translation of Chinmaya mission Swaranjali(Music worship songs)
From Chinmaya
mission web site

“CHINMAYA SWARANJALI – The Music wing of Chinmaya
Swara to Ishwara
The origin of music lies in the very beginning of life
itself! In the vast orchestra of Mother Nature, our great sages laid the
foundations of our classical music. Great poet-saints elevated our music to
the highest realms of devotion and purity and entered the realm of Life
divine through music.Bhajans and kirtans expressing divine
glories have the capacity to make us pause and experience a few moments of
serenity and peace.
In fact, in Swami Chinmayananda’s words, “Music is an ornamentation of
Silence” and should be used by seekers to experience the silence within, in
our quest towards “Oneness” with our Divine Self.”
About Swaranjali
Chinmaya Swaranjali, the music wing of the Chinmaya
Mission, was formed by a group of musicians inspired by Swami Tejomayananda.
Chinmaya Swaranjali is dedicated towards exploring the magical and wonderful
world of devotional and classical music and also to spreading this joy and
I have downloaded the lyrics of Swaranjali songs of
2019-20 from CMS seattle
web site. I found that the songs chosen by them were mostly Sanskrit but tamil., Malayalam,
Hindi and Marathi songs
had also been included. I felt
that if this great
treasure is translated it would be a great contribution.I am presenting my translation
Athma nivasi Ram
Atmanivasee Rama, Atmanivasee Rama
Dasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya,
Janakijeevana Rama 1
Rama who lives in the soul, Rama who lives in the soul,
Victory and Victory to Rama, son of Dasaratha,
The soul of Sita.
Ayodhyavasee Rama, Ayodhyavasee Rama
Dasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya,
Janakijeevana Rama 2
Rama who lives in Ayodhya , Rama who lives in Ayodhya,.
Victory and Victory to Rama, the son of Dasaratha,
The soul of Sita.
Aranyavasee Rama, Aranyavasee Rama
Dasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya,
Janakijeevana Rama 3
Rama who lives in forest, Rama who lives in forest,
Victory and Victory to Rama, son of Dasaratha,
The soul of Sita.
Ahalya uddharaka Rama,Ahalya uddharaka Rama
Dasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya,
Janakijeevana Rama 4
Rama who made Ahalya arise , Rama who arose Ahalya,
Victory and Victory to Rama, son of Dasaratha,
The soul of Sita.
Dashamukhamardana Rama ,Dashamukhamardana Rama
Dasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya,
Janakijeevana Rama 5
Rama who killed ten faced Ravana, Rama who killed ten faced Ravana,
Victory and Victory to Rama, son of Dasaratha,
The soul of Sita.
Bhaktavasala Rama, Bhaktavatsala Rama
Dasharathanandana Rama jaya jaya,
Janakijeevana Rama 6
Rama who likes his devotees, Rama who likes his devotees,
Victory and Victory to Rama, son of Dasaratha,
The soul of Sita.
Nama Ramayanam
Bala Kandam
Kalathmaka parameshwara Rama
Seshathalpa suha nidhritha Rama
Barhamthyamara prarthitha Rama
Chanda kirana kala mandana Rama
Srimath Dasratha nandana Rama
Kausalya sukha vardhana Rama
Viswamithra priya dhana Rama
Gora Thatakaa gathaka Rama
Mareehadhi nipathaka Rama
Kaushika muka samrakshaka Rama
Srimad Ahalya uddharaka Rama
Gowthama muni sampoojitha Rama
Sura muni vara samsthutha Rama
Navika davidha mrudhu paada Rama
Mithila pura jana modhitha Rama
Triambaka karmuka banchaka Rama
Seetharpitha vara moulika Rama
Krutha vaivahika kauthuka Rama
Bhargava darpa vinaasaka Rama
Srimad Ayodhya palaka Rama
My Rama, Essence of all that is Godly, My Rama
My Rama, Essence of the destroyer, My Rama
My Rama, Who sleeps on the snake Sesha, My Rama
My Rama, Who was saluted by Brahma and all Devas, My Rama
My Rama, Who was born in Sun’s dynasty, My Rama
My Rama, Who was a source of joy to Dasaratha, My Rama
My Rama, Who made life of Kausalya very happy, My Rama
My Rama, Who was most dear to Viswamitra, My Rama
My Rama, Who killed ogress Thadaka in the deep forest, My
My Rama, Who drove away Maricha, My Rama
My Rama, Who saved the prestige of Koushika, My Rama
My Rama, Who helped Ahalya to regain form, My Rama
My Rama, Who was worshipped by Goutama the sage, My Rama
My Rama, Who was given boons by Gods and Sages, My Rama
My Rama, Who was darling of people of Mithila, My Rama
My Rama, Who broke the bow of Trayambaka, My Rama
My Rama, Who was garlanded by Princess Sita, My Rama
My Rama, Who became happy marrying Sita My Rama
My Rama, Who destroyed the ego of ParasuRama, My Rama
My Rama, Who looked after the people of Ayodhya, My Rama
Ayodhya Kanda
Aganitha guna dana bhooshitha rama,
Avani kamini kamitha Rama
Raaka chandra samaanana Rama
Pithru vakhya sthitha kanana Rama
Priya guha nivedhitha pada Rama
Thal kshalitha nija mrudhu pada Rama
Bharadwaaja supoojitha Rama
Chithra kootadri nikethana Rama
Dasaratha santhatha chinditha Rama
Kaikeyi thayaarthitha Rama
Virachitha nija pithru karmaka Rama
Baratharpitha nija paadhka Rama
Danda kanana pavana Rama
My Rama, Who is personification of all good, My Rama
My Rama, Who was darling of all citizens, My Rama
My Rama, Who was like the full moon in a cloudless sky,
My Rama
My Rama, Who obeyed the words of his father, My Rama
My Rama, Who was worshipped by his friend Guha, My Rama
My Rama, Who was taken care of by Guha, My Rama
My Rama, Who was worshipped by Sage Bharadwaja, My Rama
My Rama, Who lived in Chitra Koota Mountains, My Rama
My Rama, Who became sad by death of Dasaratha, My Rama
My Rama, Who was requested to return by Bharata, My Rama
My Rama, Who did the obsequies for his father, My Rama
My Rama, Who gave his shoes to Bharata, My Rama
My Rama, Who went to Dhandaka Forests, My Rama
Aranya Kanda
Dusht viraadha vinaasaka Rama
Sara bhanga sutheeshna architha Rama
Agasthanugruha vardhitha Rama
Grudradhipa samsevitha Rama
Pancha vati thata susthitha Rama
Soopanikharthi vidhaayaka Rama
Khara dhooshana mukha saadhaka Rama
Seetha priya harinaanuga Rama
Mareecharthi krudhaashuka Rama
Vinashta seethanweshaka Rama
Grudhradhipa Gathi dayaka Rama
Sabari datha phalaasana Rama
Kabandha bahu chedana Rama
My Rama, Who killed the Bad Virata, My Rama
My Rama, Who was worshipped by Sage Sarabhanga, My Rama
My Rama, Who was blessed by Sage Agastya, My Rama
My Rama, Who was honoured by King of Eagles, My Rama
My Rama, Who lived near five banyans, My Rama?
My Rama, Who insulted the voracious Surpanaka, My Rama
My Rama, Who killed Khara and Dhushana, My Rama
My Rama, Who chased the deer wanted by Sita, My Rama
My Rama, Who killed Mareecha in deer’s form, My Rama
My Rama, Who started searching for the lost Sita, My Rama
My Rama, Who Sent The King of Eagles to Heaven, My Rama
My Rama, Who ate the fruits given by Sabari, My Rama
My Rama, Who cut the hands of Kabanda, My Rama
Kishkinda Kanda
Hanumat sevitha nija pada Rama
Natha sugrevabeshtadha Rama
Garvitha Bali nishoodhana Rama
Vaanara dhootha preshaka Rama
Hitha kara Lakshmana samyutha Rama
My Rama, Who was served by Hanuman, My Rama
My Rama, Who promised to help Sugreeva, My Rama
My Rama, Who killed the proud Bali, My Rama
My Rama, Who sent monkeys all over the world, My Rama
My Rama, Who was consoled by Lakshmana, My Rama
Sundara Kanda
Kapi vara santhatha samsthutha Rama
Thal gathi vigna dwamsaka Rama
Sitha prana dharaka Rama
Dushta dasanana dhooshitha Rama
Sishta Hanumath bhooshitha Rama
Sitha rodhitha kopana Rama
Krutha choodamani darshitha Rama
Kapi vara vachanaa aswasitha Rama
My Rama, Who was worshipped by the Great Monkeys, My Rama
My Rama, Who removed all obstacles from their path, My
My Rama, Who is the support of life of Sita, My Rama
My Rama, Who was abused by the bad Ravana, My Rama
My Rama, Who was praised by the great Hanuman, My Rama
My Rama, Who became upset because Sita cried, My
My Rama, Who saw the Chudamani of Sita, My Rama
My Rama, Who was consoled by the great monkey, My Rama
Yudha Kanda
Ravana nidhana prasthitha Rama
Vaanara sainya samavyatha Rama
Soshitha thatini sarthitha Rama
Vibeeshana abhaya dayaka rama
Sagara sethu nibandhaka Rama
Gata karna sira cheedaka Rama
Rakshasa sanga vimardhaka Rama
Amahitha Ravana vaarana Rama
Samhrudha dasa mukha Ravana Rama
Vidhi bhava mukha sura samsthutha Rama
Khasthitha dasaratha veekshitha Rama
Sitha darshana modhitha Rama
Abhishiktha Vibishananatha Rama
Pushpaka yaanarohana Rama
Baradwajaabhi nishevana Rama
Baktha prana preenana Rama
Saketha puri bhooshana Rama
Sakala sweeya samanatha Rma
Rathanalasal peeta sthitha Rama
Pattabishekaalankrutha Rama
Paarthiva kula sammanitha Rama
Vibeeshanarpitha thal pada Rama
Keesakalanugruha Rama
Sakalajagat paripalaka Rama
Sakalaabheeshta vara pradha Rama
Rama Rama Jaya Raghava Rama
Rama Rama Jaya Sitha Rama
My Rama, Who marched towards Ravana’s place, My Rama
My Rama, Who was accompanied by the army of monkeys, My
My Rama, Who gave protection to Vibhishana, My Rama
My Rama, Who built the bridge across the sea, My Rama
My Rama, Who killed Kumbhakarna, My Rama
My Rama, Who defeated the army of Asuras, My Rama
My Rama, Who made Ravana helpless, My Rama
My Rama, Who slew Ravana in battle, My Rama
My Rama, Who destroyed the bad asuras, My Rama
My Rama, Who saw Dasaratha from the heavens, My Rama
My Rama, Who became Happy on seeing Sita, My Rama
My Rama, Who made Vibhishana the king of Lanka, My Rama
My Rama, Who traveled back in Pushpaka plane, My Rama
My Rama, Who was honoured by Sage Bharadwaja, My
My Rama, Who saved the life of Bharatha, My Rama
My Rama, Who was ornament to the city of Ayodhya, My Rama
My Rama, Who made everybody happy, My Rama
My Rama, Who sat on the throne of gems, My Rama
My Rama, Who was the greatest of Sun dynasty, My Rama
My Rama, Who got the respect from Vibhishana, My Rama
My Rama, Who was honoured by the dynasty of monkey kings,
My Rama
My Rama, Who ruled over the entire world, My Rama
My Rama, Who granted all boons to his devotees, My Rama
Rama, Rama, Victory to you Rama, Rama , Rama
Rama, Rama, Victory to you, Sitha Rama
Uthara Kandam
Agastya Munigana Samstuta Rama
Vishruta Dashakanthodbhava Rama
Sitalingana Nirvritha Rama
Nithi Surakshita Janapada Rama
Vipinatyajitha Janakaja Rama
Kaaritala Vanasura Vadha Rama
Swarghata shambukha Samstutha Rama
Swatanaya Kushala Vananditha Rama
Ashwameedhakratu Deekshita Rama
Kaalaa Veditha Surapada Rama
Ayodhyaka Jana Mukthida Rama
Vidhimukha Vibudhaanandakha Rama
Tejomaya Nija Rupaka Rama
Samsriti Bandha Vimoochaka Rama
Dharmasthaapana Tatpara Rama
Bhakthiparaayana Muktida Rama
Sarwa Charaachara Paalaka Rama
Sarwa Bhavaamaya Vaaraka Rama
Vaikunthaalaya Samsthita Rama
Nithyaananda Padasthita Rama
Rama Rama Jaya Raja Rama
Rama Rama Jaya Sita Rama
Sri Rama praised by agasthya and other sages
Sri rama who heard the story of ten headed Ravana
Sri Rama who got pleasure
by embrace of Sita
Sri Rama who protected his people with authority
Sri Rama who gave up sita, the daughter of Janaka
Sri Rama who rranged for death of lavanasura
Sri Rama who
became happy because of his sons
Kusha and Lava
Sri rama who performed
Aswamedha yaga
Sri Rama who was called back by Yama to the heaven
Sri Rama who
freed the people of ayodhya
Sri rama who gave happiness to Brahma and other Devas
Sri Rama who has a brilliant form of luster
Sri Rama who liberated people from ties of birth and
Sri Rama who was interested in establishing principles of
Sri rama who gave salvation to those who practiced
Sri rama who looked afttteeer all movable and immovable beings
Sri Rama who
liberated devotees from birth death cycle
Sri Rama who established back in Vaikunta
Sri Rama who stayed in position of everlasing joy
Rama, Rama, Hail Rama, Rama
Rama Rama Hail Sita Rama
Athma Rama
Aathma Rama Aanandha Ramana
Achyutha Keshava Hari Narayana
Bhava Bhaya Harana Vanditha Charana
Raghukula Bhooshana Rajiva Lochana
Adi Narayana Anantha Shayana
Sathchitthanandha Sathya Narayana
Sathchitthanandha Sathya Narayana
Aathma Rama Aanandha Ramana
Rama of the soul , Rama of joy,
Achyutha, Kesava ,
Hari, Narayana
He who destroys
fear of birth cycle, Whose feet is worshipped
The Ornament of
raghu clan, One who has lotus like eyes
The primeval Narayana who sleeps on Anantha
The embodiment of
divine joy , the Narayana of truth
The embodiment of
divine joy , the Narayana of truth
Rama of the soul , Rama of joy,
Rama Namo
Rama namo , Rama namo,Sri Krishna Mnamo
Salutations to Rama
Salutations to rama, Salutations to Krishna
Kausalya Nandana Rama Namo,
DEvaki Nandana Krishna namo.
Salutations tio
Rama son of Kausalya
Salutations to
Krishna, son of devaki,
Ayodhi Vasa , Rama ,namo
Dwaraka Vasa , Krishna, namo
Salutations to Rama who lived in
Salutations to Krishna who
lived in Dwaraka
Dasaradha Nandana Rama Namo,
Vasudeva Nandana Krishna Namo
Salutations to Rama , son of Dasaradha
Salutations to Krishna , son of Vasudeva
Raghu kula thilaka Rama namo,
Yadhu kula thilaka Krishna
Salutations to Rama, the best of Raghu clan,
Salutations to Krishna, the best of Yadhu clan
Thadaka Mardhana Rama namo,
Poothana Mardhana Krishna namo
Salutations to Rama killer of Thadaka,
Salutations to Krishna, killer of Poothana
Ravana mardhana Rama namo
Kamsa Mardhana Krishna namo
Salutations to Rama who killed Ravana,
Salutations to
Krishna who killed Kamsa
Janaki vallabha Rama namo,
Rugmani vallabha Krishna namo
Salutations to Rama, husband of Sita ,
Salutations to Krishna ,
husband of Rukmani
Pattabisheka Rama Namo ,
Partha Sarathi Krishna Namo
Salutations to Rama who was crowned
Salutations to Krishna who drove chariot
to Arjuna
Rama Nama Tharkam
Rama Nama tharakam sadaa bhajorey
Sada bhajorey
sada japo rey
Rama Rama
Rama Jaya KOdanda Rama
Rama Rama Rama jaya
kalyana Rama
Rama Rama Rama Jaya
Pattabhi Rama
Rama Nama tharakam
Sadaa Bhajoree
Sing that name of
Rama will make you cross
Always sing please, always chant please
Rama Rama Rama Hail
Rama with Kodanda bow
Rama Rama Rama Hail
the auspicious Rama
Rama Rama Rama Hail the crowned Rama
Sing the name of Rama which will make you cross
Vasudevaya, Devaki Nandanaya cha
Nanda gopa
Krishnaaya namo nama
The Krishna of
Vasudeva is also son of Devaki
He is the son of Nanda Gopa
Salutation to Sri Krishna
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Ram Naraynam Janaki Vallabham
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
Kaun kehta hai Bhagvan aate nahi Tum Meera ke jaise
bulate nahi
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Ram Naraynam
Janaki Vallabham
Who tells that God does not come , You
are not calling him like meera.
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
Kaun kehta hai Bhagvan khaate nahi . Ber Shabri ke
jaise khilate nahi
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Ram Naraynam
Janaki vallabham
Who tells that God does not eat ,
Possibly you are not making him eat like SAbari,
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
Kaun kehta hai Bhagvan Sote nahi , Maa Yashoda ke
jaise sulate nahin
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Rama Naraynam
Janaki Vallabham
Who says that God does not sleep , possibly
you do not pat him to sleep like mother Yasoda,
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
Kaun kehta hai Bhagvan Nachthe nahi Gopiyo ki tarah tum
Nachathae nahi
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram, Ram-naraynam Janaki
Who says that God does not dance , possibly
you do not make him dance like the Gopis,
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
Kaun kahatha hai Bhagawan nachathe nahi ,
thum gopi jaise naachthrenahi
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram, Ram-naraynam
Janaki Vallabham
Who says God does not make you dance, possibly you do not
dance like Gopis
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
Radha Krishna
Kunj Vihari
Radha Krishna Kunj Vihari
Govardhana dhari
Sankha Chakra
Peetambara Dhari
Karuna sagara
Krishna Murari
Radha Krishna who wanders in the garden
The one who carries the flute , the one who carried Govardhan
He who carries Conch wheel and yellow silk
The ocean of Krishna
, Krishna the flute man
Gopala Radha Lola
Gopala Radha lola, Murali lola , Nandlala
Kesava, Madhava ,
Vanamala Brindavana Mala
Murali lola ,
Nandalala, Jaya Murali lola Nandalala
Gopala, mad about Radha , Mad about Flute , the son of Nanda
Kesahava, Madhava, Janardhana
He who wears forest garland , garland of Brindavan
Mad about flute , son of Nanda , Hail he wo is mad about
flute, the son of Nanda
Hari Mhana
Say Hari
Hari mhna thumi
govinda mhana, Thumi gopaa mhana,
Hari Naryana
Govinda, Gopala Hari Narayana
You say Hari You
say Govinda ,You say Govinda,
Hari Naryana
Govinda, Gopala Hari Narayana
Shyama mhana Radhey Shyama mhana,
Mega shyama mhana,Ghana Shyama Mhana
Hari Naryana
Govinda, Gopala Hari Narayana
Say Shyam Say
Radhey Shyam, Say Megha
Shyam,Say Dark Shyam
Hari Naryana
Govinda, Gopala Hari Narayana
EEsa mhana, jagadheesa mhana, sarvesa mhana, Paramesha mhana
Hari Naryana Govinda, Gopala Hari
Chilanga ketti
Say God, Say God of all the world, God of all, Divine God
Hari Naryana
Govinda, Gopala Hari Narayana
Datta mhana, Guru datha mhana, sripada mhana, avadhutha mhana,
Hari Naryana
Govinda, Gopala Hari Narayana
Say Dattathreya ,
say, Guru Dattha, Say Sripada, say
Hari Naryana
Govinda, Gopala Hari Narayana
Chilanga Ketti (Malayalam)
Chilange Ketti Odi Odi Vaayo
Ende Taamara Kannaa Aadi Aadi Vaayo
Ninde Pinju Paadam Tedi Tedi Njaangal
Ninde Divya Naamam Paadi Paadi Vannu
Chilange Ketti Odi Odi Vaayo
Ende Taamara Kannaa Aadi Aadi Vaayo
Tying the anklets come running,
My lotus like darling ,
come dancing and dancing,
Searching , searching
your baby feet ,
Singing ,
singing your divine names we came,
My lotus
like darling come dancing ,dancing
Devaki Nandana Raadhaa Jivana Keshava Hari Maadhava
Putana Mardana Paapa Vinaashana Keshava Hari Maadhava
Gokula Baalane Odi Vaayo Gopaala Baalane Aadi Vaayo
Chilange Ketti Odi Odi Vaayo
Ende Taamara Kannaa Aadi Aadi Vaayo
Oh joy of Devaki ,
oh soul of Radha, Oh Kesava, Oh Hari , Oh Madhava,
Oh killer of Putana , oh destroyer of sins, Oh
Kesava , Oh Hari , Oh Madhava,
Oh Boy of Gokula come running , Oh cow herd
boy , come dancing,
Tying the anklets , come running , running
My lotus
like darling come dancing ,dancing
Kamsa Vimardana Kaaliya Nartana Keshava Hari Maadhava
Aashrita Vatsala Aapatbaandhava Keshava Hari Maadhava
Omkaara Naadame Odi Vaayo Aananda Gitame Aadi Vaayo
Chilange Ketti Odi Odi Vaayo
Ende Taamara Kannaa Aadi Aadi Vaayo
Oh Killer of Kansa , Oh dancer on Kaliya, Oh Kesana, Oh
Hari oh Madhava,
Oh Lord who those who depend on him , Oh friend in time
of danger, Oh Kesava, Oh Hari Oh Madhava ,
Oh sound of Om come running, Oh
song of joy , come dancing,
Tying the anklets , come running , running
My lotus
like darling come dancing ,dancing
Paandava Rakshaka Paapa Vinashaka Keshava Hari Maadhava
Arjuna Rakshaka Ajnaana Naashaka Keshava Hari Maadhava
Gitaamritame Odi Vaayo Hridayaanandame Aadi Vaayo
Chilange Ketti Odi Odi Vaayo
Ende Taamara Kannaa Aadi Aadi Vaayo
Oh saviour of Pandavas , oh destroyer of sin,
Oh Kesava, Oh Hari , Oh Madhava,
Oh saviour of Arjuna, oh destroyer of
ignorance, Oh Kesava, Oh Hari , oh Madhava,
Oh nectar of song, come running, Oh
nectar of the mind, come dancing,
Tying the anklets , come running , running
My lotus
like darling come dancing ,dancing
Govinda Madhava
Govinda madhava , gopala kesava
Jaya Nanda
Mukunda, Nanda govinda Radhey Gopala
Giridhaari, giridhaari jaya Radhey
Ghana shyama, shyssa, shyama jaya jaya radhey radhey gopala
Jaya nanda Mukunda, Nanda govinda, govinda radhey gopala
Govinda, Madhava ,
Gopala Kesava
Hail Mukunda of Nanda, Mukunda of Nanda, Gopala of Radha
He who lifted a mountain, he who lifted the mountain,
Gopala of Radha
Dark black, black, black hail, hail Radha, Radha of
Hail Mukunda of
Nanda, Govinda of Nanda, Radha of
Govinda, Govinda
Narayana Hari Narayana
Mathsya korma varahascha
Narasimha Vamana
Parashurama Raghu Rama
Balarama Sri Krishna
Kalki Janardhana
Narayana Hari Narayana
No translation needed
Harivarasanam Viswamohanam
Haridadhiswaram Aaradhyapadhukam
Arivimardhanam Nithyanarthanam
Hariharathmajam Devamashraye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Repository of Hari’s boons,
Enchanter of universe,
Essence of Hari’s grace,
He whose holy feet is worshipped,
He who kills enemies of good thought,
He who daily dances the cosmic
Son of Hari and Hara,
I take refuge in thee God.
My refuge is in you Ayyappa,
My refuge is in you Ayyappa.
Saranakirtanam Bakhtamanasam
Bharanalolupam Narthanalasam
Arunabhasuram Bhoothanayakam
Hariharathmajam Devamashraye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
He who likes song of refuge,
He who is in the mind of devotees,
He who is the great ruler,
He who loves to
He who shines like the rising sun,
He who is king of all beings,
Son of Hari and Hara,
I take refuge in thee God.
My refuge is in you Ayyappa,
My refuge is in you Ayyappa.
Pranayasathyakam Praananayakam
Pranathakalpakam Suprabhanjitham
Pranavamanidram Keerthanapriyam
Hariharathmajam Devamashraye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
He whose soul is truth,
He who is the darling of all souls,
He who created universe,
He who shines with
a glittering
He who is the temple of “
He who loves songs,
Son of Hari and Hara,
I take refuge in thee God.
My refuge is in you Ayyappa,
My refuge is in you Ayyappa.
Thuragavahanam Sundarananam
Varagadhayudham Vedavavarnitham
Gurukrupakaram Keerthanapriyam
Hariharathmajam Devamashraye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
He who rides a horse,
He who has a pretty face,
He who has the blessed mace as weapon,
He who bestows grace like a teacher,
He who loves songs,
Son of Hari and Hara,
I take refuge in thee God.
My refuge is in you Ayyappa,
My refuge is in you Ayyappa.
Tribuvanarchitam Devathathmakam
Trinayanam Prabhum Divyadeshikam
Tridashapoojitham Chinthithapradam
Hariharathmajam Devamashraye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
He who is worshiped by the three worlds,
He who is the soul of all gods,
He who is the lord of
He who is worshipped by devas,
He who is who is worshipped three times a day,
He whose thought is fulfilling,
Son of Hari and Hara,
I take refuge in thee God.
My refuge is in you Ayyappa,
My refuge is in you Ayyappa.
Bhavabhayapaham Bhavukavaham
Bhuvanamohanam Bhoothibhooshanam
Dhavalavahanam Divyavaranam
Hariharathmajam Devamashraye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
He who destroys fear,
He who brings prosperity,
He who is enchanter of universe,
He who wears holy ash as ornament,
He who rides a white elephant,
Son of Hari and Hara,
I take refuge in thee God.
My refuge is in you Ayyappa,
My refuge is in you Ayyappa.
Kalamrudusmitham Sundarananam
Kalabhakomalam Gathramohanam
Kalabhakesari Vajivahanam
Hariharathmajam Devamashraye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
He who blesses with enchanting smile,
He who has is very pretty,
He who is adorned by sandal paste,
He who has a pretty mien,
He who is a like a lion to the elephants,
He who rides on a tiger,
Son of Hari and Hara,
I take refuge in thee God.
My refuge is in you Ayyappa,
My refuge is in you Ayyappa.
Srithajanapriyam Chinthithapradam
Sruthivibhushanam Sadhujeevanam
Sruthimanoharam Geethalalasam
Hariharathmajam Devamashraye
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
Saranam Ayyappa Swamy Saranam Ayyappa
He who is dear to his devotees,
He who fulfills wishes,
He who is praised by
He who blesses life of
He who is the essence of
He who enjoys divine
Son of Hari and Hara,
I take refuge in thee God.
My refuge is in you Ayyappa,
My refuge is in you Ayyappa.
Shambhio Mahadeva
Sadashiva ,
Ambuja nayana, Narayana
Hari om Hara om Sadashiva Hari om Hari Om Narayana
Oh Shambhu , oh
great God . Oh Sadhashiva
Oh lotus eyed Narayana
Om Vishnu , Om
Shiva, Om Sadhashiva and Vishnu, Om
Vishnu Om Narayana
Pannaga bhooshana
Pannaga sayana Narayana
Har om Hara om Sadashiva Hari om Hari Om Narayana
Oh Sadhashiva who wears
serpent as ornament
Oh Narayana who lies down on serpent
Om Vishnu , Om
Shiva, Om Sadhashiva and Vishnu, Om
Vishnu Om Narayana
Kailasa vasa
Vaikunta vasa Narayana
Har om Hara om Sadashiva Hari om Hari Om Narayana
Oh Sadhashiva
who lives on Kailasa
Oh Narayana who
lives in Vaikunta
Om Vishnu , Om
Shiva, Om Sadhashiva and Vishnu, Om
Vishnu Om Narayana
Gauri sameta
Lakshmi sametha Narayana
Har om Hara om Sadashiva Hari om Hari Om Narayana
Oh Saashiva along
with Gauri
Oh Narayana along
with Lakshmi
Om Vishnu , Om
Shiva, Om Sadhashiva and Vishnu, Om
Vishnu Om Narayana
Hey Shiva Sankara
Hey Shiva Sankara Namami Sankar
Shiva Sankara
Hey Girijapathi Bhavani Sankar
BHavani SAnkar
Shiva Sankara Shambho
Oh Shiva Sankara, I salute Sankara
Oh Shiva Sankara
Oh Shambho
Oh lord of Parvathy
Oh Bhavani Sankara
Oh Bhavani Sankara
Oh Shiva Sankara , Oh shambhu
Panchakshara Stotram
(Prayer of Shiva
using letters of five letter chant)
Nagendra haraya Trilochanaya,
Basmanga ragaya maheswaraya,
Nithyaya shudhaya digambaraya,
Tasmai nakaraya namashivaya., 1
My salutations to the letter “Na”, which is Shiva,
Who wears as garland the king of snakes.
Who has three eyes,
Who wears ash all over Him,
Who is the greatest Lord,
Who is forever,
Who is the cleanest,
And who wears the directions themselves as dress
Mandakini salila chandana charchithaya,
Nandeeswara pramadha nadha maheswaraya,
Mandra pushpa bahu pushpa supoojithaya,
Tasmai makaraya namashivaya., 2
My salutations to the letter “Ma”, which is Shiva,
Who is bathed by waters of ganges,
Who applies sandal paste all over him,
Who has Lord Nandi as his chieftain,
Who is the greatest lord,
And who is worshipped by Mandhara and many other flowers.
Shivaaya gowri vadanara vinda,
Sooryaya daksha dwara naasakaya,
Sri neela kantaya vrisha dwajaya,
Tasmai sikaraya namashivaya., 3
My salutations to the letter “Si”, which is Shiva,
Who is peace personified,
Who is like Sun to the Lotus face of Gowri,
Who destroyed the fire sacrifice of Daksha,
Who has
a blue
And who has a bull in his flag.
Vasishta kumbhodhbhava gowthamadhi.
Munendra devarchitha shekaraya,
Chandrarka vaiswanara lochanaya,
Tasmai vakaraya namashivaya., 4
My salutations to the letter “Va”, which is Shiva,
Who is worshipped by great sages like,
Vasishta, Agasthya and Gowthama,
As also the devas,
And who has sun, moon and fire as his three eyes.
Yaksha swaroopaya jada dharaya,
Pinaka hasthathaya sanathanaya,
Divyaya devaaya digambaraya,
Tasmai yakaraya namashivaya., 5
My salutations to the letter “Ya”, which is Shiva,
Who takes the form of Yaksha,
Who has a tufted hair,
Who is armed with spear,
Who is forever filled with peace,
Who is godly,
Who is the great God,
And who wears the directions themselves as dress.
Panchaksharamidham punyam,
Ya padeth Shiva sannidhou,
Shivaloka maapnothi,
Shive na saha modathe.
Those who read these holy five letters great,
In the temple of Shiva,.
Would go to the world of Shiva,
And be forever happy with Him.
