Guru Gita
(song of Guru)
Lord Shiva
Translated by
The Guru Gita (Song of the Guru) is a Hindu
scripture that is said to have been authored by the sage, Vyasa. The
verses of this scripture may also be chanted. The text is believed to be part
of the larger Skanda Purana. There are several versions of the Guru Gita,
varying from around 100 to over 400 verses. Another view is that Guru Gita is
part of Viswasara Tantra. In the Siddha
Yoga tradition, the Guru Gita is considered to be an “indispensable text”. Swami
Muktananda chose 182 verses ( to create
a unique version of the Guru Gita, which has its own melody for chanting. (from
Wiki pedia)
But I have used a version used by Sri Anna
Subrahmanya iyer (which he got from manuscript
of Sri H.S.Narasayya M.P.,Bangalore which
he got from his Guru Bhagawan ananda giri , of Swami sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh , This version has
three chapter (94+115+65=274).The book
also has a great Tamil translation which helped me a lot.
The text of the Guru Gita describes a conversation
between Lord Shiva and his wife,Goddess Parvati, in which she
asks him to teach her about the Guru and liberation. Shiva answers
her by describing the Guru principle, the proper ways of worshiping the Guru
and the methods and benefits of repeating the Guru Gita. The text also gives
the etymology of the word Guru, where the root gu stands for
darkness, while the root ru stands for light. The term Guru is
therefore explained as the remover of darkness, who reveals the light of the
heart. The Guru Gita reveals the inner workings of spiritual
apprenticeship. It presents the guru/disciple relationship as a dynamic path
that leads to a fulfilling life as well as Self-realization.

The Guru
Gita stands firmly at the crossroads of the Infinite and finite and speaks
to us from that point of intersection. It invites us to pause and reflect at
the core of a riddle that can’t be solved by the mind. It opens the heart and
stills the restless chatter of the mind through soaring poetic language,
imagery, and striking symbolism. We come to realize that the answer to the
riddle, and the peace we seek, doesn’t come through philosophizing, but through
dedication, selfless love, and meditation.
Few other English
translation of the 182 verse
version is available on line .Possibly
this is the first time the 274
sloka version is being translated)
Sri ganesa saradaa sadguru mangala
moothibhyo nama
Salutations to
auspecious forms of Ganesa , Sarada and
sad Guru
Yam Brahma vedantha vidho
Parama pradhaanam
purusham thadhaanye
Viswoth gathe karanameeswaram
Thasmai namo
Vighna nivaranaaya
That which is termed by Brahmam by those who know Vedantha,
Which is termed as
termed as most important Purusha by others,
Which is termed as
Easwara which is the reason
for generation of this world,
We salute that
divine entity for removal of road
Om asya guru
geethaa , mala manthrasya
Bhagawan sadhashiva rishi
Virat chandha
Sri guru
parmathma devathaa
OM for the garaland likeManthras of Guru Geetha
The sage is God
Meter is Virat
The God addressed is the Divine God Guru
Ham bheejam, sa sakthi, soham keelakam, sri Guru krupa
prasda sidhyarthe jape viniyoga
Ham is the seed , Sa is the power, Soham is the
nail, For getting the merciful
blessing I of guru, We are
starting the chanting
Kara nyasa
Acts by hand
Om ham saam suryathmane angushtabhyaam nama
Om Hamsi
somathmane tharjaneebhyaam nama
Om Ham soom niranjanathmane madhyamaabhyaam nama
Om Hum saim
niraabhasathmane anamikabhyaam
Om Hum saum athanu
sookhmathmane kanishtikabhyaam nama
Om Humsa
avyakthahmane kara thala kara prushtabhyaam nama
Om hum sam soul of Surya touch heart with thumb
Om Ham si soul of mon, Touch chest with pointer finger
On Hum soom , soul of stainless one touch with middle finger
Om Hum saim soul
of the all shining one touch with ring
Om Hum Saum soul
which is not micro small touch with
little finger
Om Humsa soul
which is not clear touch with palm
Hrudhayaadhi nyasa
Acts by chest
Om ham saam suryathmane hrudhayaya nama-touch
the heart
Om Hamsi somathmane sirase
swaha-touch the head
Om Ham soom niranjanathmane shikhayai
vashat-touch the hairs
Om Hum saim niraabhasathmane kavachaya hum armour
Om Hum saum athanu
sookhmathmane nethr thrayaya voushat three eyes of lords shiva
Om Humsa avyakthahmane ashthraya phat
Bhoorbavaswarom ithi
dig bandha
Bhoorbavaswarom, I tie all directions
parivruth pathra kamalair divyair
jagath karanam,
Visvothkeerna maneka deha nilayam swachanda
makhanda chithgana rasam poornam hyanantham shubham,
vigraham guru padham dhyayeth vibhum
On the divine
lotus with thousand petals where two
swans Shiva and Sakthi roam about,
We should meditate on the feet I of guru, which is the
cause of creation and destruction of the
With several
bodies present there, which is free and
grants us joy, which is in the beginning and end,
Which is filled with taste of wisdom, which is without limits, which
has an auspicious form,
Which is like the
never decaying thing has come before our
eyes and which is forever.
2.Viswavyapinam, adhidevam , amalam , nithyam ,
param nishkalam,
Nithyoth budha sahasra kamala pathra kamala lupthakshare mandape,
Nithyananda mayam, sukhaika nilayam, nithyam shivam
Dhyayedh hamsa param parathpara tharam swachanda
He who is spread all over universe, the primeval god,,
who is pure , forever , divine, without stains,
Who is full of joy always, is the place where pleasure exists, is the forever peace, who
has his own luster,
Who is paramahamsa, who is the most divine among all divines and who
wanders all over the place
Should be worshipped in a stage of letters hidden in the
thousand petal lotus.
3.OOrdhvamnaya guro
padham, tribhuvanaikaraakhya
Sidhachara samastha veda
patitham , shad chakra
Advatha sphurad agni mekam amalam,poorva prabhaa
Santham sri guru
pankajam bhaja mana chaitanya
Oh mind worship the lotus
of guru who has long feet
, has the throne of Omkara,
Which is the place
from where the world is ruled, Where
all rituals and Vedas were studied,
Which travels on the six basic wheels, which is the same
as the fire which explains advaitha,
Which is
stainless philosophy , which
exists with full luster, peace and is sun where wisdom dawns.
4.Sahasthra dala pankaje sakala seethe rashmi prabham,
Varaabhaya karambujam vimala kandhapushpambaram,
Prasanna vadhanekshanam, sakala devathaa
Sirasaa yogi
peedastham mukthi kamartha sidhidham.
WE have meditate the form of Gurucalled Hamsam , which
The cool light of the thousand petal lotus, whose lotus like hands,
Show signs of boon and protection, who weras pure
sandal, flowers,
And cloths, who has a pleasing face, and who has form of all devas.
5.Namami sath
gurum santham prathyaksham shiva
Sirasa yoga
peedastham mukthi kamartha sidhitham
I salute the Sath Guru with my head, who is peaceful and
is the form of Shiva which we can see,
,Who sits on the
yoga peeda, who grants salvation and also grants wealth
sirasi shuklabje , dwinethram
dwibujam gurum,
Vara abhaya karam santham smareth thannamapoorvakam
We should think first in the morning the Guru who has a white head with two eyes.
And who has two hands giving boons and protection and who is peaceful.
7.Prasanna vadanaksham
cha sarva deva swaroopinam,
Thath pdaodhakajaa dharaa
nipathanthi swamoordhani
We should meditate
Guru with a pleasing face and eyes, who has rm of all gods,
And whose holy wash
of his feet with fall on our head.
8.Thayaa samkshaalayeddehe hyanthar bahya gatham malam,
Thatha kshanaath virajo bhoothwaa jayathe sphatikopamaa
So with that we should wash in and out of our body and,
And in that second
we would become as clean as a crystal.
9.Theerthaanidakshine padhe veda sthan mukha maasrithaa,
Poojaye darchitham tham thu thadhaabhi dhyana
On his right leg all sacred waters are there and all Vedas in his face,
Meditate on him like
that and worship him with flowers
Worship with five hospitalities
Lam prithvyathmane gandham samarpayaami,
Ham aakasathmane puspou
Yam vayvathmane dhoopam agrapayaami
Ram agnythmane dheepam darsayami
Vam amruthathmane
maha naivedhyam nivedhayaami
Sam sarvaathmane
poojaam samarpayaami
Lam soul of earth,
I am offering sandal
Ham soul of Sky, I
am offering flowers
Yam soul of wind,
I am offering incense
Ram soul of fire I am showing lamp
Vam soul of
nectar I am offering eatable
Sam soul of everythingI am offering you worship
Prathamo adhyaya
1Achinthya avyaktha
roopaaya nirgunaya gunathmane,
Samastha jagad
aadhaara moorthaye Brahmane nama.
to Brahmam, which is
unimaginable, has an unclear form,
Which has no characters, which is the soul of all characters,
And which has a form
that is the basis of entire universe.
2.Rishaya oochu
The sages said
Guhyaadh guhya thamam
saaram guru gitaa viseshathaa,
Thwath prasaadaascha srothavyaa thath sarvam sootha
broohi na.
Oh Sootha please
tell us the entire Guru Gita which is secret of
the secrets,
Which is the essence and which can be heard
by your grace.
3.Sootha uvacha:-
Sage Sootha said:-
Kailasa shikhare
ramye bhakthi saadhana hethave,
Pranamya parvathi
bhakthyaqa Sankaram paripruchathi
For the cause of making known the essence of devotion,
In the pretty tip
of Kailasa mountain, Goddess parvathi,
Saluted with devotion
, Her Lord Sankara and asked.
Parvathy said:-
Om Namo deva
devesa parathpara jagat
Sadashiva Mahadeva Guru deeksham prayascha may
Om salutations to god of gods, the most divine
Guru of the universe,
Oh Great God
Sadashiva, I am requesting you of initiation
by the Guru.
5.Bhagavan sarva
dharmajna vruthaanaam vrutha nyakaam,
Broohi may krupayaa
Shambo guru mahathmyam uthamam.
Oh God who is an
expert in all Dharmas, the lord of
penance of penances,
Kindly do tell
me, Oh Shambhu, the great book “Greatness
of Guru”
6.Kena maargena
bho swamin dehi brahma mayo bhaveth.
