with the blessings of Acharyas & the Divinity

Kids’ Sloka Book
Sri. Ganesh Slokas
Gajananam bhootha Ganathi sevitham
Kabita jambu balasara bakshitam |
Umasutham shoka vinaasha karanam
Namami Vigneshwara paada pankajam ||
I salute the
lotus like feet of Lordwho removes obstacles,
Who has a face
like elephant , who is served by Ganas
of Lord Shiva
Who eats the wood
apple as well as the rose apple,
Who is son of Uma , and who is reason for removal of my
Vakra tunta mahakaaya 

Surya koti samapraba |
Nirvignam gurume deva
Sarva karyeshu sarvatha ||
He who has an immense body,
He who has a broken tusk,
He who shines like billions of Suns,
Remove all hindrances,
From all my work and for all times
He who has a broken tusk,
He who shines like billions of Suns,
Remove all hindrances,
From all my work and for all times
Shuklam baradaram vishnum
Sashi varnam chatur bhujam |
Prasanna vadanam dhyayet
Sarva vignopa santhaye ||
Dressed in white you are,
Oh, all pervading one,
And glowing with the colour of moon.
With four arms, you are, the all knowing one
I meditate on your ever-smiling face,
And pray, "Remove all obstacles on my way".
Oh, all pervading one,
And glowing with the colour of moon.
With four arms, you are, the all knowing one
I meditate on your ever-smiling face,
And pray, "Remove all obstacles on my way".
Agajanana badmargam
Gajanana maharnisham |
Aneka dantham baakthaanam
Ekadantham upaasmahe ||
Namo vratapataye namo ganapataye
Nama pramadha pathaye namaste astu lambodharaya
Eka danthaya vigna vinashine shivasuthaya
Sree varadha moortaye namo namaha
Sri. Guru Slokas
Guru brahma gurur vishnu hu
Guru devo mahashwaraha |
Guru sakshat parabrahma
Tasmai sri Gurave namaha ||
Guru is Brahma, Vishnu and the great Maheswara,
Guru is the real Brahman and so I salute the Guru.
Guru is the real Brahman and so I salute the Guru.
Gurave sarva lokanam
Bhishaje bhava roginam |
Nidhaye sarva
vidhyaa nam
Sridakshina moorthaye namaha ||
Salutaions to thr God of South,
Who is the teacher of all the world,
Who is the doctor for all diseases,
And who is the store house of all knowledge.
Who is the teacher of all the world,
Who is the doctor for all diseases,
And who is the store house of all knowledge.
Sadashiva sama rambaam
Shankaracharya madyamam |
Asmat acharya paryantam
Vande guru param param ||
Starting with Lord Shiva,
Sankaracharya in the middle,
Till our present
I salute the
divine clan of my Gurus
Guru charanara vindhabyam namaha:
Salutations to lotus like feet of Guru
Sri. Subramanya Slokas
Shadananam kumkuma raktavarnam
Mahaamatim Divya mayoorava vahanam |
Rudrasya soornam surasainya natham
Guham sada sharana maham bhajeham ||
God with six faces,
Who is of the color of saffron like blood,
He who is brainy among the brainiest,
He who rides on a peacock,
Son of Lord Shiva,
Chief of army of devas,
Lord mine, I bow at your feet.
Sri. Hayagriva / Sri. Saraswati Slokas
Gnanana nanda
mayam devam
Nirmala spatika kritim |
Aadharam sarva vidhyaanaam
Sri Hayagrivam upaas mahe ||
My salutations to Lord Hayagreeva,
Who is personification of knowledge,
Who is as clear as the crystal,
And who is the foundation of all knowledge.
Who is personification of knowledge,
Who is as clear as the crystal,
And who is the foundation of all knowledge.
Saraswati namastubyam
Varadhe kamaroopini |
Vidhya rambam karishyaami
Siddhir bavathu mesadha ||
I salute Goddess
Who grants boons
, takes any form she desires,
And I start my
May I always
attain success
Yaa kundendu tushaarahaara dhavalaa
Yaa shubhra vastraavritaa |
Yaa veenaa varadanda manditakaraa
Yaa shveta padmaasanaa ||
Yaa brahmaachyuta shankara
Prabhritibihi devaih sadaa pujitaa |
Saa maam
pattu saravatee
Bhagavatee nihshesha jaadyaapahaa ||
She is the one who wears the garland dazzling white
jasmine flower,
She is the one who always decorates with very clean cloths,
She is the one who has in her hand a Veena which she plays,
She is one who sits in the throne of white lotus,
She is one who is worshipped by Gods such as ,Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva,
And let that Goddess Saraswathi who removes ignorance , look after me.
She is the one who always decorates with very clean cloths,
She is the one who has in her hand a Veena which she plays,
She is one who sits in the throne of white lotus,
She is one who is worshipped by Gods such as ,Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva,
And let that Goddess Saraswathi who removes ignorance , look after me.
Sri. Shiva Slokas
Nagendra haaraya Trilochanaaya
Basmanga ragaaya maheswaraaya |
Nithyaya shudhaaya digambaraaya
Tasmai Nakaaraaya namashivaaya ||
My salutations to the letter “Na”, which is Shiva,
Who wears as garland the king of snakes.
Who has three eyes,
Who wears ash all over Him,
Who is the greatest Lord,
Who is forever,
Who is the cleanest,
And who wears the directions themselves as dress
Who wears as garland the king of snakes.
Who has three eyes,
Who wears ash all over Him,
Who is the greatest Lord,
Who is forever,
Who is the cleanest,
And who wears the directions themselves as dress
Trayambakam yajaamahe
Sugandhim pushti vardanam |
Urva rukamiva bandhanan
Mrityor mukshiya mam rutaath ||
We salute and respect,
Him who is naturally scented,
Him who looks after his devotees with mercy,
And him who has three eyes.
And pray and request,
To move us away from the catch of death,
Like the cucumber separated from its stalk,
And firmly put us in the path of salvation.
Him who is naturally scented,
Him who looks after his devotees with mercy,
And him who has three eyes.
And pray and request,
To move us away from the catch of death,
Like the cucumber separated from its stalk,
And firmly put us in the path of salvation.
Sourashtre Somanatham s cha Srisaile Malikarjunam
Ujjainyam Mahaakaalam Omkaarama Maleshwaram
Paralyam Vaidyanatham s cha Taginyam Bheema Shankaram
Sethu bandethu Ramesham Naagesham darukavane
Vaaranasyam thu Vishvesham Tryambakam gauthamee thate
Himalaye thu Ketharam Grishnesham cha shivala ye
Ethaani Jyotir lingani saayam praatha pate naraha
Sapta janma kritam paapam smaranena vinashyati
The twelve Lingas of light are,
Somanatha in Sourashtra,
Mallikarjuna in Sri Shailam,
Mahakala in Ujjain,
Omkaram in Amaleshwara,
Vaidhyanatha in Parali,
Bhimasankara in South,
Rameshwara near the bridge in Sethu,
Nageswara in Daruka forest,
Visweswara in Varnasi,
Trayambakeshwara in the shores of Godavari,
Kedareshwara in Himalayas,
And Ghushmesha in Sivalaya.
He who remembers them,
Morning and evening,
Would wash away sins,
Committed in his seven births.)
Somanatha in Sourashtra,
Mallikarjuna in Sri Shailam,
Mahakala in Ujjain,
Omkaram in Amaleshwara,
Vaidhyanatha in Parali,
Bhimasankara in South,
Rameshwara near the bridge in Sethu,
Nageswara in Daruka forest,
Visweswara in Varnasi,
Trayambakeshwara in the shores of Godavari,
Kedareshwara in Himalayas,
And Ghushmesha in Sivalaya.
He who remembers them,
Morning and evening,
Would wash away sins,
Committed in his seven births.)
Ponnambalam thiru chitrambalam Arunachalam
Mahadeva mahaalinga Maddhiyaar sunaase
Sri. Devi Slokas
Sarva mangala maangalye
Shive sarvaartha sadike |
Charanye tryambike gauri
Naraayani namostu te ||
Oh Goddess who is a giver of all good things,
who is peaceful,
who is a giver of all wealth,
who can be relied upon, who has three eyes and who is
golden in colour,
Our salutations to
you, Narayani
Namaste stu mahamaye
Sripeete surabhujite |
Shangu chakra gadha haste
Mahalakshmi namostute ||
Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi*,
Who is the great enchantress,
Who lives in riches,
Who is worshipped by Gods,
And who has conch, wheel and mace in her hands.
