Monday, March 15, 2021

Sri Yama Sthuthi for getting mangalya to ladies

Sri Yama Sthuthi  for  getting mangalya to ladies 


Translated  by



Every married woman has to read / tell this sloka, after taking bath daily morning and evening, if not possible at least on Thursday and Friday. Each and every time when you read this sloka your manglya prapthi will increase. