Sunday, October 10, 2021

Prayers to those born in Kettai(Jyeshta) star

Prayers to those born in Kettai(Jyeshta) star


Jyeshta  തൃക്കേട്ട  கேட்டை  జ్యేష్ట  ज्येष्ठा-Planet concerned Budha, God  concerned  Lord Varaha




a.Nakshatra  Gayathri


OmHiranya  Garbhaya vidmahe,

Bhoo varahaya  Deemahi

Thanno krodaa Prachodayath


Om Let me meditate  on Hiraya Garbha,

Let God Bhoo Varaha give  me higher intellect

Let Varaha’s bosom illuminate my mind


b.Prayers to God  of Nakshatra


 Deekshanu janmopasada sirodharam,
THwam praayaneeyo dhayaneeya dhamshtra,
Jihwa prayargya sthava seershakam krutho,
Sabhyava sathyam chithayo asavo hi they.

Your repeated incarnations are the offering of oblations to the fire,
And three ishtis called Upasada preceding extraction of Soma constitute your neck,
The prayaniya and the udyaniya ishti done at the end are your tusks,
The Pravargya which is carried out before Upasad is your toungue,
The Sabhava and avasathya fires of the sacrifice are your head,
And the arrangement of bricks in layers for the sacrifice are your vital airs.

Somasthu retha savanaanyava sthithi,
Samshthaa vibhedha sthava deva dhathava,
SAthraani sarvaani sareera sandhi,
Sthwam sarva yagna kruthu rishti bandhana.

Your generative fluid is Soma, your sitting posture,
Are the everyday rites performed thrice a day,
The seven constituents of your body,
Are the seven main sacrifices and your body joints,
Are the satras which are sacrifices carried out for several days,
And like this your entire body are the various parts of a yagna,
And the tendons of your body are the various sacrifices


c. Prayer toNakshatra


Bharathi BHargavi  Manthra  maya  Gopura,

Jyeshtaa    devi  , Sahaya krupe


Oh  Goddess of learning , mother of Bhrugu, who is the tower of Manthras,

Oh Jyeshta   devi , Please   take mercy and help me

d.From Sankara’s Nakshatra mala

Yee hithakshana pradhana hethave  , Namashivaya

AAhithagni pala koksha  kethave  Namashivaya

DEha kanthi dhootha roubhya dhathava  Namashivaya

Geha dukha puncha  dhooma kethave  Namashivaya


He who fulfills your desire   that moment itself  , Namashivaya

He who has a bull in his flag   and protects the  Yajna  fire, Namashivaya

He who by the  luster  of his body  excels silver  , Namashivaya

He   who is the fire  that destroys all sorrows  of the worldly life  ,Namashivaya


e.Vishnu   saharanama   words  concerned  to that  Nakshatra


Kettai/Ketta I Padam  (Jyeshta  in Telugu/Kannada)
Kalaneminiha Vira Shaurir Shoora Janeshwaraha
Trilokatma Trilokesha Keshava Keshiha Harihi
Kettai/Ketta II Padam
Kama Deva Kamapala Kamee Kantha Krutaagamha
Anirdheshyavapur-Vishur-Viro Anando Dhanan Jayaha
Kettai/Ketta III Padam
Bhramanyo Brahmankrud Brahma Brahma Brahma Vivardhanaha
Brahmavith Braahmano Brahmi Brahmagnyo Braamana Priyaha
Kettai/Ketta IV Padam

Mahakramo Mahakarmã Mahãtejã Mahoragaha
Maha-Krathur Mahãyajva Mahayagno Maha Havihi

Prayer to those  born in Vruschika rasi


Om Aswadwajaaya  vidhmahe

Dhanu hasthaya  deemahi

Thanno shukra  prachodayath


Om let me meditate on him who has a horse flag

Let he who holds the bow  give me higher  intellect

And let Planet  Shukra  illuminate my mind

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