Who is the great enchantress,
Who lives in riches,
Who is worshipped by Gods,
And who has conch, wheel and mace in her hands.
Nityaa Nandakari Varabhaya-Karii Saundarya-Ratnakari
Nirdhutaakhila-Ghora-Paavana-Karii Pratyakssa-Maaheshvari
Praaleyachala-Vamsha-Paavana-Karii Kaashii-Puradhiishvarii
Bhiksham Dehi
Hey , Mother Annaprneswari1,
Who is The Goddess of Kasi2,
Who helps others with kindness,
Who makes all days deliriously happy,
Who gives boons and shelter to all,
Who is the epitome of all beauty,
Who cleans up all sorrows from life,
Who is the ever-visible Goddess of the world,
Who is the star of the family of Himavan3,
Please give me alms,
Ocean of kindness and compassion.
Who is The Goddess of Kasi2,
Who helps others with kindness,
Who makes all days deliriously happy,
Who gives boons and shelter to all,
Who is the epitome of all beauty,
Who cleans up all sorrows from life,
Who is the ever-visible Goddess of the world,
Who is the star of the family of Himavan3,
Please give me alms,
Ocean of kindness and compassion.
Sri. MahaVishnu Slokas
Sri ramarama rameti
Rame raame manorame |
Sahasra nama dhadulyam
Rama nama varanane ||
Hey beautiful one,
I play with Rama always,
By chanting Rama Rama and Rama,
Hey lady with a beautiful face,
Chanting of the name Rama ,
Is same as the thousand names.
I play with Rama always,
By chanting Rama Rama and Rama,
Hey lady with a beautiful face,
Chanting of the name Rama ,
Is same as the thousand names.
Ramaya ramabhadraya
Ramachandraya vedhase |
Raghunataya nathaaya
Sitaaya patheye namaha ||
My salutations to Lord Rama,
To Ramabadhra, to Ramachandra,
To the lord of Vedas,
To the chief of Raghu clan,
To the lord of the world,
And to the Lord of Sita.
To Ramabadhra, to Ramachandra,
To the lord of Vedas,
To the chief of Raghu clan,
To the lord of the world,
And to the Lord of Sita.
Krishnaya vasudevaya
Devaki nandanayacha |
Nandagopa kumaraya
Govindaya namo namaha ||
Oh Krishna , Oh Vasudeva , Oh
Hari , oh divine God ,
Please destoy worries from
our life , Oh Govinda
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna hare hare |
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama hare hare ||
Vishnu is Krishna
, Vishnu is Krishna,
Krishna, Krishna ,
Vishnu Vishnu
Vishnu is Rama , Vishnu is Rama
Rama, Rama, Vishnu Vishnu
Tvam-eva Maataa
cha Pitaa tvam-eva |
Tvam-eva Bandhu: Sakhaa tvam-eva |
Tvam-eva Vidyaa
Dravinam tvam-eva |
Tvam-eva Sarvam
mama Deva Deva ||
You are my mother
, and you also my father,
You are my
relation, You are also my friend,
You are
education , You are also wealth
You are also everything, God of Gods
Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya dhanvantra ye
Amritakalasaya hastaya sarvamaya nivashanaya
Trailogya Naathaye Sri Mahavishnave namaha ||
Om Salutations to God
Vasudeva, who is Dhanvanthari,
Who holds pot of nectar
in his hand
Vanamalee gadhee shangee Sangi chakri cha nandaki
Sreemaan Narayano vishnur
Vasudevo abhi rakshathu
Kalyana rupaya kalauja naanam
Kalyana dhatre karuna sudhabde
Kamb vadhi dhivya
yudha satkaraya
Vatala yadhisa namo namaste
Narayana narayana narayana narayana
Narayana narayana narayana narayana
Narayana narayana narayana narayana
Narayana narayana narayana narayana
Rama Skandam Hanumantham
Vaina theyam vrokodharam
Sayanena Smarane Nithyam Dur svapnam tasya nasyathi
Maatha Narasimha Pitha Narasimha
Braatha Narasimha Sakha Narasimha |
Vidya Narasimha Dravinam Narasimha
Swami Narasimha Sakalam Narasimha ||
Ito Narasimha paratho Narasimha
Yatho yatho yahi tatho Narasimha |
Narasima devat paro nagashcit
Tasman Narasimham charanam prabhetye ||
Chaturvimsati Kesava Nama
(24 names of
Trivikrama Sankarshana Narasimha
Vamana Vasudeva Achutha
Sridhara Pradyumna Janardhana
Rishikesa Aniruddha Upendra
Padmanaba Purushottama Hari
Damodara Adokshaja Krishna
the one who killed Kesi, He who measured world in three steps, he who
attracts, the man –lion
The one born in water
, The dwarf , son of Vasudeva
, he who draws all things to him
Lord of knowledge, He who carries Lakshmi, son of Krishna , He who troubles bad people,
The one who takes care of all beings , he who controls five senses, the grand son
of Krishna , The indra to Indra,
Vishnu , He who
has lotus on belly, The best among males
, He who is green,
He who killed
Madhu , He who was tied by rope in belly , He who can see below
Sri. Navagraha Slokas
Adithyaya cha Somaya
Mangalaya Buddhaya cha |
Guru Shukra Sanibh yascha
Rahave Ketave namaha ||
The sun and the
moon ,
The mars and the
mercury ,
Jupiter , venus
and also Saturn,
And to Rahu and
Kethu my salutaions
Adityam hrudayam punyam
Sarvashatru vinashanam |
Jayavaham jabet nityam
Akshayam paramam shivam ||
Adhithya Hrudayam is holy
It destroys all enemies,
By daily chanting it
, you will get victory ,
It never decreases,it is divine and peaceful
Sri. Sastha Slokas
Matha mathanga gamanam
Karunya amrutha pooritham |
Sarva vigna haram devam
Saasthaaram pranamam yaham ||
I salute that God Sastha,
Who walks like a vigorous elephant,
Who is filled with nectar of mercy,
And who is the God who removes all obstacles.
Who walks like a vigorous elephant,
Who is filled with nectar of mercy,
And who is the God who removes all obstacles.
Bhoothanatha sadananda
Sarva bhootha daya para
Raksha raksha maha baho
Sasthre thubham namo nama
Salutations and salutations to that Sastha,
Who is the lord of all beings,
Who is perennially ever happy,
Who shows mercy towards all beings,
And I pray ,” Protect me great hero.”
Who is the lord of all beings,
Who is perennially ever happy,
Who shows mercy towards all beings,
And I pray ,” Protect me great hero.”
Sri. Hanuman Slokas
Mano Javam Maaruti-tulya vegam
Jitendriyam Buddhi-mathaam varishtam |
Vaatatmajam Vaanara-yuutha-mukhyam
Shri Raama-dhootham sharannam prapadye ||
I bow my head before,
The servant of Lord Sri Rama,
Who is faster than mind,
Who is as fast as the wind,
Who has won over his wishes,
Who is wisest among the learned,
Who is son of God of wind,
And who is the chief emissary among monkeys.
The servant of Lord Sri Rama,
Who is faster than mind,
Who is as fast as the wind,
Who has won over his wishes,
Who is wisest among the learned,
Who is son of God of wind,
And who is the chief emissary among monkeys.
Buddhir balam yasho dhairyam
Nirbhayatvam arogataam |
Ajaaddyam vaak pattutvam cha
Hanumat Smaranath bhavet ||
If you meditate on
Lord Hanuman,You will get ,
Wisdom , strength,
fame , courage,
A never fear nature,
life of no disease,
No dullness and
oratory power
Yatra yatra Raghunaatha-Kirtanam
Tatra tatra krita-masta kaanjalim |
Vaasspa vaari paripuurnnaa lochanam
Maaruthim namata raakssa saantakam ||
I pray and salute the son of wind god,
Who brought to end the rakshasas,
Who is always present with eye full of tears,
With head bowed in veneration,
Wherever the praise of Lord Rama is sung.
Who brought to end the rakshasas,
Who is always present with eye full of tears,
With head bowed in veneration,
Wherever the praise of Lord Rama is sung.
Anjana Nandanam Veeram
Janaki Shoka Nasanam |
Kapeesa Maksha Hantharam
Vande Lanka Bhayangaram ||
Salutations to the terror of Lanka,
Who is the heroic son of Anjana,
Who brought to an end , all sorrows of Sitha,
Who is the king of monkeys ,
Who killed Aksha[1] the son of Ravana.
Who is the heroic son of Anjana,
Who brought to an end , all sorrows of Sitha,
Who is the king of monkeys ,
Who killed Aksha[1] the son of Ravana.
Constellations & Nakshatras
1 Aswini
2 Bharani
3 Karthika
4 Rohini
5 Mrigasheersha
6 Arudra
7 Punarvasu
8 Pushya
9 Aslesha
10 Magha
11 Poorva Phalguni
12 Uttara Phalguni
13 Hastha
14 Chitra
15 Swathi
16 Vishaka
17 Anuradha
18 Jyeshta
19 Moola
20 Purva Ashadha
21 Uttara Ashada
22 Sravana
23 Sravishta
24 Shathabishak
25 Purva
26 Uttara Bhadrapada
27 Revati
Moral Slokas
Vidhya dadhathi vinayam Vinaya dadhathi paatratam
Paatradvaad Dhanam Aapnoti Dhanaad Dharma tatha sukham
Knowledge leads to humility; humility leads to
From worthiness one gets wealth; and from wealth, one is
able to perform
good deeds, and from that emanates joy
Shatham Vihaya Bhoktavyam Sahasram snaanam aacharet
Laksham dvaktvathu daatavyam Kotim tvaktva Harim smaret
Even if you have 100 jobs, don’t forget to eat your meal
Even if you have 1000 jobs, don’t forget to take your
Even if you have 100000 jobs, don’t forget to help others
And even if you have Million jobs, don’t forget to recite
the Lord’s name
Akaashat patitham thoyam
Saagaram pradigachathi
Sarva deva
Keshavam prati gacchathi
The rain that falls from the sky, agnostic of
where it falls, finally always reaches the
ocean; likewise, whichever diety you pray to,
it finally always reaches Keshava
Shubham Karoti Kalyaannam-
Aarogyam Dhana-Sampadaa |
Salutations to the lamp, the light, which is the bestower
auspiciousness, wealth and prosperity; may by the light,
innermost toxic feelings be attenuated. Salutations to
thy light
Na Gaayathrya: para manthra:
Na Mathru: para dhaivatham |
Na Ganagasya paramam theertham
Na Ekadasya samam vratham ||
there is no mantra superior to Gayathri;
there is no God superior to one’s Mother;
there is no water superior than River Ganges;
there is no vratam (fasting), equal to Ekadasi;
Kshama Prarthana
Kaayena Vaachaa Manase Indriyairvaa
Buddhyi-Aatmanaa Vaa Prakruteh Svabhaavaat |
Karomi Yad-Yat-Sakalam Parasmai
Naaraayannayeti Samarpayaami ||
All that I do
either by body or mind , or
Or brain , or soul
, or as per usual conduct,
I am offering it to
Lord Narayana,
Mantra Heenam Kriya Heenam Bhakti Heenam Janardhana
Yat Pujitam Maya deva Paripurnam tad astu me
Prayachittanya seshaani tapah karmaatma kaanivai
Yaani thesham aseshaanam Sri Krishnanu smaranam param
Whether due to
defect of manthra, defect of action, defect of devotion,
Oh Lord of universe, I am worshipping you , please
make them complete,
Unable to do any
atonement , unable to do any penance,
Unable to do anything else, I meditate on Lord Krishna
Sri Krishnaya Namaha (Krishna x 13 times)
My salutations to Krishna(13 times)
Yani Kani Cha Papani Janmantara Krita nicha
Tani Tani Vinashyanti Pradakshinam Pade Pade
Whatsover sin I have done inthis or
previous births,
They would keep on reducing , as I go round and round
Paapoham Paapa karmaanam paapatma paapa sambavaha
Traahimaam kripaya deva sharanagadha vatsala (+Anyatha)
I am a sinner , I
do sinful cts , I am sinful soul, I am
born of sin,
Oh God mercifully
pardon all this, Oh Lord who likes
those who surrender to you
Yadakshara pada brashtam maatrahinam tu yad bhavet
Tat Sarvam Kshmayatam deva Narayana namostute
Visaarga bindumaatrani Padapadaksharani cha
Nyunani Chatirik-taani Kshamasva Purushotthama (+Anyatha)
If there
ismistake of letter and if there
is no proper punctuation,
Please pardon all
those,Oh God Narayana , salutations,
Comma, full stop
and other punctuation as well
mistakes in words,
Whether lacking or
in excess, Oh Greatest Purusha pardon
Anyatha sharanam Nasti tvameva sharanam mama
Tasmat kaarunya bhavena raksha raksha Maheshvara
I don’t have any
other protection and you are my only
And so with kindness
Protect, protect me oh
great God
Miscellaneous Facts
Ayodhyaa Mathuraa Maayaa Kaashii
Kaanchi Avantikaa Purii Dvaaraavati
chaiva Saptaite Moksha-Daayakaah |
Cities of Ayodhya
, Mathura , Haridwar,benares,
Kanchipuram, Ujjain
and Dwaraka are seven cities giving salvation
Bhanu vasaraha - Sunday
Indu vasaraha – Monday
Bhaumya vasaraha – Tuesday
Saumya vasaraha – Wednesday
Guru vasaraha – Thursday
Shukra vasaraha – Friday
Shani vasaraha - Saturday
English Month
Sanskrit Month
March/April Chaitra
April/May Vaishaka
May/June Jyeshta
June/July Ashaada
July/Aug Sravana
Sept/Oct Asvina
Oct/Nov Karthika
Dec/Jan Paushah
Jan/Feb Magha
Vasthu Sastra – The Basics
North – Uttara
/ Udichi
East – Purva / Praachi
West – Paschima / Praathichi
South – Dakshina / Avaachi
North-East – Ishaani
South-East – Aagneshaani
North-West – Vaayavya
South-West – Naithretha
Dik Devata
Tithis (Moon’s Phases)
Sashti Ekaadasi
Dviteeya Saptami
Ashtami Tryodasi
Navami Chaturdasi
Dasami Pournami
14 Lokas Key Residents
Lord. Brahma
Tapa Loka
Abode of Tapasvins; Vaibhrajas
Jana Loka
Lord Brahma’s Sons (Sanat Kumaras)
Mahar Loka
Saints & Great Rishis (Saptarishis)
Suvarga Loka
Heavens; Indras/Devas/Gandharvas
Bhuvar Loka
Sun, Planets, Stars (Semi-divine)
Bhu Loka
wherever travellable on feet
Atala Loka
Ruled by Bala, a son of Maya
Vitala Loka
Ruled by Hara-Bhava (a form of Siva)
Sutala Loka
King Mahabali rules over Sutala
Tala tala Loka
Ruled by demon architect Maya
Maha tala Loka
Multi-hooded Nagas
Rasaa tala
Home of Demons – Danava/Daitya
Paa tala
Naga Loka, ruled by Vasuki
Other Lokas Key Residents
Naraka Loka
28 different Naraka lokas (Yamadharma)
Pitru Loka
Transient Loka of Pitrus
Maha Puranas (Veda Vyasa)
The Puranas (meaning "ancient/old") are
texts that alongside the Vedas, form an essence of the
religious material on Hinduism. They contain many
insights into the history of the Universe from the very
creation of it, to sustenance to destruction.
Besides the stories, legacies and genealogies of many
kings, heroes, sages, and deities are also beautifully
illustrated by our Puranas. The Puranas further
provide a deep perspective into the history of time.