Thath krupaam kuru may swamin api charanou
By which method OH
Lord, how can a person become
pervaded with Brahman,
Please tell me about that
and My lord I will fall at
your feet
Sri Maha Deva Uvacha:-
The great God said:-
7.Mama roopaasi devi thwam thwad bhakthyartham
Lokopakaraka prasno na kenaapi krutha puraa
Oh Goddess you
are of my form and due to your devotion,
I will tell,
This question which would heap benefits to the world has
been not aked before,
8,Yasya deve paraa bhakthir yadhaa deve thadhaa gurou,
Thaasyaithe kadhithaa hyarthaa prkasanthe mahathmaaa
He who has
devotion to Gods and similar devotion to his Guru,
Would shine by
hearing all these meanings which are told
9Yo guru sa shiva
proktho ya shiva sa guru
Vikalpam yasthu
kurveetha sa naro guru thalpaga
He who is the Guru is Lord Shiva
and he who is Shiva is the Guru,
He who differs
with this , would get a sin of stealing wife of Guru
10.Durlabham rthreeshu lokeshu thachrunushva vadamyaham,
Gurur brahma vinaa naanyath sahyam sathyam varanane
I am telling you that which cannot be got in the
three worlds and please hear it,
Guru is Brahmam
and no one else, And this is the truth, the truth, oh blessed pretty one
11.Veda sasthra puraanaani ithihasaadhikaani cha,
Manthra yanthra vidhyaadheeni mohano uchadanaadhikam
Vedas, purnas as well
as ithihasas,
Knowledge of
manthra and yanthra, attraction , proper chanting etc
12.Shaiva saktha gamadheeni hyanye cha bahavo mathaa,
Apabramsaa samasthaanaam
jeevaanaam brantha chethasaam
The Shaiva, saktha and agamas and several other differing opinions,
Make slip all the beings who have lost the balance of
their brain.
13.Japasthapo vrutham
theertha yajno dhanam thadhaiva
Guru thatwam
avijnaayaa sarvam vyartha bhaveth
And darling , just
like that when you do not know the philosophy of Guru,
Chanting, penance,thapas , sacred waters yaga as well as charity are useless
14.Guru budhyathmano
nanyath sathyam sathyam varaanane,
tHal labhartham
prayathnasthu karthavyascha maneeshibhi.
Oh Lady with a blessed form, it is the truth that without advice of Guru,
Nothing will
become truth to the soul and so wise people should try to attain it
15,Goodaa vidhyaa jaganmayaa dehascha jnana sambhava,
Vijnanam thathprasaadheena uru sabdhena kadhyathe,
The body which is resting place of maya of the world is the birth place
of ignorance,
It has been told that
knowledge is born by the sound Guru and blessing of guru.
16.Yadangri kamala dwandhwam dwandha thaapa
Tharakam bhava
sindhoscha sti Gurum
I salute that Guru
whose twin feet which removes
the sorrows flowing,
From differences and which makes us
cross the ocean of birth .
17Dehi brahma bhavedhyasmath thwath krupartam vadhani thath,
Sarva papa visudhathmaa sri guro pada
By your grace I
will tell you how every being can become
This is by drinking
the water used to wash the feet of Guru as well
as by serving his feet.,
18.Sarva theertha avagahasya samprapnothi phaalam
Guro padhodhakam peethwaa sesham sirasi
A person gets all the benefits of taking bath in all
sacred waters,
By drinking water
used to wash the feet of Guru and sprinkling
the remaining water on his head.
19.Soshanam papa
pangasya dheepanam jnana
Guro padhodhakam samyak samasrarnava tharakam.
That which reduces
the collection of sins and make
you shine in luster of wisdom,
Is the water used
to wash feet of Guru and it helps us to
cross the ocean of birth.
20.Ajnana moola
haranam janma karma nivaranam,
Jnana vairagya
sidhyartham guru padhodhakam
That which uproots
ignorance, which removes karma
earned by birth,
Please drink the
water used to wash feet of Guru and helps you get wisdom and detachment
21.Guru padhodhakam paanam , guro uchishta bhojanam,
Guru murthe sadhaa dhyanam, guror nama sadhaa
Drink water used to wash feet of guru , eat the food left
by him,
Always meditating on Guru and always chant name
of Guru
desikasyaiva cha nama keerthanam,
Bhaved ananthasya shivasya keerthnam,
Swa desikasyaiva nama
Bhaved ananthaaya shivasya chinthanam,
The singing of
the names of our guru
is equal to,
Singing the
endless chanting of the name
of Shiva,
The remembering
the names of our Guru
is equal to,
The endless remembering
of the names of Lord shiva
23.Yad pada
renurvai nithyam koapi
samsara varidhou.
Sethu bandhayathe Nadham deisikam tham upasmahe
WE will worship the dust of the feet of our Guru who is our lord,
Which is like Sethu bridge which will help us to cross
the ocean of Samsara.
24, Yasmadh anugraham labdhwaa mahath jnam uthsrujeth,
desikendraaya na,aschaabheesha
By getting whose blessings, even great ignorance can be removed,
I salute that great
Guru for great fulfillment of my
25.Kasi kshethram nivaasascha jahnavi charanodhakam,
Gurur Visweswara
saakshaath tharakam Brahma nischaya.
Where the Guru
lives is the temple of Kasi, the
water washing his feet is water of
He is Lord Visweswara himself who is the Brahmam which makes us cross.
26.Guro padangitham
yathu gayasthe akshayo vata,
Theertha raja prayogosou guru moorthye namo nama
The underside of feet of Guru is Gaya and banyan which never dies.,
And also Prayaga the king of sacred waters, My salutations to that Guru again and again.
27.Guru moorthi smaren
nithyam, gurur nama sadaa japeth,
Guruor aajnaam
prakurvitha guror anyam na
WE have to meditate on Guru and always chant his name
All his orders should be obeyed and we should not think anything except Guru.
28.Gurur vakthre
sthitham brahma prapyathe
thath prasaadatha,
Guror dhyanam sadaa
kuryaath purusham swairini yadhaa
Brahmam stays in face of Guru and by his blessings we can
attain him,
We should always think about Guru just life a girl who
loves always thinks of her lover
29.Swaaramam cha swajaathim cha swakeerthim pushti vardhanam,
Yethath sarvam parithyajya guror anyam na bhayeth.
Avoiding developing of our state , caste
famr and health,
Sacrificing everything, we should not think any one
except the Guru.
30.Ananyaachinthayantho yeh sulabham paramam sukham,
Thasmad sarva prayathnena
guror aaradhanam kuru
Such people who did not think anything else will get
divine comfort,
And so putting all
possible efforts worship
your Guru.
31.Guru vakthre
sthithaa vidhyaa, guru bhakthyaa
cha labhyathe,
Trilokye sphuta vakthaaro
devarshi pithru manavaa.
We will get the knowledge which stays in guru’s face
by devotion to Guru,
In all the worlds among
devas , pithrus and humans there
are Gurus who talk clearly.
andhakarohi, rukarastheja
Ajnana grasakam
brahma gurur eva na samsaya.
Gu indicates
darkness and ru throws light on it,
There is no doubt that Guru is the Brahma who swallows ignorance
33Gukarascha andhakarosthu rukara sthan nirodha kruth,
Andhakara vinasidhvadh gurur ithyabhidheeyathe
Gu indicates darkness
and ru is that which removes it,
Since Guru removes darkness, that name came to him
34.Gukarascha gunaatheetho roopaatheetho rukaraka,
Guna roopa viheenathwad gurur ithyabhidheeyathe.
Gu is beyond quality and ru is beyond form,
Since Guru is beyond form and quality he is called
35Gukara prathamo varno maayathi guna basaka,
Rukaro asthi param
brahma maya branthi vimochakam
The first letter
gu sheds
light on maya ie illusion,
The letter ru is
the divine brahmam which removes
the madness of illusion
36,Evam guru padham sreshtam devaanaam abhi durlabham,
Ha ha huh u gunaschaiva
gandharvadfhyascha poojyathe,
This position of Guru
is difficult to get even for devas,
And so the
Gandharwas Ha ha ands huhu worship and
praise him.
theshaam cha sarveshaam naasthi
thathwam guror param,
Gurure aaradhanam
kuryaath sa jeevathwam nivedhayath.
It is definite that
for them and all there is no philosophy
above Guru,
So worship Guru
and offer your entire life to him
38.Aasanam sayanam vasthram vaahanam bhooshanaadhikam,
pradhathavyam guru
santhosha karanam.
Chair, bed, cloth
, steed and ornaments etc,
Should be given by
the student to Guru as they
are the cause of his joy
manasaa vaachaa sarvadhaa
aaradhayeth gurum,
Deerga dandam namaskruthya nirlajjo guru sannidhou
Always worship
Guru by action mind as well
as words,
And without shyness he should be saluted by falling
before him like a big stick
40.Sareeram indriyam pranam marthaswa jana
Aathma dhaaradhikam sarvam sad gurubhyo nivedhayeth
Body , organs,
soul , property , friends relatives,
Soul of the wife also
should all be offered to the Guru
41.Gururekaa jagat sarvam brahma Vishnu
Guru paratharam naasthi thasmadh sampoojaye
In the world with
Brahma Vishnu and Shiva , guru is the only one,
And there is nothing
greater than guru and so Guru
should be worshipped well.
42.Sarva sruthi siro rathna virajitha padambujam,
Vedantha artha
pravakthaaram thasmad
sampoojayeth gurum
The lotus like feet of Guru is like the gem at the top of all Vedas,
And so Guru who explains the meaning of
Vedanthas should be worshipped
43.Yasya smarana
mathrena jnana muthpadhyathe
Sa eva sarva
sampathi thasyaayaath sampoojayeth
He whose mere thought makes wisdom to arise in us,
Is all our
properties and so please worship
that Guru
44.Krumi kotibhir
aavishta durgandha mala
Slesham rakths thwachaa mamsair nadham chaitha dwaraanane
Oh lady with a blessed form , the man’s form is
filled crores of germs ,
Foul smelling stool and urine and is built by skin,
flesh and blood.
vrukshamaroodaa patanthi
viswam thasmai sri gurave
Those who climb tree of domestic life , hall in the
ocean of hell,
Guru is the one
who uplifts such a world and
salutations to him.