Sankara Sadhashiva
Sadashiva Sabhapathe
SHankara Sadhashiva sabhapathe manohara
Chandra Shekara
Jadadhara Uma Maheswara
Oh Sankara Oh
Sadashiva, Oh president of a congregation
Oh Sankara Oh
Sadashiva, Oh president of a congregation who is pretty
Oh Chandrashekara , who wears a tuft, Oh great lord of Uma
Kamadahana Kapaleesha Kalanthaka Digambara
Tripuragna Digambaresa, Gangadhara Sashi dara
Oh Lord whoi burnt Kama, Who wears the skull and dresses
using direction
Oh Lord who burnt
Tripura,Oh God wearing the directions, Who carries Ganga
and the moon
Eashwara Parameshwara
Chandra shekara
Jadadhara Uma Maheswara
Uma Maheswara
Oh God who is god of all,
Oh Uma maheswara wearing moon and having tuft
Oh Uma Maheswara
Aao Guru Deva
Oh Guru dev please come
Aao guru deva, darsahana deejo, thuma ho jagathaa ki dathaa
Thum hi ho Brahma, Thum hi ho Vishnu, thum hi ho Sankara
Please come Guru Deva, pleasegive us sight of yourself,
You are the giver to this world
You are Brahma,
You are Vishnu, You are Lord Shiva’s
Aao Guru deva
Srishti stithi laya swaroopaa tuma ho
tuma ho anaadhi roopaa
Please come Guru deva
You are the form
who does creation, protection and
merging, You are the form which is beginningless
Aao Guru deva
Anadha nadha Deena Bandhu thuma ho ananda roopaa
Please come Guru Deva
The lord of those
who do not have lord, The friend of the oppressed and you are
the form of joy
AAo Guru deva
Ajnana nasaka , sharana samrakshak, aathma jnana pradaathaa
Aao Guru veva
Please come
The destroyer of ignorance, the protector of those who
surrender, the one who grants knowledge
of soul
Please come Guru
Guru Brahma roopa mano
Guru ,recognoize
him as form of Brahma
Guru Brahma roopa mano, Shiv ka swaroop mano
Guru ke saman nahi doosra jahan mein
Papse bachave
Guru, gyan ko sikhave guru
Brahma se milave Guru, turiya pad gyan mein
Yahan Sruthi Ved
kahatha Guru bina gyan kaisa
Gyan bina mukthi kaisa, aavae there dhyan mein
Chaal kapat
thyaag deeje, guruji ki seva
Sadguru Sharan
leeje khele ye maidan me
Acknowledge that Guru is form of Brahma, Acknowledge he is form of Shiva,
In this world no
one is equal to Guru
Saves from sin, teaches
Guru makes us meet
with Brahma, and takes us the Turiya
state in wisdom
Hear sasthras and Vedas are talked about, Without
Guru how can we manage
How can salvation come in to your mind without knowledge
Sacrifice lies and deceit, do service to Guruji
Take the feet of Sadguru and play in this
Jaya Guru
Jaya Guru omkaraa
jaya jaya
SAdguru omkara om
Brahma Vishnu
Hara hara hara hara
Hail Guru om, hail, hail
Sadguru o mom
Brahma, Vishnu ,
lord Sadhashiva
Hara hara hara
hara Mahadeva
Chaithnya maya(Malayalam)
Pervaded with joy, pervaded with action
Anandamaaya Chaithanyamaya, Chinmaya Gurudev
Omkaramaya , thrayamkaramaya, satkaryamaya Gurudev
Oh Chinmaya Gurudev
pervaded with joy and spirit
Oh Gurudev who is pervaded with om thrayam and truth
Vedanthamaya sidhanthamaya , shudhanandamaya Gurudev
Oh Gurudev
pervaded with philosophy, principles and pure joy
Kalyanamaya Karunyamaya, Karunamaya Gurudev
Oh Gurudev
pervaded with auspiciousness , mercy and kindness
Brahmamaya Gurudeva Shivamaya Gurudev, Tapomaya Gurudev Chinmaya Gurudev
Oh Gurudev pervaded with Brahmam, Oh Gurudev pervaded
with Shiva, Oh Gurudev pervaded with
penance, Oh Chinmaya Gurudev
Gurudev thava Mahaneeya
Gurudev your great
Gurudev thava Mahaneeya
Gurudev thava
Mahaneeya Krupa
Mere Jivan ka avalambana
Basa eka yahi
mere bala hai
Gurudev you are
Oh Gurudev your great kindness
Is the only hold
of my life
Yes, it is my only
important thing
Ajnana bhare
samasya se bhare
vichaaron se bhi bhare
Manke andhakara ko door
Vachanamruth se
thava bodhakripa
Filled with ignorance, filled with problems
Filled with
contradictory thoughts
Drive away the
darkness of your mind
Using your nectar like
speech, please teach us mercy
Pala pala paga paga
jeevana patha meraa
Guru satha mere
raksha bankara
Bisarum no kabhi yaha
per mayi
Aandamayi bhava
vidhya krupa
Differing differing
shining shining is my life’s path
Guru is with
me becoming a protector
I should never throw away this love
Which is pervaded with joy and kindness is the teaching of birth death cycle
Prarthana GItam
Thwam hi
nethaa , thwam hi no dathaa
Yathra thwam nayasi
thathra Gachaamaa
Kaapi no chinthaa
kwaapi no bhayam
thava varthamahe sadaa.