Veda Vyasa is also the author of Mahabharatha, one
of the 4 major Epics of the world, the longest poem
which runs for 100,000 stanzas
Ved Vyasa Homer
Shanthi Mantras
Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya | Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya |
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya | Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
Om lead me
from lies to truth,
Lead me to
light from darkness,
Lead me from
death to life,
Om Peace, peace,
Om Purnamadah Purnamidam
Purnaath-Purnam-Udachyate |
Purnasya Purnam-Aadaaya
Purnam-Eva-vashissyate ||
Om that is full , this is full,
Fulness come from fullness,
If full is taken
from fullness
only fullness
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
Om peace , peace
Om Saha Naava-vAvatu | Saha Nau Bhunaktu |
Saha Viryam Karavaavahai |
Tejasvi Naava-dhi tamAstu MaaVid vishaa vahai |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
Om may we protect
together, togatherwe will nourish it,
Togather we will
work for energy
May our intellect
be sharpened, mayus not hate each other
Om peace, peace, peace
Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah (May everyone be happy)
Sarve Santu Niraamayaah | (May everyone be disease free)
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu (May all see the Auspicious)
Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet | (May none suffer)
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih (Om Peace, Peace, Peace)
Om Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu | (May everyone be well)
Sarveshaam Shaantir-Bhavatu | (May in everyone, there be
Sarveshaam Purnnam-Bhavatu | (May in everyone, be
Sarveshaam Manggalam-Bhavatu | (May in everyone, be
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||(Om peace , peace, peace)
Om Dyauh Shaantir-Antarikssam Shaantih
Prthivii Shaantir-Aapah Shaantir- Oshadhayah Shaantih |
Vanaspatayah Shaantir-Vishvedevaah Shaantir-
Brahma Shaantih Sarvam Shaantih
Shaantir-Eva Shaantih
Saa Maa Shaantir-Edhi(hi) |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
Peace is in the Sky; Peace is in the Space
Peace is in the Earth; Peace is in Water; Peace is in
Peace is in Trees; Peace is in Gods
Peace is in Brahman (absolute Truth); Peace is everywhere
Peace alone is in Peace | May you be rooted in that peace
Om Peace, Peace, Peace
Om Bhadram Karne bhih Shrunu yaama Devaaha
Bhadram Pashyemak-shabhir-Yajatraaha |
Sthirair-Angai-tussttu vaagum sastanubhihi |
Deva-Hitam Yadaayuhu
Svasti Na Indro Vrddha-Shravaaha: |
Svasti Nah Puussaa Vishva-Vedaah |
Svasti Nas-Taarkssyo Arisstta-Nemihi |
Svasti No Brhaspatir-Dadhaatu ||
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||
Aum! O gods, may we hear auspicious words with the ears;
While engaged in yagnas,
May we see auspicious things with the eyes;
While praising the gods with steady limbs,
May we enjoy a life that is beneficial to the gods.
May Indra of ancient fame be auspicious to us;
May the supremely rich (or all-knowing) Pusa (god of the earth)
Be propitious to us;
May Garuda, the destroyer of evil,
Be well disposed towards us;
May Brihaspati ensure our welfare.
Aum! Peace! Peace! Peace!
While engaged in yagnas,
May we see auspicious things with the eyes;
While praising the gods with steady limbs,
May we enjoy a life that is beneficial to the gods.
May Indra of ancient fame be auspicious to us;
May the supremely rich (or all-knowing) Pusa (god of the earth)
Be propitious to us;
May Garuda, the destroyer of evil,
Be well disposed towards us;
May Brihaspati ensure our welfare.
Aum! Peace! Peace! Peace!
अच्युतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदरं, राम नारायणं जानकी वल्लभं ||
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Ram Naraynam Janaki Vallabham
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
Pawan Guptha
Translated by
(A great Hindi BHajan. Hear it by clicking
कौन कहता है भगवान आते नहीं, तुम मीरा के जैसे बुलाते नहीं |
अच्युतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदरं, राम नारायणं जानकी वल्लभं ||
Kaun kehta hai Bhagvan aate nahi Tum Meera ke jaise
bulate nahi
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Ram Naraynam
Janaki Vallabham
Who tells that God does not come , You
are not calling him like meera.
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
कौन कहता है भगवान खाते नहीं, बेर शबरी के जैसे खिलते नहीं |
अच्युतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदरं, राम नारायणं जानकी वल्लभं ||
Kaun kehta hai Bhagvan khaate nahi . Ber Shabri ke
jaise khilate nahi
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Ram Naraynam
Janaki vallabham
Who tells that God does not eat ,
Possibly you are not making him eat like SAbari,
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
कौन कहता है भगवान सोते नहीं, माँ यशोदा के जैसे सुलाते नहीं |
अच्युतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदरं, राम नारायणं जानकी वल्लभं ||
Kaun kehta hai Bhagvan Sote nahi , Maa Yashoda ke
jaise sulate nahin
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram Rama Naraynam
Janaki Vallabham
Who says that God does not sleep , possibly
you do not pat him to sleep like mother Yasoda,
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
कौन कहता है भगवान नाचते नहीं, तुम गोपी के जैसे नचाते नहीं |
अच्युतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदरं, राम नारायणं जानकी वल्लभं ||
Kaun kehta hai Bhagvan Nachthe nahi Gopiyo ki tarah tum
Nachathae nahi
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram, Ram-naraynam
Janaki Vallabham
Who says that God does not dance , possibly
you do not make him dance like the Gopis,
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
कौन कहता है भगवान नचiते नहीं, तुम गोपी के जैसे नiचते नहीं |
अच्युतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदरं, राम नारायणं जानकी वल्लभं ||
Kaun kahatha hai Bhagawan nachathe nahi ,
thum gopi jaise naachthrenahi
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram, Ram-naraynam
Janaki Vallabham
Who says God does not make you dance, possibly you do not
dance like Gopis
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh Damodara
. Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
नाम जपते चलो काम करते चलो, हर समय कृष्ण का ध्यान करते चलो।
अच्युतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदरं, राम नारायणं जानकी वल्लभं ||
Naam Japate chalo kaam karte chalo Har samay
Krishna ka dhyaan karte chalo
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram, Ram-naraynam
Janaki Vallabham
Go on chanting his name , every time meditate
on Krishna and go,
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
याद आएगी उनको कभी ना कभी, कृष्ण दर्शन तो देंगे कभी ना कभी।
अच्युतम केशवं कृष्ण दामोदरं, राम नारायणं जानकी वल्लभं ||
YYad Aayagi unko kabhi na kabhi ,
Krishn darsan tho degaa Kabhi na kabhi
Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram, Ram Naraynam
He will once in a while remember you and once in a while
show himself to you,
Oh Achyutha , Oh Kesava , Oh Krishna, Oh
Damodara . Oh Rama, Oh Narayana, Oh consort of Janaki
Aathma Rama Aanandha Ramana
Achyutha Keshava Hari Narayana
Bhava Bhaya Harana
Vanditha Charana
Raghukula Bhooshana Rajiva Lochana
Adi Narayana Anantha Shayana
Sathchitthanandha Sathya Narayana
Oh Rama who is my
soul, Oh Rama who is my joy,
Oh Achyutha, Kesava, Rama, Narayana.
Destroyer of fear
of karma, He whose feet is saluted.
The ornament of
Raghu clan who has lotus like eeyes
Oh primeval Narayana who sleeps on Anantha
Oh divine joy , Oh
Narayana of Truth
Radhe Radhe Radhe Radhe Govinda
Radhe Radhe Radhe Radhe Govinda
Brindavana Chandra
Anathanatha Deenabandho Radhe Govinda
Oh Radha . Oh
Radha , Oh Radha Govinda .
Who is the
moon of Brindavana
Oh Lord of those
who are orpans, Of friend of those
who are suffering , Oh Radha
Nandakumara Navanita Chora Radhe Govinda
Brindavana Chandra
Anathanatha Deenabandho Radhe Govinda
Oh soon of Nanda, oh thief of butter, Oh Radha Govinda
Who is the
moon of Brindavana
Oh Lord of those
who are orpans, Of friend of those
who are suffering , Oh Radha
Purana Purusha Punya Shloka Radhe Govinda
Brindavana Chandra
Anathanatha Deenabandho Radhe Govinda
Oh Divine purusha, who is being spoken as blessed,
Who is the
moon of Brindavana
Oh Lord of those
who are orpans, Of friend of those
who are suffering , Oh Radha
Pandarinata Panduranga Radhe Govinda
Brindavana Chandra
Anathanatha Deenabandho Radhe Govinda
Oh Lord of Pandharpur, Oh Panduranga Oh Radha govinda,
Who is the
moon of Brindavana
Oh Lord of those
who are orpans, Of friend of those
who are suffering , Oh Radha
Jai Jai Vittala Jaya Hari Vittala Radhe Govinda
Brindavana Chandra
Anathanatha Deenabandho Radhe Govinda
Hail , hail Vittal, Hail Vittal , Oh Radha Govinda
Who is the
moon of Brindavana
Oh Lord of those
who are orpans, Of friend of those
who are suffering , Oh Radha
Anjanaya Veera Hanumantha Sura
Vayu Kumara Vanara Veera
Anjanaya Veera ...