46,Gurur brahma, gurur Vishnu , gurur devo maheswara,
Gurureva param
brahma thasmai sri
gurave nama
Guru is only Brahma, Guru is Vishnu and Guru
only is Lord Shiva,
Guru is the divine
brahmam and so I salute that
47.Ajnana thimiranthasya jnana ajnana salaakaya,
unmeelitham yena thasmai sri gurave nama.
He who opens the one blinded by ignorance
and gives him wisdom,
And opens his eyes
is the Guru and my salutations to him.
48.Akhanda mandalaakaaram
vyaptha yena characharam,
Thath padham
darsitham yena thasmai gurave nama.
The extremely
wide world which spreads
across moving and not moving beings,
And the one who
shows us its truth is Guru and our salutations to him.
49.Sthavaram jangamam vyapithm yath kincbhith sa charaacharam,
Thwam padham
darsitham yyena thasmai sri gurave
He who pervades
the three worlds pervaded by
movable and immovable things,
Is the guru who shows us
the truth in them and so
salutations to that Guru
vyapitham sarvam trilokhyam sa charaacharam,
Asithwam darsitham
yena thasmai sri gurave
divinely in all beings in the
three worlds,
And one who
shows the truth in it ,
Salutations to that guru
51Nimisha ardha ardha paadaadhvaa yad vaakhyaadhai
Swathmaanam sthiramadathe thasmai sri
gurave nama.
He by whose words half a minute or half of it or another half of it,
Can show your soul
and that becomes permenant, to that
Guru my salutations
52Chaithanyam saswatham saantham vyomaatheetham
Nadha bindhu kalatheetham thasmai sri gurave
Intelligent, permenany, peaceful, above the skies, having
no defects,
Who is beyond musical tones is the Guru,
Salutations to him
53.Nirgunam nirmalam saantham jangamam sthirameva cha,
Vyaptham yena
jagath sarvam thasmai Sri gurave nama
Having no properties, pure, peacefui, who can be moved as
well as stable,
And who is spread
all over the universe is Guru,
salutations to him.
54,Thwam pitha thwam
cha may mathaa thwam bandhu thwam cha devathaa,
Samsara bheethi
bhangaaya thasmai sri Gurave nama
You are father,
you are also mother relative as well as gods,
You rbreak the
fear of samsara and so my salutations to guru
55.Yath sathvena
jagat sathyam yath prakaasena bhathi yath,
Yandhanandena nandanthi
thasmai sri gurave
He due to whom world is truth, due to whose luster world shines,
And due to his joy the world becomes happy, salutations
to the guru
56.Yasmin sthithamidham sarvam bhaathi yadh bhana
Yath preethyaa priyam puthraadhi, thasmai sri gurave nama
He to whom everything is, He due to his luster
everything shines,
He to who se affection
son and others are affectionate,
Salutations to that guru
57.Yena chethayathaa
hitham, chitham chethayathe naraa,
Jagradh swapna sushupthyaadhi thasmai
sri Gurave nama
He due to his light
, the mind becomes lustrous to man,
In the state of wakefulness , dream and sleep , Salutations to that guru
58Yasya jnanamidham viswam na drusyam bhinna bhedatha,
Sadaika roopa roopaaya, thasmai sri Guruve nama
He to his wisdom , the world does not appear as split,
He who is always be in thew same form, Salutations to that Guru
jnatham matham thasya matham yasa cha
Ananya bhava bhavaaya thasmai sri Gurave nama
He due to his teaching the unknown is known and
whose teaching is that of Vedas,
And who does not have any differentiation , Salutations to that Guru
60.Yasmai karana roopaaya kaarya roopena bhathi
Karya karana roopaaya, thasmai sri Gurave nama
He due to his causal form, the active world shines to us,
He whose form is action
is due to his cause , Salutations
to that guru
61.Nana roopamidham viswam na kenapyathi bhinnathaa,
Karya karana
roopaaya thasmai sri Guruave nama
He whose teaching
makes us understand the world of several forms is one,
He whose form is action
is due to his cause , Salutations
to that guru
62.Jnana sakthi samaarooda thathwa maalaa
Bukthi mukthi
pradathre cha thasmai sri Gurave
He who travels in
power of wisdom and who is decorated by garland
of Philosophy,
Who grants us
prosperity as well as salvation,
Salutations to that guru
63.Aneka janma
sampraptha karma bandha vidhahine,
Jnana anala
prabhavena, thasmai sri
Gurave nama
He who burns
our ties got due to Karma of various
Using his fire of wisdom,
Salutations to that Guru
64.,Soshanaqm bhava
sindoscha, depanam kshara
Guro padodakam yasya, thasmai sri Gurave nama
That which dries
the ocean of birth cycle, and lights up
our prosperity which is waning,
Is the divine water that washes Guru’s feet,
Salutations to that guru
65.Na guror
adhikam thathwam, na guror adhikam thapa,
Na guror adhikam jnanam
thasmai sri gurave nama
There is no philosophy better than Guru, No penance
better than Guru,
No knowledge
greater thn Guru , Salutations to
that Guru
66.Mannadha Sri Jagan nadho, Math guru Jagath Guru,
Mamathmaa sarva bhoothathmaa , thasmai sri Gurave nama
My Lord is Jaganadha
, My Guru is Guru of the world,
My soul is soul of every one , Salutations to that guru
67.Guru aadhi anadhischa guru parama daivatham,
Guru manthro samo nasthi
, thasmai sri Gurave nama
Guru is beginning and beginningless, Guru is divine God,
There is no equal to guru’s Manthra Salutations to that
68.Yeka yeva paro bandhur viveke samupasthithe,
Guru Sakala
Dharmathmaa, Thasmai Sri Gurave
If you get wisdom
the only divine relation is Guru,
He is the soul of all Dharmas, Salutations to that Guru
69.Guru madhye sthitham viswam, viswa madhye sthitho
Gurur viswam namosthasthu, thasmai Gurave nama
The world is
within Guru and Guru is situated within world,
Guru is saluted
by the world , Salutations to that Guru
70.Bhavaranya pravishtasya ding moha branthi chethasa,
Yena sandarsitha
panthaa , thasmai sri Gurave nama
When our brain
enters the forest of SAmsara and looses its way,
The one who shows
us the way is Guru, Salutations to that Guru
71.Thapa thrayagni thapthanaa, masantha praninaam ume,
Gurur eva paraa
gangaa, thasmai sri gurave nama.
Oh Uma those peace less animals burnt by three types of
Guru is the only Ganges
, Salutations to that Guru
72.Ajnanena hithaa
grasthaa praninasthaan
Vidhya swaroopo bhagwan
, Thasmai sri Guruve nama
To those who are
caught by the snake of ignorance , the one who cyures,
Is the God in the form of Knowledge , Salutations to that Guru
jagathaam ekam samsararnava sethave,
Prabhave sarva
vidhyaanaam, thasmai sri Gurave nama
The only cause of
this world, the bridge to ocean of Samsara,
Is the Lord of all
knowledge, Salutations to that
74. Dhyana moolam
guror moorthi poojaa moolam guro padham,
Manthra moolam guror
vakhyam, thasmai sri Gurave
The root of meditation is Guru, The root of worship is
Guru’s feet,
The root of Manthra are
Guru’s words , Saltations to that Guru
75.SAptha sagara
paryantham theertha snana phalam
Guru padodhaka bindho, thasmai sri Gurave
The result of taking bath
in all sacred waters within seven seas,
Is a drop of water
from wash of Guru’s feet .
Salutations to that Guru
76.Shive rushte gurusthraathaa gurou rushte na kaschana,
Labdhwaa kula
gurum samyak, gurumeva samasrayeth
Guru will save if Shiva is angry, no one can save if
Guru is angry,
Reaching the Guru of our clan, we should depend on a good
77.Madhu labdho yadhaa brungaa , puspaath pushpantharam
Jnana lubdha sthathaa
sishyo guror gurvantharam vrajeth
Just like a knowledgable honey bee goes
from one flower to another flower,
The student lacking in wisdom will go from one Guru to another
guru padha dwandham vaang
manotheetha gocharam,
Swetha raktha
prabha bhinnam shiva sakthyathmakam
I salute the feet of Guru who is the combined form
of Shiva and Sakthi,
Who is beyond reach of words and mind and has thewhite
and red lights
79.Gukaarm cha gunaatheetham , rukaaram roopa varjitham,
marioopam cha yo dadhyaath sa guru smrutha.
Gu indicates state
beyond character and ru a state beyond form,
He who grants us a state beyond character and form, is called the Guru
80.Agni nethra shiva saakshaath dwibahuscha hari smrutha,
Yo achathurvedanoBrahma sri guru kadhitha priye
Oh Darling it has been told that Guru is Lord Vishnu with
two hands,
Lord Shiva without three eyes and Brahma
without fdour heads
81.Ayam mayaa anjalir badho dhaya sagara
Yad anugrahaho janthu schinna samsara mukthi baak
I am doing this
salutation to the ocean of mercy , due to,
Whose blessings being would get savdd from this wonderful ocean of samsara
82.Sri guro paramam roopam viveka chakshur agratha,
Mandha bhagyaa cha pasyanthi andhaa suyodhayaa thadhaa.
Those who have
eyes of wisdom would be able to see
form of Guru,
And just like blind people are not
able to see sun rise, others do
not see him
83.Kulaanaam kula
kotinaam tharakasthathra thath
Athastham sad gurum
jnaathwaa trikalam
Within a second guru
makes families and crores of
families up to the border,
And so understanding
the good guru, do abhivadaye
three times to him.
84,Sri nadha charana dwandham yasyaam dhisi viraajathe,
Thasyaam dhisio naamaskuryaadh bhakthyaa prathidhinam priye
Oh Darling on whichever side the feet of the Guru shines,
WE have to face that direction and salute with devotion
85Sashtaanga prani paathena thatho nithyam gurum bhajeth,
Bhajanasthasyairya maapnothi swa swaroopa mayo bhaveth
Daily you have to worship the Guru with eight organs touching the floor,
By doing that he will get
a strong mind and attain pervading of himself
86.Dhorbhyaampadbhyaancha jaanubhyaam urasaa
sirasaa drusaa,
Manasa vachasa chethi pranamo ashtanga
Touching of two shoulders, feet , knees,
chest, head,
Eyes , mind and words
are the eight organs which should touch the ground
87.Thasmai dhisesathatha manjaliresha nithyam,
Prakshipyathaammukha ridhiair Madurai prasoonai,
yathra bhagawan guru
Viswa sthithi pralaya nataka nithya saakshi.
