  Chandana Champaka  , kumkuma pankaja   gandha thano,
Dhimi dhimi dhindhimi vadhana noopura, pada thalothitha nrutha guro,
Ravi kiranasthama yagatha  daivatha drushta sunarthana daksha thano,
Jaya jaya hey  nataraja pathe  shiva bhagya samrudhi muparjaya  may.

Oh God who has a scented body   due to application,
Of  Sandal paste , Champaka flowers ,Kukum and Lotus ,
Who is the   teacher of dance    from whose  feet ,
And anklet   the sound of “Dhimi,dhimi, dindhimi”   arises,
And who  is  the body punished by good dance ,
When the devas   come to see him   at time of sunset,
Victory, victory   to  Lord Nataraja, please grant  me ,
The peaceful luck   and    wealth in plenty.

8.Himi girija kara   sangrahanothitha   modha supoorna  , suvarna thano,
Guhagana nayaka, geetha gunarnava  , gopura suchitha  viswa thano,
Guna gana bhooshana gopathi lochana gopa kuladhipa mithramane,
Jaya jaya hey  nataraja pathe  shiva bhagya samrudhi muparjaya  may.

Oh God who got great joy  by getting  married ,
 To the daughter  of snow  mountain, who has a golden body,
Whose good qualities    are sung  by Lord Ganesa and Subrahmanya,
Whose super  great form is  indicated by the tall tower,
Whose decoration is good character , who has sun as an eye,
And who  is the great friend   of the chief   of the gopa clan,
Victory, victory   to  Lord Nataraja, please grant  me ,
The peaceful luck   and    wealth in plenty.

9.DAmaruka dharina  , indhu kala dhara, indrapada brutha magnikaram,
Guha jananiyutha   matha mrugothama marthijanakhila roga  haram,
Bhaja bhaja manasa vismruthikaraka  roga thanu pari dathapadham,
Jaya jaya hey  nataraja pathe  shiva bhagya samrudhi muparjaya  may.

God who holds the small drum , who wears crescent of moon,
Who grants position of Indra, who carries   fire in his hand ,
Who is  with mother of Subrhamanya  ,  who holds  the deer,
Who destroys al diseases   of devotees who approach him,
Who  removes   diseases like epilepsy  by giving his leg,
To those who have mind   always   singing him,
Victory, victory   to  Lord Nataraja, please grant  me ,
The peaceful luck   and    wealth in plenty.

10.Natha jana sankara   , pinka jada dhara , gandala sathkara gaura thano,
Varada pathanjali sathkruthi  sannutha  mruga charanapitha pushpa dathe  ,
Damaruka Vadana   bodhitha   sarva kalakhila  , Veda rahasya thano,
Jaya jaya hey  nataraja pathe  shiva bhagya samrudhi muparjaya  may.

God who gives pleasure to his devotees  , who has a brown matted hair,
Who holds poison in his neck , who is     white in colour  ,
Who was pleased   ny the prayers    of sage Pathanjali,
Whose feet was offered flowers by  he who had a tiger’s feet,
Who has all the arts   in the universe due to playing drum,
And who has the body   which is the secret of Vedas,
Victory, victory   to  Lord Nataraja, please grant  me ,
The peaceful luck   and    wealth in plenty.

11.Shivatha manantha padanvitha  Rama sudeekshitha sathkavi padyamitham,
Nadana padherathi  thushtikaram  , bahu bhagyameepsitha sidhikaram,
Padathi, srunothi cha bhakthi yuktho yathi bhagya samrudhi madholapathe  ,
Jaya jaya hey  nadaraja pathe  shiva bhagya samrudhi muparjaya  may.

This poem composed   by   the good poet  Antharama Deekshitha,
Gives eternal peace, makes  Lord Nataraja   happy,
Gives occult powers    to those who read or hear it with devotion,
And also grants   them    great luck without doubt,
Victory, victory   to  Lord Nataraja, please grant  me ,

The peaceful luck   and    wealth in plenty.