Vayu Kumara ...
SriRam JaiRam JaiJai Ram, Seetha Ram Jai Radhey Shyam
Oh heroic Anjaneya
, Oh Valorous Hanumantha,
Oh son of Vayu ,
Oh Monkey Hero
Oh heroic Anjaneya
Oh son of Vayu
Sri Ram, Hail Ram, hail,hail RamSitara,Hail Black
one of Radha(4)
Man & Religion
Followers Key
Festivals Dieties
Hinduism (P)
Jainism (P)
~1 Billion
~2 Billion
~1.3 Billion
~25 Million
~400 Million
~4 Million
~15 Million
Diwali, Holi
Dussehra, Onam
Easter, Christmas
Ramzan, Eid
Nanak Jayanti
Mahavir Jayanti
Passover, Shavuot
Rosh Hashanah
Devi, Ganesh,
Vishnu, Brahma
YHWH Yahveh /
Jehovah (Jesus)
Ik Onkar
YHWH / Elohim
Moses, David
Religions Holy Places Holy Books
Place of
7 Mokshapuri + Multiple
Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Israel
Mecca, Medina,
Harmandir Saheb, Amritsar
Bodh Gaya, Lumbini,
Sarnath, Kushinagar
Sarnath, Palitana Temples
Temple Mount (Jerusalem)
Mount Sinai, Wailing Wall
Vedas, Upanishads
Gita, Puranas
Quran / Hadith
Guru Granth Sahib
Torah / Tanakh /
Mandir / Temple
Buddhist Temple
Jain Temple
Synagogue / shul
Ganesha Pancharatnam
Mudakaraatha Modakam Sada Vimukti Saadhakam
Kalaadharaavatamsakam Vilasiloka Rakshakam
Anaaya Kaika Naayakam Vinasitebha Daityakam
Nataasubhasu Naashakam Namaami Tham Vinaayakam.
Anaaya Kaika Naayakam Vinasitebha Daityakam
Nataasubhasu Naashakam Namaami Tham Vinaayakam.
I salute that remover of obstacles,
Who has modakas in his hand
Who always bestows salvation
Who wears a part of moon on his head
Who protects this world which is varied,
Who is the leader of those who cannot be lead,
Who is the cause of destruction of asuras,
And who destroys all things which are not good.
Natetaraati Bheekaram Navoditaarka Bhaasvaram
Namat Suraari Nirjanam Nataadhi Kaapa Duddharam
Suresvaram Nidheesvaram Gajesvaram Ganeshvaram
Mahesvaram Samaasraye Paraatparam Nirantaram.
I bow before that great Lord permanently,
Who creates fear in the enemies of his devotees,
Who sparkles like the just risen Sun,
Who is saluted by Gods and Asuras
Who destroys obstacles of his devotees,
Who is the God of all devas,
Who is the God of all wealth,
Who is the God of all elephants,
And who is the leader of the army of Lord Shiva.
Samasta Loka Samkaram Nirasta Daitya Kunjaram
Daredarodaram Varam Vare Bhavaktra Maksharam
Krupaakaram Kshamaakaram Mudaakaram Yasaskaram
Manaskaram Namaskrutaam Namaskaromi Bhaasvaram.
I bow to that Ganapati who shines like the Sun,
Who bestows peace to all the worlds,
Who removed the Gajamukhasura from this world,
Who has a very big paunch,
Who has an elephant-face which blesses,
And who is the one who shows kindness
Who is tolerant
Who is full of blessing,
And who showers great fame,
To those who salute Him.
Akimchanaarti Marjanam Chirantanokti Bhaajanam
Puraari Poorva Nandanam Suraari Garva Charvanam
Prapancha Naasha Bheeshanam Dhananjayaadi Bhushanam
Kapola Daana Vaaranam Bhajaey Puraana Vaaranam.
I salute the very ancient elephant-god
Who destroys the wants of the have nots,
Who has been worshipped since ancient times,
Who is the eldest son of the lord who destroyed cities,
Who eats away the pride of the enemies of the gods,
Who is awesome at the time of final deluge,
Who wears serpents like Dananjaya as ornaments,
And who is fierce like the elephant in rut.
Nitaantikaanta Dantakaanti Mantakaanta Kaatmajam
Achintya Rupa Mantaheena Mantaraaya Krintanam
Hrudantarey Nirantaram Vasantameva Yoginam
Tameka Danta Meva Tam Vichintayaami Santatam.
I always meditate only on that God with single tusk,,
Who is ever lustrous tusk is very pretty,
Who is the son of Lord who killed the god of death,
Who has a form beyond ones imagination,
Who is endless,
Who tears asunder all obstacles,
And who dwells forever in the heart of Yogis ,
Like the season of spring.
Maha Ganesa Pancha Rathna Maadharena Yo Anvaham,
Prajalpathi Prabhathake Hrudhi Smaran Ganeswaram,
Arogadhamadhosadham Susahitheem Suputhratham,
Samahithayurshta Bhoothi Mapyupaithi Sochiraath.
The resultant benefit of Chanting Ganesha Pancharatnam
He, who remembers with respect every morning,
These five gems of the great Lord Ganapati,
And who meditates in his heart the leader of ganas,
Will soon be blessed with a healthy life,
Free of all problems, endowed with great peace
Great sons, longevity and spiritual and physical wealth.
Who has modakas in his hand
Who always bestows salvation
Who wears a part of moon on his head
Who protects this world which is varied,
Who is the leader of those who cannot be lead,
Who is the cause of destruction of asuras,
And who destroys all things which are not good.
Natetaraati Bheekaram Navoditaarka Bhaasvaram
Namat Suraari Nirjanam Nataadhi Kaapa Duddharam
Suresvaram Nidheesvaram Gajesvaram Ganeshvaram
Mahesvaram Samaasraye Paraatparam Nirantaram.
I bow before that great Lord permanently,
Who creates fear in the enemies of his devotees,
Who sparkles like the just risen Sun,
Who is saluted by Gods and Asuras
Who destroys obstacles of his devotees,
Who is the God of all devas,
Who is the God of all wealth,
Who is the God of all elephants,
And who is the leader of the army of Lord Shiva.
Samasta Loka Samkaram Nirasta Daitya Kunjaram
Daredarodaram Varam Vare Bhavaktra Maksharam
Krupaakaram Kshamaakaram Mudaakaram Yasaskaram
Manaskaram Namaskrutaam Namaskaromi Bhaasvaram.
I bow to that Ganapati who shines like the Sun,
Who bestows peace to all the worlds,
Who removed the Gajamukhasura from this world,
Who has a very big paunch,
Who has an elephant-face which blesses,
And who is the one who shows kindness
Who is tolerant
Who is full of blessing,
And who showers great fame,
To those who salute Him.
Akimchanaarti Marjanam Chirantanokti Bhaajanam
Puraari Poorva Nandanam Suraari Garva Charvanam
Prapancha Naasha Bheeshanam Dhananjayaadi Bhushanam
Kapola Daana Vaaranam Bhajaey Puraana Vaaranam.
I salute the very ancient elephant-god
Who destroys the wants of the have nots,
Who has been worshipped since ancient times,
Who is the eldest son of the lord who destroyed cities,
Who eats away the pride of the enemies of the gods,
Who is awesome at the time of final deluge,
Who wears serpents like Dananjaya as ornaments,
And who is fierce like the elephant in rut.