Daily salute towards
that direction,
In which the
emperor like guru
opens his eyes,
After waking
up, as he is the witness,
To the
existence and deluge of the world.
kimuj deergha kala vimalair vyadhi pradhai dushkarai,
Pranayayama sathai
aneka karanair dukhathmakair durjayai,
Yasmin abhyudayithe vinasyathi bali vaayu swayam thath kshanaath,
Prapthum thath
sahaja swabhava manisam sevetha chaikam
What is the use of learning several times
hundreds of faultless Pranayama
Which have form of sorrow, difficult to win, difficult to
perform, for a long period,
It is needed to
serve a Guru to learn , to stifle the powerful breath,’
By learning that
normal thing so that the usual
way will control it.
89.Jnanam vinaa
mukthi padham labhyathe guru
Guro samanatho nanyath saadhanam guru
Without wisdom but
with only devotion to Guru we
can attain,
Salvation, for those who are with a guru, there is
nothing equal to him.
90.Yasmadh para tharam naasthi nethi netheethi vai
Manasa vachasaa chaiva sathya maradayeth gurum.
That Guru, whom the Vedas
say, there is no one superior to him,
Should be
worshipped with true faith be mind and
91.Guro krupa prasaadena brahma Vishnu shivadaya,
Samarthya mabhajan
sarve srushti sthiyathikarmani.
It is only due to
merciful blessing of Guru that Brahma,
Shiva are able to do creation, upkeep and destruction.
92DEva kinnara
gandharvaa pithru yakshaasthu thumburu,
Munayopi na jananthi guru sisrooshane vidhim.
Devas, Kinnara, Gandharwas , pithrus , Yakshas
and sages,
Like Dumburu do not know the method to do service
to Guru
93.Maha ahankaarena garvena thapo vidhya balena cha,
thasmin samsaare ghati yanthrm yadha puna
Due to great selfishness and pride and due to power of Knowledge,
And thapas, they are going round the world like a clock
94.Na mukthasthu gandharwaa pithru yakshasthu chaarana,
Rishaya sidha devaadhyaa guu sevaa parangmukhaa
Gandharwas , ithrus
, yaksha , charanas,
Rishis sidhas and devas are not interested in doing service to Gurus.
Ithi sri skandhe
Brahma samhithaayaam
uthara khande,
Uma maheswara
samvaadhe , guru geethayam,
Prthamo adhyaya
This is the
first chapter of Guru geetha which occurs in skanda purana,
In Brahma samhiths and in discussion between Lord
Parameshwara aand uma
Dwitheeyo adhyaya
Sri Mahadeva
Lord Shiva said:-
1.Dhyanam srunu Mahadevi sarvananda pradhayakam
soukhyakaram chaiva bukthi mukthi pradhayakam
Hear up meditation
, oh grat goddess, which gives all sorts
of joy,
All pleasantness
and also giver of prosperity and
2.Srimad parabrahma gurum smaraami, srimad para brahma
gurum bhajami,
Srimad parabrahma gurum
vadhami, srimad para brahma gurum
I think about Para
Brahma Guru, I sing about Para Brahma Guru,
I chant name of pASra Brahma Guru and I salute
Para Brahma guru
3,Brahmanandam parama sukhadham, kevalam jnana moorthim,
Dwandwadheetham gagana
sadrusam thathwa masyadhi lakshyam
Yekam nithyam vimalamachalam sarvadhee
saakshi bhootham,
Bhavaatheetham triguna rahitham sadgurum tham namami
I salute my great Guru, who is immersed in divine bliss,
who is divinely happy,
Who is unalloyed wisdom, who is beyond anything that is
Who is like a sky, whose aim is I am that, who is one, who is forever,
Who is pure, who is immobile, who is witness for everything,
Who is beyond emotions and who is beyond the three fold qualities.
karnika Madhya samstham,
Simhasane samsthitha
divya moorthim,
Dhyayedh gurum Chandra kalaa prakasam,
Sachidsukhabheeshta varam
Sitting at the
centre point of the lotus of my heart,
On throne is the divine form Is the Guru,
Meditate on the Guru with luster of full moon,
And he will give
you divine boon to fulfill your needs.
swetha vilepa pushpam,
vibhoosam muditham dwinethram,
Vaamanga peeda
sthitha divya sakthim,
Mandasmitham poorna
krupaa nidhaanam.
Dressed in white ,
wearing white flowers,
Wearing ornaments of pearl, having two eyes
full of joy,
Who has the divine power
of sitting on left lap,
Who has a pretty smile and has Full mercy, meditate on a
guru like that
karam prasannam,
Jnana swroopam
nija bhava yuktham,
Yogeendra meedyam bhava roga vaidhyam,
Srimad gurum nithyamaham namami.
Guru who is happy
, who makes us happy.
Who is pleased, has a form of wisdom, who is full of real
The chief of great yogis, who cures illness
of samsara,
Is being
saluted by me daily
7.Vandhe guroonaam charanaravindam,
Sandarsitha swathma
Janasya yesham
gulikaya maanaam,
SAmsara halahala
moha santhyai.
I salute the lotus
like feet of Guru,
Which shows me
the ocean of pleasure of the soul,
Who is like a
medicine to the people,
Which cures the poison like passion of Samsara.
8.Yasmin srushti
sthithi dwamsa nigrahaaanugrahaathmakam,
Kruthyam pancha vidham
saaswath bhaasathe tham gurm bhajeth.
That guru in whom
creation , upkeep , destruction,
killing and blessing,
Are always
shining , should be worshipped.
9.padabhje sarva
samsara dhava kalanalam swake,
Brahmanthre sthithambhoja madyastham Chandra
In the feet of Guru
there is the killer fire which destroys all sorrow,
And in the 1000 petal lotus in his brain, there is the moon.
10.Akadhadhi trirekhaabje sahasra dala mandale,
Hamsa parswa trikonecha smaredh than madhyagam gurum.
We should meditate
on guru in the thousand petalled
In the triangle
within it starting with aa ka and dha.
11,Nithyam shuddham niraabhasam nirakaram
Nithya bodham chidanandam gurum brahma namayaham.
Guru is always
there , pure , who is beyond false pretenses,
Who is formless, stainless , always awake, has form of
And joy and has
the form of Brahmam, is being saluted by me
12.Sakala bhuvana srushti, kalpitha sesha srushti,
Nikhila nigama
drushti sathpadharthaika
srushti ,
Athadha guna parameshtimsath padharthika srushti,
Bhava guna
parameshti, moksha margaika drushti.
He who teaches the creation of all worlds, who has all
Vedas as his eyes,
Who is the
meaning of the word good, , who
is beyond the non soul characters,
Who is interested
only in meaning of good, who is beyond
characters he is born with,
Who only looks at the
path of salvation, may his sight
always fall on me.
1`3.Sakala bhuvanabanga sthapanaa sthamba yashti,
Sakarunaa rasa vrushtisthathwa mala samashti,
Sakala samaya
srushti, sachidananda drushti,
Nirvasathu mayi nithym
sri guror divya srushti.
He who is the measuring stick of construction and destruction of all the worlds,
Rain of all type of mercy, the compendium of all
The creator of all time. Having sight of divine joy,
May such a divine
look of Guru be always with me.
14,Na guror adhikam, na guror adhikam.
Na guror adhikam, na guror adhikam,
Shiva sasanatha, shiva
Shiva sasanatha ,
shiva sasanatha
As per order of Shiva, as per order of shiva,
As per order of Shiva, as per order of Shiva,
There is nothing
greater than Guru, Nothing greater than
There is nothing
greater than Guru, Nothing greater than
Shivam, Idhameva Shivam,
Idhameva Shivam, Idhameva Shivam,
Mama sasanatho, Mama sasanatho,
Mama sasanatho, Mama sasanatho,
This is the greatest, This is the greatest
This is the greatest ,This is the greatest
AS has been ordered to me, AS has been ordered to me,
AS has been ordered to me, AS has been ordered to me.
16.Vidhitham, vidhitham, vidhitham , Vidhitham,
Vijayam, vijayam, vijayam , vijayam,
Hari sasanatho, Hari sasanatho,
Hari sasanatho, Hari sasanatho.
What is fated, fated , fated , fated,
Is victory, victory, victory, victory,
As per order of Hari, As per order of Hari,
As per order of Hari, As per order of Hari.
17,Evam vidham gurum dhyaathwaa, jnanamuthpadhyathe
gurupadesena mukthohamithi bhavayedh.
By meditating on
guru like this wisdom will come
And by the advive
of Guru , you should think that you are free.
18.Guru upadeshithairmargaior, mana mana shudhim thu
Anithyam khandayeth sarvam yath kinchithathma gocharam
You have to clean
your mind by methods taught by Guru,
Whatever unstable
things that come to your mind, should be
avoided thinking they are bad.,
19.Jneyam sarvam pradheethamna jnanamn cha manam
Jnanam jneyam samamkuryan anya pandhaa switheeyaka
All that needs to be known should be known and mind
tells that it is wisdom,
We have to getknowledge equal to what we should know and
there is no other way.
20.Kimathra bahu nokthena sasthra koti sathairapi,
Durlabha chitha visranthir vinaa
guru krupaam param.
What is the use of taking of hundred crore sasthras,
Without great kindness of guru, it is difficult to get
peace of mind.
21.Karuna khanda
paathena chithwaa paasaashtakam shiso,
Samyag aananda
janaka sad guru so medheeyathe.
Sad Guru is one
who cuts off eight type of desires using ,
The knife called
kindness and makes the child called happiness to be born.
22,Evam sruthwaa maha devi guru nindaam karothi ya,
Sa yaathi narakaan ghoraan yavath Chandra divakarou.
