Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Prayer to get cured of fever from Bhagavatha

Prayer  to get cured of fever  from Bhagavatha

Aniruddha (the one who cannot be controlled)   was   the grand son of Lord Krishna, Usha , the  daughter of Banasura  (a very great devotee of lord shiva)  fell in love   with  Aniruda, Because of this Banasura  kidnaps  anirudha.,Lord Krishna, Lord Balarama, and Lord Pradhyumna go for a war with Banasura. As per   the  prayer of Banasura  , Lord Shiva   sends his fever  to attack lord Krishna, Lord Krishna   sends his fever   to fight   with fever   sent by Lord Shiva.. tHe fever sent by  Lord Shiva  is defeated   and what follows is a prayer   by that  fever addressed to lord Krishna. Please by the  prayer  Lord Krishna   blesses that  whosoever recites that  prayer    would not be affected by fever.It is interesting to note that even during those times  , there was a concept that  a fever  can fight with another fever

Jwara Uvacha:-
1.Namami thwantha   sakthim paresam,
Sarvathmanam , kevalam  jnapthi mathraam,
Viswothpathi sthana samrodha  hethum,
Yathad  Brahma lingam  Prasantham

1.I salute  you , oh divine God  with endless  powers,
Who is the soul of every body, who  is purely wisdom,
Who is the place which  creates , upkeeps and destroys   the universe,
And which is the peace  pervaded  form of  Brahmam.

2.kaalo daivam, karma  jeeva svabhava,
Dravyam  kshethram  prana  aathmaa vikaraa,
Thath sangaatho bheeja aaroha  pravaha,
Thawad mayaishaa thannishedham  prapadhye.

The mixture  of time ,  concept of gods  , action  , nature of soul,
Property  , the interaction  of body with soul by  emotions,
Is  the  raising concept  of the flow  of   creation,
And Your Maya(illusion)  negates  that concept of maya and I salute you .

3.Naanaa bhavair leelayai vopa pannai,
Devaan  sadhoom loka sethun  bhibarshi,
Hamsyun maargaan  himsayaa varthamaanaan ,
Janmai thathe bhara  haaraaya  bhoome.

Just as a sport , you appear  in different forms,
To protect devas, good people and uphold the bridges of worldly  characters,
And you also destroy the evil people , who believe  in violence,
And thus   you help  the earth to reduce its burden.

4.Thapthoham they thejasaa   dussahena ,
Sannthogronathyulpanena  jwarena,
Thavathapo  dehinaam   thengri moolam,
No severan  yaava dasanubadhaa

By   your  power  , I am greatly getting burnt,
Which creates most terrible  unbearable heat,
And   the beings of earth  suffer  due to you ,
Only as long as they become  attached and tied  to your lotus feet.

Sri bhagawan Uvacha :-
The God said:-

  Trisirasthe   prasannosmi,
Vyethu  they  majjwarath bhayam,
Yon au smarathi  samvaadham,
Thasya   thwanna bhaveth bhayam,

Oh three   headed one , I a m pleased with you.
Please  now leave  out the fear due to my feaver,
He who remembers   our discussion,
Would  not have any    fear from you.

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