Nitaantikaanta Dantakaanti Mantakaanta Kaatmajam
Achintya Rupa Mantaheena Mantaraaya Krintanam
Hrudantarey Nirantaram Vasantameva Yoginam
Tameka Danta Meva Tam Vichintayaami Santatam.
I always meditate only on that God with single tusk,,
Who is ever lustrous tusk is very pretty,
Who is the son of Lord who killed the god of death,
Who has a form beyond ones imagination,
Who is endless,
Who tears asunder all obstacles,
And who dwells forever in the heart of Yogis ,
Like the season of spring.
Maha Ganesa Pancha Rathna Maadharena Yo Anvaham,
Prajalpathi Prabhathake Hrudhi Smaran Ganeswaram,
Arogadhamadhosadham Susahitheem Suputhratham,
Samahithayurshta Bhoothi Mapyupaithi Sochiraath.
The resultant benefit of Chanting Ganesha Pancharatnam
He, who remembers with respect every morning,
These five gems of the great Lord Ganapati,
And who meditates in his heart the leader of ganas,
Will soon be blessed with a healthy life,
Free of all problems, endowed with great peace
Great sons, longevity and spiritual and physical wealth.
Linga Ashtakam
Translated by P.R.Ramachander
Brahma Murari Sura architha Lingam,
Nirmala bashitha Shobitha Lingam,
Janmaja dukha vinasaka lingam.
That pranamami sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu and other Devas,
Which is pure and resplendent,
And which destroys sorrows of birth.
Which is worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu and other Devas,
Which is pure and resplendent,
And which destroys sorrows of birth.
Deva Murari pravarchitha Lingam,
Kama dahana Karunakara
Ravana darpa vinashana lingam,
That pranamami sad shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is worshipped by great sages and devas,
Which destroyed the god of love,
Which showers mercy,
And which destroyed the pride of Ravana.
Which is worshipped by great sages and devas,
Which destroyed the god of love,
Which showers mercy,
And which destroyed the pride of Ravana.
Sarva sukandhi sulepitha lingam,
Budhi vivarthana karana lingam,
Siddha surasura vandhitha lingam,
That pranamami sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is anointed by perfumes,
Which leads to growth of wisdom,
And which is worshipped by sages, devas and asuras.
Which is anointed by perfumes,
Which leads to growth of wisdom,
And which is worshipped by sages, devas and asuras.
Kanaka mahamani bhooshitha lingam,.
Panipathi veshtitha shobitha lingam,
Daksha suyagna vinasana lingam,
That pranamami sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is ornamented by gold and great jewels,
Which shines with the snake being with it,
And which destroyed the Yagna of Daksha.
Which is ornamented by gold and great jewels,
Which shines with the snake being with it,
And which destroyed the Yagna of Daksha.
Kunkuma chandana lepitha lingam,
Pankaja hara sushobitha lingam,
Sanchitha papa vinasana lingam,
That pranamami sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is adorned by sandal paste and saffron,
Which wears the garland of lotus flowers,
And which can destroy accumulated sins.
Which is adorned by sandal paste and saffron,
Which wears the garland of lotus flowers,
And which can destroy accumulated sins.
Deva Ganarchitha sevitha lingam,
Bhavair bakthi pravesa lingam,
Dinakara koti prabhakara lingam,
That pranamami sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is served by gods and other beings,
Which is the doorway for devotion and good thought,
And which shines like billions of Suns.
Which is served by gods and other beings,
Which is the doorway for devotion and good thought,
And which shines like billions of Suns.
Ashta dalopari veshtitha lingam,
Sarva samudbhava karana lingam,
Ashta daridra vinasana lingam,
That pranamami sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is surrounded by eight petals,
Which is the prime reason of all riches,
And which destroys eight types of poverty.
Which is surrounded by eight petals,
Which is the prime reason of all riches,
And which destroys eight types of poverty.
Suraguru sura vara poojitha Lingam,
Sura vana pushpa sadarchitha lingam,
Parathparam paramathmaka lingam,
That pranamai sada shiva lingam.
I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva,
Which is worshipped by the teacher of gods,
Which is worshipped by the best of gods,
Which is always worshipped by the flowers,
From the garden of Gods,
Which is the eternal abode,
And which is the ultimate truth
Which is worshipped by the teacher of gods,
Which is worshipped by the best of gods,
Which is always worshipped by the flowers,
From the garden of Gods,
Which is the eternal abode,
And which is the ultimate truth
Lingashtakam, Idam Punyam padeth Shiva Sannidhow,
Shivalokam avapnothi shive na sahamodathe.
Any one who chants the holy octet of the Lingam,
In the holy presence of Lord Shiva,
Would in the end reach the world of Shiva,
And keep him company.
In the holy presence of Lord Shiva,
Would in the end reach the world of Shiva,
And keep him company.
Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
Mahalakshmi ashtakam
Translated by P.R.Ramachander
Namosthesthu Maha Maye,
Sree peede, sura poojithe,
Sanka, chakra, Gadha hasthe,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe., 1
Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi*,
Who is the great enchantress,
Who lives in riches,
Who is worshipped by Gods,
And who has conch, wheel and mace in her hands.
Who is the great enchantress,
Who lives in riches,
Who is worshipped by Gods,
And who has conch, wheel and mace in her hands.
Namasthe garudarude,
Kolasura bhayam kari,
Sarva papa hare, devi,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe., 2
Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi.
Who rides on an eagle,
Who created fear to Kolasura,
And is the goddess who can destroy all sins
Who rides on an eagle,
Who created fear to Kolasura,
And is the goddess who can destroy all sins
Sarvagne Sarva varadhe,
Sarva dushta Bhayam karee,
Sarva dukha hare, devi,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe., 3
Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi.
Who knows everything,
Who can grant any thing,
Who appears fearsome to bad people,
And is the goddess who can destroy all sorrows.
Who knows everything,
Who can grant any thing,
Who appears fearsome to bad people,
And is the goddess who can destroy all sorrows.
Sidhi budhi pradhe devi,
Bhakthi mukthi pradayinee,
Manthra moorthe, sada devi,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe., 4
Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi,
Who grants intelligence and occult powers,
Who grants devotion to God and salvation,
Who can be personified by holy chants,
And who is Goddess for ever.
Who grants intelligence and occult powers,
Who grants devotion to God and salvation,
Who can be personified by holy chants,
And who is Goddess for ever.
Adhyantha rahithe, devi,
Adhi Shakthi maheswari,
Yogaje yoga sambhoothe,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe., 5
Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi.
Who neither has an end nor beginning,
Who is the primeval power,
Who is the greates Goddess,
Who is born out of hard penance,
And who can be personified by meditation.
Who neither has an end nor beginning,
Who is the primeval power,
Who is the greates Goddess,
Who is born out of hard penance,
And who can be personified by meditation.
Sthoola Sukshma maha roudhre,
Maha Shakthi Maho dhare,
Maha papa hare devi,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe., 6
Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi,
Who is micro and also gross,
Who is most fearsome,
Who is the greatest strength,
Who within her holds the worlds,
And is the Goddess who can destroy sins.
Who is micro and also gross,
Who is most fearsome,
Who is the greatest strength,
Who within her holds the worlds,
And is the Goddess who can destroy sins.
Padmasana sthithe, devi,
Para brahma swaroopini,
Para mesi, jagan matha,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe., 7
Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi,
Who is the goddess who has the seat of Lotus,
Who is the personification of the ultimate truth,
Who is Goddess of all,
And who is the mother of all the worlds.
Who is the goddess who has the seat of Lotus,
Who is the personification of the ultimate truth,
Who is Goddess of all,
And who is the mother of all the worlds.
Swethambara dhare, devi,
Nanalankara bhooshithe,
Jagat sthithe, jagan matha,
Maha Lakshmi Namosthuthe., 8
Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi,
Who wears white cloth,
Who wears variety of ornaments,
Who is everywhere in the world,
And who is the mother of all the worlds.
Who wears white cloth,
Who wears variety of ornaments,
Who is everywhere in the world,
And who is the mother of all the worlds.
Phala Sruthi
Maha lakmyashtakam stotram,
Ya padeth Bhakthiman nara,
Sarva sidhi mavapnothi,
Rajyam prapnothi sarvadha.
Those men who read this octet praising Mahalakshmi,
With devotion and discipline,
Would make all powers as his own,,
And also would attain the kingdom for ever.