Oh great lady m in spite
of hearing all this, if one
His guru, as long as sun and moon are there, they will be in hell.
kalpanthako deha sthaava devi gurum
Guru lobho na karthavyaa swachandho yadhi vaa bhaveth
Oh Ladt as long as eons are there , as long as world is
there , one,
Should meditate on guru, even if he g has independence he
should not use it in case of guru
24.Hoomkaarena na
vakthavyam prajna sishyai kadhachana,
Guror agre na vakthavyam asathyam thu kadhaachana
The intelligent disciple should not say huum, hum before
the guru.,
And he should never talk a lie in front of him.
25.Gurum thwam kruthya humkruthya guru saamidhya
Aranye nirjale dese sambhavedh brahma rakshasa.
He who addreeses Guru without respect and insults
him while replying,
Would became a brahma rakshasa in a forest bereft of water
26.Guru karyam na langetha naprushtwaa karyam
aacharaeth ,
Na dhuthishtedh
dhiso anadhwaa guru sad bhava
You should not disobey the guru , you should not do,
Anything without his orders nor go in a athnot approved by him.
27.Na guror aasrame kuryaath dushpanam parisarpanam,
Dheekshaa vyaalhyaa prabhuthwaadhi guror aajnaam na kaarayeth
You should take
bad drinks in Guru’s hermitage nor wander aimlessly,
And you should not give deekshaa, explanation of sastras,
give job to others and orderothers.
28.nopa asramam na paryangam na chapadha prasaaranam,
Naanga bhogadhikam kuryanna leelaa aparaam api
Taking rest, sitting on the cot, walking, sesrching for pleasure,
To the organs, different type of plays cannot be done in
Guru’s hermitage
29.Guroonaam sadha
sadvapi yaduktham thanna lankayeth,
Kurvan aajnaam dhiva rathrou dasavan nivaseth gurou.
You have to be
everything told by the guru whether it
is bad or good,
Obeying the orders day and night you have to live like a
slave to the Guru
30.Adatham na
guror dravyamupa bhoojitha karhichith,
Datham saragavdh
grahyam pranopyethena labhyathe.
Without offering to Guru
, you should not use anything,
Whatever has been offered
should be used like a bee,
And by doing this
we may even get our life.
31Padaukasana sayyadhi gurunaa yad abheeshtitham,
Namaskurveetha thath sarva padhabhyaam na spruseeth
WE should salute slippers, seat and bed
which are liked by the Guru,
And none of them should be touched by your feet.
32.Gachatha prushtadha gacheth guru chayaan na lankayeth,
Nolbanam dharayeth vesham naa Alankaram sthatholbanaan.
When Guru walks , we should walk behind him , we should
not cross his shadow,
WE should not dress luxuriously nor do luxurious make up before him
33.Guru nindakaaram
drushtwaadhavayedhadha vasayeth,
Sthaanam vaa thath
parithyajyamJihwach chedhakshamoyathi.
If you so those find fault with guru , we should go away from there,
If you have strength
you can cut his toungue otherwise we should empty that place.
kasya chidheyam guror aajnaam na cha
Kruthsna muchishta aadhaaya nithyameva vrujadwahi.
The food left
after eating by Giru should not be given
away, You should not,
Disobey him , you should not words against him , you
should respect his orders.
35.Nanrutham naapriyam
chaiva na garvam naapi vaa bahoo,
Na niyogaparam
brooyadh guror aajnaam
Never talk lies
words not liked by Guru, proud words, exaggerations,
And words contradictory to Guru’s words, his orders should be obeyed/
36.Prabho , deva,
kulesaans, swamin, Rajan, Kuleswara,
IthiSambodhanaibhitha guru bhavena
Always address
Guru as Lord, God, chief of
family, King,
Or God of family and behave with respect and fear to him
37.Munibhi pannagairvapi surairva chapithoyadhi,
Kala mruthyu
bhayadvaapi guru santhraathi parvathi
Oh Parvathi , Guru
will protect from sages, serpents devas
Thunder and lightning
of clouds and fear of death and Yama.
38.Asakthaa hi
suraasthascha hyasakthaa mun ayasthadhaa,
Guru saapa prapannasya rakshanaaya cha kuthrachith
The devas as
well as sages are not capable
to protect,
A person who
has had the curse of
39.Manthra rajamidham devi gururithy akshara dhvayam,
Smruthi vedaartha vyaakhyaanam guru saakshath param padham
Oh Lady, The two
letters Gu Ru are the king
of known chants,
And Guru is the only source of explanation of Smruthi and Vedas
40.SAthkara mana
poojartham danda kaashaya dharana,
Sa sanyaasi cha vakthavya sanyaasi jnana
thath paraa.
He who carries staff and wears ochre robes for the
sake of respect of others,
Is not considered as Sanyasi,and he who has very great
knowledge only is Sanyasi
41.Vijananthi maha vakhyam guror scharana sevayaa,
They vai sanyasina prokthaa ithare vesha
Those who get great
knowledge by serving feet ,
Of Guru are real
Sanyasis, others are only actors
42,Nithyam Brahma niraakaaram nirgunam bodhayeth param,
BHasayan brahma bhavancha deepo deepantharam yadhaa.
Just like a lamp
lighting another lamp, Guru would shine in godliness
And teach about
the formless and property less Para
43Guru prasadatha swathmanyaathma rama nireekshanaath,
Samathaa mukthi margena swathma jnana,
Due to blessing of Guru, standing in equal footing in way
to salvation,
When we are able
to see The paramathma who is Athma Rama,
the spiritual message spreads.
44.AAbrahma sthamba
paryantham paramathma swaroopakam,
Sthavaram jangamam chaiva pramami jagan mayam
From Brahma to a little worm, both moving and non moving things,
Which have forms pervaded
in the world,.are considered as
form of God and I salute them
sachid anandam bhavaatheetham jagad
Nithyam poornam niraakaaram nirgunam
swathma samsthitham
I salute that
Jagad Guru who has a form
of divine joy, is beyond thought,
Who is stable
complete, does not have form, does not have properties and is within his soul
46.Parathparam dhyayedh nithya mmananda karakam,
madhyastham suddha sphatika sannibham.
I meditate on he who is most divine, who grants joy, who
is in the middle,
Of Sky of the mind and who is always like a pure crystal.
47.Spatikam Spaatkam
roopam darpane darpano yadhaa,
Thadathmani chidakaramanandam sohamithyutha.
He who is like
form of crystal in crystal, who has form of mirror in mirror,
Who is like form
of soul in soul, who is divinely joyous
and is clear when we understand that is
48.Angushta mathram
purusham dhyayescha chinmayam hrudhi,
THathra sphurathi
yo bhava srunu thath kadhayaami they
You should
meditate in your heart purusha of size
of thumb
Who is pervaded with divinity, and I will tell you the feeling
in the heart.
49Ajohe mama rohamcha anadhi nidhanohyaham,
schidanando hyaaniyaan mahatho mahaan.
I do not have birth nor death, beginning or end , I do not change,
I am of the form of divine joy,I am atom within atom bigger
than big.
nithyam swayam jyothi niramayam,
Virajam paramaakaasam dhruva mananda mavyayam .
I am strange, without another like me, stablewith my own
luster pervading everywhere,
I am stainless ,
having form of divine sky, I am permenant, filled with joy and imperishable
51.Agocharam thadhagamyam nama roopa vivarjitham,
Nisabdhm thu vijaaneeyaath swabhavaath brahma parvathhi.
Parvathy ,
understand Brahma cannot be reached by
our character ,It does not,
Not have name or form, it is not reachable for
52,Yadha gandha swabhavathwam karpoora
Seethoshna swabhavathvam
thatha brahmani saswatham.
Just like perfume
is the character of camphor and
Just like cold and heat are character
of nature, Just like that Brahmam is permanent.
53.Yadha nija swabhavena kundalaa kadakaadhaya,
Suvarnathvena thishtanthi thadhaa aham brahma saswatham.
Just like golden
ear globe and bangles by their nature
Continue to be gold, Like that I am always
54.Swayam thadhavidho bhoothwaa sthathavyam yathra
kuthra chith,
Keeto brun ga yiva dhyadhyaswaa bhavathi
Just like the worm by
always thinking about insect
becomes that,
A person wherever
he is should always be
himself Brahmam.
55.Guru dhyanam
thadhaa kruthwaa swayam brahma mayo bhaveth,
Pinde pdhe thadhaa
roope mukthasthe nathra samsaya.
Just like that a person meditation on his guru becomes
And such people
are free as foetus, maturity as
well as form and attain salvation.
Parvathy said:-
Pindam kim thu mahadeva, padam kim samudhahrutham,
Roppatheetham cha kim roopam yethad aakhyaahi sankaraq.
What is foetus , when does maturity occur?,
What is form?What is beyond form, please explain.
57,Sri Mahadeva
Lord Mahadeva said:-
Pindam kundalani sakthi, padam hamsa mudhahrudham,
Roopam bindhoorithi jneyam roopatheetham niranjanam.
Pindam is power of Kundalani, Maturity is the state of Hamsa,
Form is the point, State beyond form is state of no stain .
58.Pinde mukthaa ,
padhe mukthaa, roope muktha varanane,
ye mukthasthe mukthaa nathra
Those who got salvation
in state of Foetus , maturity
as well as form,
Those who got
salvation beyond maturity, They are
People who got moksha.
59.Guror dhyane nethi
nithyam dehi brahma mayo bhaveth,
Sthithi thascha
yathra kuthrani muktho asou
naathra samsaya/
A person who always
meditates on his Guru becomes Brahmam,
Whichever form he has wherever he is he is one who got
salvation without doubt
60.Jnanam vairagyam aiswaryam yas, sri swa mudhahrutham,
Shad gunai iswrya yukthascha bhagwan sri guru
Those who are
having types of godliness namely wisdom
, detachment,
Prosperity fame , wealth and health is the God
who is the guru
61.Guru shivo, gurur devo, gurur bandhu sareerinaam,
Gurur athma gurur jeevo guror anyathra vidhyathe.