Rakshaka sthvam hi
sankate Kwapi
hi shobhane padhi
Dehi na sakthim budhim
thadhaa bakthim
Darsitha maarge chalanaaya nithyam hi
Yadhi vismaramasthwaam
thwam na vismara na
Balakasthwa hey karunakara prabhoi
Hey Prabho, hey
Vibho, hey Guro
You only are our leader and one who gives to us,
Wherever you lead, we
will follow you
No worry, no fear , we
do have
For always we
are under your protection
You are the protector
when we are in difficulties
You are the teacher who leads us through lustrous path
Please grant us strength , wisdom and devotion
And make us daily walk in the path shown by you,
If we perchance forget ,
you please do not forget
WE are your
children oh Lord who is merciful
Oh Lord , Oh
God , Oh
my Guru
Birthday song
Janmadinamidam ayi priya sakhe
sham tanotu hi sarvada mudam |
My dear friend , let your this birthday,
Be filled with auspiciousness and joy
prarthayamahe bhava satayu:
eshwara sada twam ca rakshatu |
I pray a life span of hundred years to you ,
And the God always protect
punya karmana keerthimarjaya
jeevanm tava bhavatu saarthakam ||
Gain fame by performing auspicious deeds,
And let your life be full
of meaning
Janmadinamidam ayi priya sakhe
sham tanotu hi sarvada mudam |
My dear friend , let your this birthday,
Be filled with auspiciousness and joy
Vaishnava Janatho
Vaishnava Jana To, Tene Kahiye Je
Peed Paraayi Jaane Re,
Para Duhkhe Upakāra Kare To Ye
Mana Abhimāna Na Āne Re
Vaishnava Jana To, Tene Kahiye Je
Peed Paraayi Jaane Re
He and he alone is the man of God,
Who knows the pain and misery of others,
Who tries to help others in distress,
And who does not have pride in his mind.
Sakala Loka Mā Sahune Vande,
Nindā Na Kare Kenī Re,
Vāca Kācha Mana Niścala Rākhe,
Dhana Dhana Jananī Tenī Re
Vaishnava Jana To, Tene Kahiye Je
Peed Paraayi Jaane Re
He and he alone is the man of God,
Who respects and salutes all,
Who does not talk ill of others,
Who keeps his mind pure in words and action,
And whose mother is considered blessed by all.
Sama-Drishthi Ne Trishnā Tyāgī,
Para-Strī Jene Māta Re,
Jihvā Thakī Asatya Na Bole,
Para-Dhana Nava Jhāle Hātha Re
Vaishnava Jana To, Tene Kahiye Je
Peed Paraayi Jaane Re
He and he alone is the man of God,
Who views everybody as equal,
Who considers other women as his mother,
Who never tells lies all his life,
And who never yearns for other’s wealth.
Moha Māyā Vyāpe Nahi Jene,
Dridha-Vairāgya Jenā Manamā Re,
Rāma-Nāma Śhu Tālī Re Lāgī,
Sakala Tīratha Tenā Tanamā Re
Vaishnava Jana To, Tene Kahiye Je
Peed Paraayi Jaane Re
He and he alone is the man of God,
Who never has any attachments,
Who is strongly detached to worldly pleasures,
Who is addicted to remembering his God,
And in whose mind are all the holy places of the world.
Vana-Lobhī Ne Kapata-Rahita Chhe,
Kāma Krodha Nivāryā Re,
Bhane Narasaiyo Tenu Darasana Karatā,
Kula Ekotera Tāryā Re
Vaishnava Jana To, Tene Kahiye Je
Peed Paraayi Jaane Re
He and he alone is the man of God,
Who has no greed and deceit in his mind,
Who has forsaken all pleasures and anger,
And whose sight is thirsted for by Narasi the poet,
For the entire family gets salvation on seeing him.
Maithreem Bhajatha
Maithreem Bhajatha Akila Hrith Jeththreem
Atmavat Eva Paraan api pashyata
Yuddham thyajatha , Spardhaam Tyajata ,
thyajatha Pareshwa akrama aakramanam
Jananee Prthivee Kaamadughaastey JanakO Deva:
Sakala Dayaalu Daamyata Datta Dayathvam
Janathaa Sreyo Bhooyaath Sakala Janaanaam
Sreyo Bhooyaath Sakala Janaanaam
Sreyo Bhooyaath Sakala Janaanaam.
With friendship please serve,
And conquer all the hearts,
Please think that others are like you,
Please forsake war for ever,
Please forsake competition for ever,
Please forsake force to get,
Some one else’s property,
For mother earth is a wish giving animal,
And God our father is most merciful,
Restrain, donate and be kind,
To all the people of this world.
Let all the people, live with bliss,
Let all the people live with bliss,
Let all the people live with bliss.
Shanthi nilava vendum (Tamil)
Shanthi nilava vendum , ulagile,
Athma shakthi onga vendum
Gandhi mahathma kattalai adhuve,
Karunai orumai, kadir oli parvai
Kodumai cheythathor manam athu thirunda,
Nargunam athu pugattiduvom,
Madamai, acham aruppom,makkalin,
Masila nallozhukkam valarppom.
Dhidam tharum ahimsa yogi naam,
Tandai athmanandam perave ,
Kadamai maravom , avar kadan theerpom,
Kalakkamindri aram valappom endrum
Peace should prevail in this world,
The strength of the soul should increase.
This is the order of the great Gandhi,
Mercy, unity and clear sight
To correct the
mind that did evil,
We would teach them good character,
We would cut away foolishness and fear,
And nurture good stainless character of people.
We are practitioners of ahimsa which gives strength,
For our father (Gandhi) to get divine joy,
We would not forget our duty; we would repay his debts,
And always nurture dharma with out any fear.
New year song
Kshanam pratheekshanam ya navam navam
sundaram sacha thachaivam
Varsha nuthanam
they shubham mudhaan,
Utharotharam bhavathu
Bhavathu Sidhidham
Every second we are
waiting for the newer and newer year
It is pretty and
it is truly sweet
The new year should
bring auspicious joy,
And lead to more
and more attainment
Lead to attainment