With devotion and discipline,
Would make all powers as his own,,
And also would attain the kingdom for ever.
Aapad Uddharaka Rama Slokam
Aapad Uddharaka Rama Slokam
Translated by
1.Aapadam apa hartharam dhataram sarva sampadam,
Lokabhi ramam Sri ramam bhooyo bhooyo namamyaham.
My prostrations to that Sri Rama,
Who removes all dangers in life,
Who gives all riches to his devotees,
And who is the darling of all the world.
Who removes all dangers in life,
Who gives all riches to his devotees,
And who is the darling of all the world.
2.Aarhanaam aarthi hantharam bheethanam bheetha nasanam,
Dwishatham kaladandam tham Ramachandram namamyaham
My salutations to that Ramachandra,
Who wipes of all miseries of the miserable,
Who wipes away all fear from those afraid,
And who is the God of death to his enemies.
Who wipes of all miseries of the miserable,
Who wipes away all fear from those afraid,
And who is the God of death to his enemies.
3.Namah kodanda hastaya sandhi krutha sarayacha
kandita khila daitya rama yapan nivarine: ||
Salutations to Rama with
KOdanda in his hand who removed danger,
By cutting off the
Rakhasas by arrows kept on that bow
4.Agratah prushtatas chaiva parsvatasca mahabalou
Akarna poorna danvanou Raksheetam rama lakshmanou
|| 4
With bows drawn up to the ear in front, in the
back and
on sides , the very powerful, Rama and Lakshmana would
protect us
5.Sannadha kavachi gadgi chapa
bana dharo yuvaa,
Gachan mamagratho nithyam Rama
pathu Lakshmana
Daily the youth and
Lakshmana keeping sword and shield ready,
As well as bows and arrows would
walk by my side
6.Ramaya ramabhadraya Ramachandraya vedhase
Raghunataya nathaaya Sitaaya patheye
I salute Rama , Rama
Bhadra ,Ramachandra the expert in Vedas,
The Lord of Raghus who is my lord and
Sita’s consort
7.Sarva-dharman parityajya mamekam saranam vraja
Aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah ||
Give up all Dharma and take refuge in me alone,
And grieve not, for I would liberate you from all sins.
And grieve not, for I would liberate you from all sins.
8.Satyam Satyam punah Satyam Uddhrutya bhujam uchayate
Vedat Sastram Param naasti na daivam Kesavat param
It is truth , truth, again truth, With raised hands I am telling,
Among sastras
there is nothing greter than Vedas and among Gods nothing above Kesava
9.Sharire jarjari bhuthe vyaadhi graste kalebare
Aushadham jahnavi thoyam vaidyo narayano harihi: ||
When the body has become extremely old ,
And is afflicted by many diseases,
The only medicine is the water of Ganga,
And the only doctor is Lord Narayana.
And is afflicted by many diseases,
The only medicine is the water of Ganga,
And the only doctor is Lord Narayana.
10.Alodya sarva shastrani vicharya cha punaha punahah:
Idamekam sunishpannam dhyeyo Narayano Harihi ||
If you churn all
Sasthras and examine
it again and again,
Only one
thought comes to the fore, Meditate on Narayana
the Hari
Achyudanana govinda
1.Achyuthanantha Govinda Namocharana beshajaath,
Nasyanthi sakala roga sathyam sathyam
1.The chanting of the names Achyutha ,
Anantha and Govinda is the medicine ,
And I tell the truth and nothing but the
truth that it would destroy all diseases.
2.Achyuthanatha Govinda Vishno Narayanamrutha
Rogaan may nasaya aseshaan aasu
Dhanvanthare hare.
2.The names of Achyutha , Anantha , Govinda ,
Vishnu and Narayana is nectar ,
Oh Lord Dhanvanthari who is Hari , please
with speed cure all my diseases completely.
3.Achyuthananda Govinda Vishno
Dhanvanthare Hare,
Vasudeva Akhilanasya rogaan
nasaya nasaya.
3.Oh Achyutha , Oh Anantha , Oh Govinda , Oh Vishnu
, Oh Dhanvantari , Oh Hari ,
Oh Vasudeva , please destroy , destroy
all these diseases.
4.Somanadham Vaidhyanatham Dhanvanthari
madhasvinou ,
Yethaan samsamaratha pratha ,
vyadhi sprasa na vidhyathi
4.If one remembers in the morning Somanadha ,
Vaidhyanatha , Dhanvanthari,
And Asvini Kumaras then the diseases
would not even touch him.
11,Kaaayena vaacha mana-sendra-deerva
budh-yaatma nava prakrute swabhaavath |
karomi yad yat sakalam parasmai
Naraayana yeti samarpayami ||
Either by the body
,. Mind or by sense organs,
Or through Brain
or soul or by my usual nature,
All that I have
done so far,
I am offering it
to lord Narayana
12,Yadakshara pada bhrashTam maatra heenam tuyad bhavet
tatsarvam kshyamyataam deva naarayana namostute
If one word is left and due to that Manthra
becomes wrong,
Please pardon
all those,Oh God Narayana
I salute you
13.Visarga bindu maatraani pada paadaksharaani cha
nyunani chaati rik dhaani kshamasva purushottamah:
Comma ,.full stop, words are letters in words,
If they are left or added extra, Oh God Purushothama
pardon me
14,Anyatha sharanam nasti twameva sharanam mama
Tasmat karunya bhavena Raksha Raksha Janardhana
I do not have any
one to protect me, you are my only protection,
And so taking
mercxy on me, Oh protect , protect me
, Oh Janarsdhana
15.Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna hare hare |
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama hare hare ||
Vishnu is Krishna
, Vishnu is Krishna , Krishna, Krishna are Vishnu
, Visshnu
Vishnu is Rama,
Vishnu is Rama, Rama, Rama is Vishnu
Vasudeva sutham devam,
Kamsa Chanura Mardhanam,
Devaki paramaanandham,
Krishnam vande Jagat Gurum., 1
I salute the world teacher Krishna,
Who is the son of Vasudeva,
Who killed Kamdsa and Chanura,
And the source of great joy to Devaki
Who is the son of Vasudeva,
Who killed Kamdsa and Chanura,
And the source of great joy to Devaki
Athasee pushpa sangasam,
Hara noopura shobhitham,
Rathna kankana keyuram,
Krishnam vande Jagat Gurum., 2
I salute the world teacher Krishna,
Who is surrounded by hemp flowers,
Who shines in necklaces and anklets,
And who wears gem studded bangles and armlets.
Who is surrounded by hemp flowers,
Who shines in necklaces and anklets,
And who wears gem studded bangles and armlets.
Kutilalaka samyuktham,
Poorna chandra nibhananam,
Vilasad kundala dharam,
Krishnam vande Jagat Gurum., 3
I salute the world teacher Krishna,
Who is with curly locks of hair,
Who resembles the full moon,
And who shines in his ear studs.
Who is with curly locks of hair,
Who resembles the full moon,
And who shines in his ear studs.
Mandhaara gandha samyuktham,
Charu hasam, Chathur bhujam,
Barhi pinnchava choodangam,
Krishnam vande Jagat Gurum., 4
I salute the world teacher Krishna,
Who is with the smell of Mandhara flowers,
Who has a pretty smile and four hands,
And who wears the feather of peacock.
Who is with the smell of Mandhara flowers,
Who has a pretty smile and four hands,
And who wears the feather of peacock.
Uthphulla pathra padamaksham,
Neelaji mudha sannibham,
Yadavaanaam siro rathnam,
Krishnam vande Jagat Gurum., 5
I salute the world teacher Krishna,
Who has eyes like fully opened petals of lotus,
Who resembles the rich blue cloud,
And is the greatest gem among Yadavas.
Who has eyes like fully opened petals of lotus,
Who resembles the rich blue cloud,
And is the greatest gem among Yadavas.
Rukmani keli samyuktham,
Peetambara sushobhitham,
Avaptha thulasi gandham,
Krishnam vande Jagat Gurum., 6
I salute the world teacher Krishna,
Who is with the playuful Rukhmani,
And who shines in yellow silks,
And who has the scent of holy basil.
Who is with the playuful Rukhmani,
And who shines in yellow silks,
And who has the scent of holy basil.