Guru is Shiva, Guru
is God, Guru is relation, Guru is
the soul,
Guru is the being, there is nothing except the
62.Yekaki nispruha santhaschinthaa asooyadhi varjitha,
Balya bhavena yo bhaathi brahma jnani sa uchyathe
He who is lonely, detached peaceful , one not having ,
Worries and jealousy and innocent like child is known as
Brahma jnani
63.NA sukham veda
sasthreshu na sukham manthra
yanthra ke,
Guror prasadath anyathra sukham naasthi
There is no pleasure in Vedas and Sastras, nor in manthras
and yanthras,
Without the grace of Guru , no where in the world is pleasure
64.Charvaaka vaishnava mathe sukham prabhakare nahi,
Guro padanthike yad sukham vedantha sammitham.
The pleasure near
guru accepted by the vedantha is
not there,
In religion of charvaka, vaishnava or prabhakara.
65.Na thath sukham surendrasya na sukham chakra
Yath sukham veeta ragasya muner ekantha vasina
There is pleasure with devendra nor emperor of man,
Equal to sage living
alone with extreme detachment
66.Rasam brahma
pibedhyasacha thruptho ya
Indram cha
manyathe rangam nrupaanaam
thathra ka kadha.
He who drinks essence of Brahma, he who get satisfaction
in Paramathma,
He considers Indra as almost nothing and need we say
about human kings?
67.Yeka yevaa dwitheeyoham guru vakhyena nischitha,
Yevam abhyasyathaa nithyam na sevyam vai
He who practices the concept of single Brahmam without two ,
As told by his
Guru, need never go to the forest at all.
68.Abhyaasan nimishenaiva Samadhi madhi gachathi,
AAjanma janitham papam
thath kshanadheva nasyathi.
Even if one practices for a minute he reaches the state
of Samadhi,
All sins that he has committed from birth gets destroyed
that minute.
69,Kimavahana mavyakthe vyapakre kim visarjanam,
Amoothou cha kadham
poojaa kadham dhyanam niramayam.
For that which is
not clear where is the question of
invoking and how can we ,
Throw out that which is everywhere, how can worship the shapeless and,
How can we
meditate on that which fills itself everywhere?
70.Gurur Vishnu
sathva mayo rajasachathuraanana,
Thamaso rudra roopena srujathyavathi hanthi cha.
Guru as Vishnu with sathva aspect, the Lord Brahma with rajasa character,
And Rudra who
hass thamasic form, creates looks after
and destroys
71.Swayam brahma mayo bhoothvaa thathparam cha
Parathparam naanyath sarva gatham niramayam.
You have to yourself
become Brahmam and see that divine one,
Which is filled all over, goes every where and never gets destroyed
72.Thasya avalokanam prapya sarva sanga
Yekaki nispruha santha sthathavyam thath prasadatha.
After attaining it which is separate
from everything, and
By its blessing remain alone , detached, peaceful .
73.Labdham vaadhaana labdham vaa
swalpam va bahulam thadhaa,
Nishkamenaiva bokthavyam
sadhaa santhushta manasaa
Whether you get or not
, get less or more without desiring,
With mind which is
happy , we should enjoy it
74.SArvajna padha mithyaahur dehi sarva mayo
sadaa santho ramathe
yathra kuthra chith.
When a person becomes everything, be always happy in this world,
And is always peaceful
, then that state is called the state
of all knowledge
75.yathraiva thishtathe sopi sa sa desa
punya bhajana ,
lakshanam devi thavagre
kadhitham mayaa
Oh goddess ,
wherever he stays, that country is blessed,
And till now I have been telling about the properties of
a free man.
devi guru margena mukthidha,
Guru bakthi sthadhaa yaantha kathavya vai maneeshibhi.
Oh goddess , this teached leads to salvation through the
And so wise people
should behave with extreme
devotion to Guru.
77.NIthya ytukthasrayaa sarvo veda kruth
sarva veda kruth,
Swa para jnana
dathaacha tham vandhe gurum easwaram
I salute that
Guru, who is depended upon by those, who follow entire veda,
Who grants
knowledge about him as well of others and who is god.
nigamaa shadangaagamaa priye,
saakhaani jnanam naasthi gurum vinaa
Oh darling even
if Vedas , six angas , agamas , adhyatha sasthras,
Are thougroughly
studied, without guru , they do not
understand it
79.Nirastha sarva
sandhoho yeki kruthya sudarshanam,
darsayathi bhajaami gurum easwaram.
I worship that Guru
who removes all doubts , who shows
Which is secret as well as unified and who is god
80.Jnana heeno
gurusthyajyo midhyavaadhi vidambaka,
Swa visranthim na jaanaathi param nistharayeth kadham.
We have keep away
from guru without wisdom , who tells lies,
Who puts on an act
without need for how can he who
is not peaceful give us peace.
81.Silaayaakim param
jnanam shilasanga prathaarane,
Swayam thartum na jaanathi param nistharayeth kadham.
Does a stone give
you knowledge about divine god and attraction,
To stone will end in deceit, that which cannot cross itself cannot make others cross.
82.Na vandhaneeyaasthe kashtam darssanaadh brantha
Varjayethaan guroon dhoore dheerasya thu samasrayeth.
Those who cause madness about them on just seeing are not fit to be saluted,
Such gurus should be kept far away and we should depend on a bold guru
paparathaa naasthikaa bedha budhaya,
Stri lampataa duraacharaa kruthagnaa baka
Those who are
outside Vedas, who are sinners, who are atheists,
Who are interested in
creating differences, who are attracted
by ladies,
Who have bad
habits, who are not grateful, who live like
84.Karma brashtaa
kshama nashtaa nindhya tharkaischa vaadhina,
Kamina krodhina
schaiva himsaaschandaa sataasthadhaa
They who did not
do rituals , who are impatient, who enter in to silly arguments,
Passionate ones , short tempered , who get joy by troubling , who are cruel ,
who do not have shame
85.Jnana lubdha na karthavya, maha papasthadhaa priye,
Yebhyo bhinno guru sevya yeka bhakthyaa vicharya cha
Those who lack wisdom , who never do
their duties, great sinners, oh darling,
You should search for a guru without these with care and
accept as Guru and serve him
86.Sishyad anyathra devesi na vadhedhyasyakasyachith,
Naraanaam cha phala prapthou bakthireva hi karanam
Oh goddess of
devas, all these should not be
told to anybody,
Except the sishyas
and humans to become great devotion is only the reason
87.Goodo dradascha
preethascha mounena susamahithaa,
Sakruth kama gatho
vaapi panchadhaa gurureerithaa
He who is secret ,
firm , has love, ,who is decorated by
Who does good actions, Guru is the one having these five qualities
88.Sarva guru mukha labhdham saphalam
papa nasanam,
Yadfhyadath mahitham
vasthu thathad dravyam
na vanchayedh
All that we get from guru should destroy sins, lead to
good results,
Whatever thing you consider is good for you should not be hidden before guru
89.Guru devarpanam
vasthu thena thushto asmi
Sri guro padukaam
mudhraam moola manthram
Oh Lady with great
penance , I become happy by
everything thatis,
Offered to the guru
and Guru’s slippers, moola manthra and Mudhra should be kept as secret
Parvathi said:-
Nathasmi they
nadha padaravindam,
Budhi indriya prana
mano vachopi,
Yachinthyathe bhavitha athma yukthou,
Mumukshubi karma mayo upasanthaye
Oh Lord , I
salute before your feet,what should a person interested in
But interested in
intelligence sense organs soul ,
mind and words,
And who is interested
in doing normal acts , think for getting peace?
Sri Maha deva uvacha:-
Lord Shiva said:-
91.Anena yadh bhaveth
karya thath vadhami thava priye,
devi loukeekam thu vivarjayeth.
Darling , I shall now tell you all that
he has to do, Oh Lady,
He can do all helpful acts to world but avoid domestic acts.
92LOukeeka dharmatho
yaathi jnana heeno bhavarnave ,
Jnana bhave cha
yath sarvam karma nishkarma samyathi
The ignorant due
to interest in domestic affairs ,
enters in ocean of birth
All actions done
along with wisdom attains peace with detachment
93.Yimam thu bakthi
bhavena padan vai srunuyaadhapi,
Likhithwa yath
pradhaanena thath sarvam phalamasnuthe
The effect of writing this and giving as charity
is also attained,
By one who reads it
with devotion or hears it
94.Guru getham imam devi
hrudhi nithyam vibhavaya,
Maha vyadhi gathair dukhai sarvadhaa prajapan mudhaa
Oh lady, please keep this guru geetha always in your mind,
Those attacked by
leprosy and those who are sad,
Would become happy
by always reading it
95.Guru geethakshgaraikaikam manthra raja midham priye,
Anye cha vividha manthraa kalam na arhanthi shodaseem.
Oh darling every leter
of this gur geetha is a king of manthras,
All other manthras
will not give one by sixteenth
effect as this.
phalamapnothi guru geetha japena thu,
Sarva papa haraa devi sarva daridra nasini
Oh lady by chanting guru geetha one gets unlimited benefits,
This destroys all sins and destroys all
type of poverty.
97.akala mruthyu haraa
chaiva sarva sankata nasini,
Yaksha rakshasa bhoothadi
chora vyagra vighadhini.
It stops untimely death
and destroys all types of sorrow,
And it prevents fear of Yaksha, Rakshasa, devilsa
thieves and tiger
98.Sarvopadrava kushtaadhi dushta dosha nivarini,
Yath phala, guru annidhyath thath phaam padanath bhaveth
It cures very serious leprosy and other problem giving
It gives the same result
as you are in front of the guru
99.Maha vyadhi haraa sarva vibhoothe sidhidhaa bhaveth,
Adhavaa mohathe
vasye swayameva japeth
It cures serious diseases, grants all prosperity and powers,
Just by chnting it
you get powers of attracting
100.Kusa durvasane devi hyaasane shubhra
Upavisya thatho
devi japed yekagra manasa.