Gopeenaam Kucha dwanda,
Kunkumankitha vakshasam,
Sri niketham, maheshvasam,
Krishnam vande Jagat Gurum., 7
I salute the world teacher Krishna,
Who is coated with the saffron powder,
From the two breasts of gopis
And who is the home of Lakshmi and
In whom the great God lives.
Who is coated with the saffron powder,
From the two breasts of gopis
And who is the home of Lakshmi and
In whom the great God lives.
Sri Vathsankam mahoraskam,
Vana maala virajitham,
Sankha chakra dharam devam,
Krishnam vande Jagat Gurum., 8
I salute the world teacher Krishna,
Who has Sri Vathsa on his chest,
Who is deorated by forest garland,
And is the God who holds conch and wheel.
Who has Sri Vathsa on his chest,
Who is deorated by forest garland,
And is the God who holds conch and wheel.
Krishnashtakam mitham punyam,
Prathar uthaya ya padteth,
Kodi janma krutham papam,
Sathyameva vinasyathi., 9
If this blessed octet on Krishna,
Is sung as soon as one wakes up in the morning,
The sins done in billions of births,
Will truely be destroyed.
Is sung as soon as one wakes up in the morning,
The sins done in billions of births,
Will truely be destroyed.
Chandi Paath: Yaadevi Sarva Bhuteshu
6. Ya devi Sarva bhootheshu vishnu mayethi sabdhitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who is soul power in all beings.
7. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu chethanthyabhi dheeyathe,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who is root power in action of all beings.
8. Ya Devi sarva bhootheshu bhuddhi roopena samshthitha,
Naasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of intellect.
9. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu nidhra roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of sleep
10. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu kshudha roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of hunger.
11. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu chaya roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of shadow
12. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu shakthi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of inner strength
13. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu thrishna roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of saving and storage
14. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu kshanthi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of patience.
15. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu jathi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of oneness in many.
16. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu lajja roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of shame.
17. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu shanthi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of peace
18. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu sradha roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of understanding
19. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu kanthi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of light.
20. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu lakshmi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of wealth or god given assets.
21. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu vruthi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of work
22. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu smruthi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of memory.
23. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu daya roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of mercy
24. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu thushti roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of happiness bore out of sufficiency.
25. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu mathruroopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of motherhood.
26. Ya devi sarva bhootheshu brandhi roopena samshthitha,
Namasthasyair namasthasyair namasthasyair namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations to that goddess who lives in all beings as power of delusion.
27. Indryanam adhishtathri bhoothanam akhileshu ya,
Bhotheshu sathatham tasyai vyapthai devyai namo nama.
Salutations and salutations to that Goddess who is the inner power and soul behind organs performing daily actions, organs performing intellectual pursuits and is the source power behind the five elements viz. earth, water, air, fire and ether.
28. Chithi roopena yaa kruthsnamedath vyapyai sthitha jagath,
Namasthasyai namasthasyai namasthasyai namo nama.
Salutations, salutations and salutations who as the form of micro power has spread all over the universe.
29. Sthutha surai poorva mabeeshta samsraya,
Thadha surendrena dineshu sevitha,
Karothu saa na shubha hethureeeswai,
Shubhani bhadrani abhihanthu Chaa pada.
30. Yaa saampradham chodhadha daithyathapithair,
Rasmabhireesa cha surair namasyathe,
Ya cha smrutha thath kshanameva hanthi na,
Sarvapadho bhakthi vinamra murthibhi.
Let that goddess who brings good to us Who was praised in the olden times by gods like Brahma , Who is daily being served by Devendra for getting his works done, Who is being praised by us devas who are being troubled by Asuras, who is praised and remembered by us because devotion to her solves all our problems even when we are thinking about her and who is the reason for all good things in the world. Let destroy all our problems.
Sri Sastha Dashakam
Loka Veeram Maha poojyam,
Sarava raksha karam Vibhum,
Parvathi hrudayanandam,
Sastharam pranamamyaham., 1
I salute that God Sastha,
Who is the hero of the world,
Who is greatly noble,
Who is the lord protecting everyone,
And who gives happiness to the heart of Parvathi.
Who is the hero of the world,
Who is greatly noble,
Who is the lord protecting everyone,
And who gives happiness to the heart of Parvathi.
Vipra poojyam, Viswa Vandhyam,
Vishnu Shambho priyam sutham,
Kshipra prasada niratham,
Sastharam pranamamyaham., 2
I salute that God Sastha,
Who is being worshipped by Brahmins,
Who is saluted by the universe,
Who is the darling son of Vishnu and Shiva,
And who is becomes pleased very quickly.
Who is being worshipped by Brahmins,
Who is saluted by the universe,
Who is the darling son of Vishnu and Shiva,
And who is becomes pleased very quickly.
Matha mathanga gamanam,
Karunyamrutha pooritham,
Sarva vigna haram devam,
Sastharam pranamamyaham., 3
I salute that God Sastha,
Who walks like a vigorous elephant,
Who is filled with nectar of mercy,
And who is the God who removes all obstacles.
Who walks like a vigorous elephant,
Who is filled with nectar of mercy,
And who is the God who removes all obstacles.
Asmad kuleshwaram devam,
Asmad Shathru vinasanam,
Asmad ishta pradha daram,
Sastharam pranamamyaham., 4
I salute that God Sastha,
Who is the god of my family,
Who destroys my enemies,
And who fulfills all my wishes.
Who is the god of my family,
Who destroys my enemies,
And who fulfills all my wishes.
Pandyesha vamsa thilakam,
Kerale Keli vigraham,
Artha thrana param
Sastharam pranamamyaham., 5
I salute that God Sastha,
Who is the greatest of the clan of Pandyas,
Who is the playful god of Kerala,
And who is the God who looks after the oppressed.
Who is the greatest of the clan of Pandyas,
Who is the playful god of Kerala,
And who is the God who looks after the oppressed.
Traymbaka puradheesam,
Ganadhipa Samanvitham,
Gajaroodam aham Vande,
Sastharam pranamamyaham., 6
I salute that God Sastha,
Who rides on an elephant,
Who is the king of Tryambaka,
And who is near to Lord Ganesa
Who rides on an elephant,
Who is the king of Tryambaka,
And who is near to Lord Ganesa
Siva veerya samud bhootham,
Sreenivasa thanudbhavam,
Siki vahanujam Vande,
Sastharam pranamamyaham., 7
I salute that God Sastha,
Who is the personification of power of Shiva,
Who was born out of the body of Sreenivasa,
And who is the brother of him who rides the peacock.
Who is the personification of power of Shiva,
Who was born out of the body of Sreenivasa,
And who is the brother of him who rides the peacock.
Yasya Danwantharir matha,
Pitha devo Maheswara,
Tham Sastharamaham vande,
Maha Roga nivaranam., 8
I salute that Sastha,
Whose mother is Dhanwanthari,
Whose father is Lord Shiva,
And who cures all diseases.
Whose mother is Dhanwanthari,
Whose father is Lord Shiva,
And who cures all diseases.
Bhoothanatha, sadananda,
Sarva bhootha daya para,
Raksha raksha maha baho,
Sasthre thubham namo nama., 9
Salutations and salutations to that Sastha,
Who is the lord of all beings,
Who is perennially ever happy,
Who shows mercy towards all beings,
And I pray,” Protect me great hero.”
Who is the lord of all beings,
Who is perennially ever happy,
Who shows mercy towards all beings,
And I pray,” Protect me great hero.”
Ashyama komala vishala thanum Vichithram,
Vasoavasana arunothphala dama hastham,
Uthunga rathna magudam, kutilagra kesam,
Sastharamishta varadam saranam prapadhye., 10
I seek the protection of Sastha who loves his devotees,
Who has the peculiar pretty black body colour,
Who lives till the end of the world,
Who has dawn like hands which resemble lightning
Who has tall crown made of costly gems,
And Who has curly and pretty hair.
Who has the peculiar pretty black body colour,
Who lives till the end of the world,
Who has dawn like hands which resemble lightning
Who has tall crown made of costly gems,
And Who has curly and pretty hair.
Very good collection. Thanks for collating this.
Thank you for the collating this. Very good collection for kids.
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