Oh Lady , this
should be chanted with great concentration,
Sitting on Dharba
, Grass , or white carpet
101,Shuklam sarvathra
vai proktham vasye rakthasanam priye,
Padmasane japen
nithyam santhi vasya karam param
Oh darling though normally white seat is prescribed for
attracting others red seat is preferred,
If you sit in lotus pose and chant it, you will great
peace and attract others
102.Vasthrasane cha daridryam paashaane roga sambhava,
Medhinyaam thu dukhamapnothi kaashte bhavathi
If you sit on cloth
seat you will get poverty and on stone diseases,
On bare earth you
will get sorrow and wodden plank there
is no effect
103.Krishnajine dhyana sidhir moksha sri vyagra charmani,
jnana sidhi sarva sidhisthu
On black deer’s hide you will learn to meditate and on tiger’s skin
salvation and wealth,
On seat of dharbha you will get wisdom and on seat
of wool all that you want
104,.Agneyaam karshanam chaiva vayavyaam sathru nasanam,
Naikruthyam darsanam chaiva eesanyam
jnameva cha
Facing south east you will attract others, facing north
west destruction of enemies,
Faciung soth west. Finding lost things , facing north
east getting wisdom
105Udangmukha santhi jaapye vasye poorva mukhasthadhaa,
Yaamye thu maranam
proktham paschime cha dhanagama
Facing north you get peace, facing east
you will attract,m
Facing south you will induce death and facing west income of weath
106.Mohanam sarva bhoothaanam bandha
mokshakaram param,
Devarajnam priyakaram rajaanam vasamanayeth
The chant of this will attract all beings as well cuts
off ties on us
This will help to please indra and devas and attract the
107.Mukha stambha karam
chaiva gunaanam cha vivardhanam,
Dushkarma nasanam
chaiva thadha sath karma sidhitham
By chanting you can tie
mouth of enemies, good characters would grow,
Bad karma would be destroyed and good karma would be
completed and give good results
108asidham saadhayeth karyam nava graha bhayapaham
nasanam chaiva suswapna phala
Jobs which we are
not able to do would get completed, fear
of planets would go away,
Bad dreams would get destroyed and good dreams would
get positive results
santhikaram nithyam thadha
vandhyaa suputhradham,
Avaidhavya karam
sthrenaam soubhagyasya vivardhanam
You would get all
type of peace daily, barren lady would get child,
It would prevent widowhood of women and luck would increase
110-.Aayur aarogyam aiswarya, puthra pouthrabhi
Nishkama jaapi vidhavaa paden mokshamavapnuyath
It would increase
health wealth children and grand children,
A widow chanting without expecting anything would
get salvation
sakamaa thu labhathe cha anya
Sarva dukha mayam vighnam nasayeth thapa karanam.
The widow wo reads with desire will not become widow in
next birth,
And the great
sorrows which cause problems that
greatly hurt would get destroyed
112, Sarva papa prasamanamn dharma kamarth mokshadham,
Yam yam chinthayathe kamam tham tham
prapnothi nischitham
It will destroy all sins , will lead to dharma kama,
wealth and moksha,
They who have any
desires would get all of them fulfilled
113.Kamyanaam kamadhenurvai kalpithe
kalpa padhapa
chinthithasya sarva mangala karakam
It is kamadhenu fulfdills all desires and is kalpaga the wish giving tree,
It is also wish giving gem chinthamani and grants
all all auspicious things
114.Likhithwa poojayedhyasthu moksha sriyam mavaapnuyath,
Guru bhakthir viseshena jayathe hrudhi sarvadhaa
If one write it and worships it, he will get wealth and salvation,
And in his heart
there would always be devotion to guru
115Japanthi saakthaa saurascha ganapathyascha vaishnava,
Guru bakthir viseshena sarve sathyam sathyam na samsaya
If this is chanted
by those who worship sakthi, Sun, Ganapathi and Vishnu
Without doubt in their heart devotion to guru would
increase.This is the truth
Ithi sri skandhe brahma samhithaayaam uma maheswara
Sri guru geethaayam
dwitheeyo adhyaya
Thus comes to an end the second chapter of Guru geetha
which occurs in discussion
Between shiva and parvathi which occurs in brhma samhitha
of Skanda purana
Tritheeya adhyaya
Sri Mahadeva uvacha:-
Lord Shiva said
1.Adha kamya japa sthanam
kadhyaami varaanane,
Saagaranthe saree
there, theerthe hariharalaye
Oh Lady with blessed face, now I well tell desirable places to chant this, it can be chanted,
In the sea shore, in the river bank, in bank of scared
waters and temple of Vishnu and Shiva.
2.Sakthi devalaye , goshte sarva devalaye shubhe,
Vatasya dathryaa mole vaa
mate vrundavane thatha
In temple of goddess, in cattle shed, in all
auspicious temples,
Below a banyan tree, below a amla tree
and in forest of thulasi
3.Pavithre nirmale dese nithyanushtanatho api vaa,
Nirvedanena mounena japam ethad samarapeth
After morning rituals
sitting in a clean place, peacefully,
And silently this chanting should
4.Jaapyena jayamaapnothi japa sidham phalam thadhaa,
Heenam karma thyajeth
sarva garhitha sthanameva cha
Victory cannot be attained by mere chanting, he will not attain ,
The result also
unless he leaves all evil acts and evil places
5.Smasane bilwa moole vaa vata moolanthike thadhaa,
Sidhyanthi kaanake mole chootha vrukshasya
In cremation ground, below a bilwa tree, banyan tree,
And before a mango
tree in the forest it can be chantred.
mohane hyasitham chaabhicharake,
Jneyam suklam sanyartham vasye raktham prakeerthitham
Yellow seat to
attract enemy, sugarcane for destroying the enemy,
White for peace
and red for making some one ours
7.Japam heenaasanam
kurvan heena karma phala pradham,
Guru geethaam
prayaane vaa sangrame ripu sankate,
8.Japan jayamaapnothi marane mukthi dhayikaa,
Sarva karmaani sidhyanthi guru puthre na samsaya
If we seat on evil
seat evil results would be got,
if we chant,
Guru geetha
during travel , war or when enemies
are troubling ,
Victory would result, it would gave salvation if we die,
For the one who is wisdom son of guru everything would be got
9.Guru manthro mukhe yasya, thsta sidhyanthi nanadhaa,
Dekshaaya sarva
karmaani sidhyanthi guru puthrake
He in whose mouth
Guru Manthra is there
would get everything,
These are got because
he is son like for his Guru and he has taught him
10.Bhava moola
vinasaya cha ashta pasa
Guru geehambasi snanam
thathwajna kuruthe sadaa
For destruction of
karma , for getting rid of eight typesof attachment ,
He who knows the truth takes bath in waters of Guru Geetha always.
11.Sa eva sad guru
saakshath sadasath brahma
Thasya sthaanaami
sarvaani pavithraani na samsaysa
He is the sath guru , he is the best among those
who know the causal brahmam,
Wherever he is,
all those places are pure, there is no doubt about it
12.Sarva shudha
pavithra asou swabhavadhyathra thishtathi,
Thathra deva gunaa
sarvai kshethra peete charanthi cha.
He is very pure can make others pure and wherever he naturally
Is there all devas travel , in that peeda
which is a temple
13,Aasanaasthaa sayanaavaa gachan thas thishtathopi vaa,
Aswaroodaa gajaroodaa sushpthaa jagrathopi vaa.
14.Suchir bhoothaa jnana vantho guru geethaam bhajanthi ye,
Thesham darsana samsparsanaath punar janma na vidhyathe.
Whether one is sitting, lying down, walking , standing,
Riding on a horse
, riding on an elephant,
sleeping or awake,
If they meditate
on guru geetha, then they
will be,
Wise and pure andby seeing or touching them, we will not have another birth
15. SAmudhre vai yadhaa thoyam ksheeram
jale jalam,
Bhinna kumbhe
yadhaakasam thadathmaa
Like water in
mixed in ocean, milk in milk, water in wate,
Just like water in
broken pot , soul would be within God
16Thadhiva jnanavan jeeva paramathmani sarvadhaa,
Aikyena ramathe jnani yathra kuthradhivanisam
Just like water
getting mixed in ocean, just like milk is there in milk,
Water is in water
and sky is there in broken pot, the soul gets mixed up with god.
17.Evam vidho mahayuktho sarvathra varthathe sadaa,
sarva prakarena guru bakthim
The great yogi would be like this in all places and all times,
And so one
should have devotion to guru and
move about
18.Guru santhoshanaadheva muktho bhavathi parvathi.
Animaadhishu bokthruthwe krupayaa devi jayathe
Oh Parvathi, only by pleasing the Guru one gets salvation,
Though he already has powers like Anima only by mercy of guru he gets salvation
19.Saamyena ramathe jnani
dhivaa vaa yadhi vaa nisi,
Yevam vidho maha mouni trilokya samatham vrajeth
A wise man
enjoys equally whether it is night
or day,
Like this in great silence one should be there in all three
20.Adha samsaarinaa
sarve guru geethaa japena thu,
Sarvaan kamamsthu bunchanthi trisathyam mama bhashitham.
All house holders by chanting Guru geetha would enjoy,
All their desires, All what I have told is three times true
21.Sathyam sathyam puna sathyam dharma sankhyam
Guru geetha samam stotram naasthi thathwam guro param.
There is no prayer
equal to guru geetha and no principle above guru,
This is true, true, again true and whatever I have told
you is truth at the end of dharma
22.Gurur devo guru dharmo gurou nishtaa param
Guro para
tharam naasthi trivaaram kadhayaami
Guru is god, guru is Dharma, praying to Guru is great
There is nothing greater
than guru, I am telling this to you three times
23Dhanyaa mathaa pithaa dhanyo gothram
dhanyam kulothbhava,
Dhanyam cha
Vasudha devi yathra syath Guru bhakthathaa.
The mother is blessed, father is blessed, their Gothra is blessed,
The Man who started
the clan is blessed, The earth is blessed, if there
Is a Guru devotee among them
24.Akalpa janma koteenaam yajna vrutha thapa kriyaa,
THaa sarvaam
saphalaa devi guru santhosha mathratha
As soon as the guru is happy, All the yajnas , Vrithas , thapas carried out
Grom beginning of eons become fruitful.
25.Sareera mindriya pranamartha swa jana Bndguna,
Mathru kulam
Pithru kulam Gurureva na samsaya
The body with its organs, the body with soul, wealth , relatives,
Clan of mother and clan of father are all Guru without any doubt.
26.Mandha bhagyaa haya sakthaascha ye janaa nanu
Guru sevaasi vimukhaa
pachyanthe narake asuchou
Those people with less luck and those feeble people who
dop not believe,
This and are not
interested in service of Guru, would be
boiled in a dirty hell
27.Vidhyaa dhanam balam chaiva theshaam bhagyam
Yeshaa Guru krupssnaasthyatho gachanthi Parvathi
Oh Parvathy ,he
who does have blessing of Guru, goes
And their knowledge, wealth strength
and luck are useless
28Brahma Vishnuscha rudrascha devathaa pithru kinnaraa,
Sidha charana yaksaschanye na munayo janaa,
29,Guru BHava
param theerthamanya theertham nirarthakam,
Sarva theertha
mayam devi sri guror charanambujam
Brahma, Vishnu ,
Rudra, Devas, Pithrus, Kinnaras,
Sidhas, Charanars, Yakshas as well sages
and people,
Are Guru and presence of Guru is a greatest sacred water,
And all other waters are useless and his lotus like
feet is all sacred waters
30.Kanyaa bhogha
rathaa mandhaa swakanthaaya
parang mukhaa,
Adha param mayaa
devi kadidham na mama priye
Those who do not care
for their wife but are passionate of other women,
Are not liked by me, Oh lady, there is nothing more I
have to add
31.Idham rahasya maspashtam vakthavyam cha varanane,
Sugopyam cha thavagre thu mamathma preethaye
Oh Lady with blessed looks, Oh Sathi, this is secret and should,
Be protected well, because of your love to me, it was told to you
32.Swami mukhya
Ganesadhyaan vaishnavadheemscha parvathi,
Na vakthavyam maha maye pada sparsam
kurushva may
Oh Parvathi , to
those who worship Ganapathi or Vishnu only,
This should not
be told, Oh Maha Maya , please touch my
vanchake, dhoorhe paashaande
Manasaapi na vakthavya Guru geetha
Never think in your mind
that you can tell Guru Geetha to
People without devotion, cheat, evil person,
atheists and those who do not
believe Vedas
34.Guravo bahava santhi
sishyaa vitha apahaaraka,
THamekam durlabham manye sishya hruth thapa harakam
There are many Gurus who steal the money
of Sishyas, and I believ.
There are only
rare Gurus who remove the suffereing of
mind of Sishyas
35.Chathuryvan , viveki cha adhyathma jnanavan suchi,
Manasam nirmalam
yasya Guruthwam thasya sobhathe
In those people
who are intelligent efficient,
interested in spiritual matters,
Who has a pure
heart the guru ship will shine
36. Guravo
nirmalaa santhaa, sadhavo , Mitha Bhashana,
Kama krodha
vinirmukthaa sadaachaaraa
Gurus should be pure
, peaceful , spiritual, less talking,
Free of anger and
passion, having good habits and who controls his sense orgANS
37,Kadhaayaa guru
bhakthesthu Veda Sasthra anusaratha,
Muchyathe pathakaath ghorath Guru Baktho
If devotion to guru
is explained as per Vedas and Sastras,
And is told by a
Guru devotee, he would get freed
from great crime
38.Dusangham cha parithyajya papa karma parithyajeth,
Chitha chihnamidam yasya
thasya dheekshaa vidheeyathe,
To him who
leaves bad company, leave out doing
sinful deeds,
And whose mind
has these symptoms ,initiation can be done
39. Chitha thyaga
niyukthascha, krodha garva
Dwaitha bhava parithyagi, thasya deeksha vidheeyathe
He in whose mind sacrifice is there
and anger and pride are not
And gives up
differention of people , initiation can be done
40.Ytha lakshana
yukthavyam sarva bhootha hithe ratham,
Nirmalam jeevitham yasya thasya deekshaa vidheeyathe
With all these charecteristics, if he is desirous of helping others,
And leads a stain
free life, initiation can be done
41.Kripayaa chanvitham poorvam deekshaa jaalam
deekshamidham sangopangam sarva
The initiation with method was earlier
explained and this manthra,
Initiation which has branches and sub branches appeared from lord Shiva
42.Krupayaa syadvirahithaam guru sayujya dhayineem,
Guru deekshaam vinaa ko vaa gurosthva achara palaka
The action of giving Guru’s position does not have
any actions,
Without initiation
as Guru how can any one continue his methods
43.Saktho na chaapi asaktho vaa daisikangri samasraya,
Thasya janmaasthi saphalam boga moksha phala pradham
Though able or not able, he who depends on guru’s feet,
His birth becomes fruitful and he gets joy in earth and in heaven
chitha pakvasya, sradha bakthi yuthascha
devi mamathma preethaye
Oh lady, those who have mature thought, can pay attention,
And are devoted should chant this for pleasing me
45.Sachidananda roopaaya vyapine paramathmane,
Nama sri guru
nadhaya prakasananda moorthaye
I salute my guru
who has form of divine joy, who is
divine soul,
Spread everywhere and who has a lustrous
form of joy
46.Sathyananda roopaya
bodhaika sukha kaarine,
Namo vedananda
vedhyaya gurave budhi saakshine
I salute the guru who has
form of true joy, who makes ,
Pleasant wake up , whois an expert in vedantha and
witness to knowledge
47.Namasthe naadha bhagwan shivaya
guru roopine,
Vidhya avathara samsidhyai sweekruthaneka vigraha
Salutations Oh Lord
Oh God Shiva who has the form of Guru,
Who takes several forms to get the blessing of knowledge
48.Navaya nava
roopaaya paramarthiaka roopine,
Sarva jnan thamo bedha bhanave chid bhanave they
Salutations to him
who is like a sun which destroys
all darkness of ignorance,
Who has form of knowledge, who has the form of divine and
who has a new form
49.swathanthraya dhaya kluptha vigrahaya shivathmane,
Para thanthraaya bhkthaanaam bhavyaanaam bhavya roopine
To him who is independent , has a form with kindness,
has the form of Shiva,
Who is pliable to the devotees and has form agreeable
to those who salute him
vivekaaya vimarsaaya vimarsinaam,
Prakaasinaam prakaasaaya, jnaninaam jnana roopine
He is wise to wise people, critic to those who criticize,
Light to the lustrous and wise for the wise people
51,Purasthaath parswayo, prushte namaskrya duparyadha,
machitha roopena videhi
bhava dasanam
He should be saluted in front, back ,sides
, up and down,
Please bless me so that mind is always seat to you
52.Sri gurum paramanandam
vandhge ananda vigraham,
Yasya sannidhi maathrena chidaananthayathe mana
That guru in whose presence mind becomes divinely happy,
Who is joy personified and I salute that divine
53.Namosthu gurave
thubhyam sahajananda roopine,
Yasya vag amrutham
hanthi visham samsara samjnakam
Salutations oh Guru , who has form of normal happiness,
Whose nectar like words destroys the famous poison of samsara.
54,.Nana yukthayopadesena
dharitha sishya santhathi,
Thath krupaa
sara vedena guru chith
padam .
He who by several
suitable advices managed his children like disciples,
Knowing the essence of his kindness, the disciples
attained the seat of mind of guru
55.Achyuthaaya namasthasmai guruave paramathmane,
Swa ramoktha padechunaam datham yenachyutham padam.
Salutations to
Guru the imperishable the divine God,
To those who wish a status like Rama, he gives them an imperishable position
56.Namo achyuthaya
gurave, ajnana dwantha bhanave,
Sishya sanmarga
padabve, krupaa peeyusha sindhave
Salutations to imperishable Guru who is sun who drives away ignorance,
Who leads the
disciples in way of good and who is ocean
of nectar of mercy
57.Om Achuyuthaya
gurave , sishya samsara sethave ,
Bhaktha karyaika
simhaya namasthe chith sukhathmane
Om imperishable guru who is the bridge for disciples to cross samsara,
Whose only aim is
the welfare of disciples, Salutations to him who has a divine
soul of pleasure
58.Guru nama samam
deivam na pitha na cha bandhava,
Guru nama samam swami ne drusam paramam padham
There is no father, god
as well as relations who are
equal to guru,
I do not see any
one giving divine position equal to guru
pradhaa tharam yo gurum
naiva manyathe ,
Swana yoni satham gathwaa chandaleshva abhijayathe
He who does not
respect the guru who taught us one letter,
He would be born hundred times as dog and
born as a chandala
60.Guru thyagath
bhaven mruthyur manthra thyagaa daridrathaa,
Gurun manthra parithyagi rouravam narakam vrajeth
BY giving away the
Guru , we would experience death, by giving away Manthra we will getpoverty,
He who gives away
Guru as well as Manthra would fall in raurava hell
61. Shiva krodhath gurusthraatha guru krodath shivo na hi,
Thasmad sarva
prayathnena guror aajnaam na langayeth
Guru would save you from Shiva’s anger, Shiva will not save you
from Guru’s anger,
And so put in all
efforts not to disobey orders of Guru.
sagara samudharaika manthraam,
Brahmdhi deva muni poojitha sidha manthram,
Daridrya dukha bhava roga vinasa manthram,
Vandhe maha bhaya
hara guru raja manthram.
The manthra which
would help you cross ocean of samsara,
The divine manthra chanted by brahma and other devas aswell as sages,
The manthra that
destroys poverty, sorrow, karma and
I salute the royal
manthra of guru that destroys great fear
63.Saptha kotimaha manthra chitha vibhramsakaraka,
Eva eva maha manthro gurur ithyakshara dwayayam
There are seven
crores of manthras which make your mind wonder,
Among all these the
greatest manthra is the letters which make Guru
64.Yasya prasadada meva sarve,
Mayyeva sarva parikalpitham cha,
Itham vijanaami sadaathma roopam,
Thasyangri padmam pranathosmi nithyam.
He due to his grace
I have become everything,
And having seen that everything has been taught to me,
I am having the form of
soul because of that,
I salute his
lotus like feet daily
thimirandhasya vishaya
krantha chethasaa,
Jnana prabhaa
praadhanena prasadam kuru may prabho.
To me who is having a blind heart due to cataract of ignorance
You shower the
light of wisdom, Oh Lord please
bless me
Ithi Sri
skanthe uthara khande
Uma maheswara
Sri Guru
geethaayam thritheeyo adhyaya
This ends the third chapter of Guru geetha,
Which occurs in discussion between Uma and Maheswara,
Which is in uthara Khanda of Skanda
Guru geethaa Samaptham
Guru geethaa ends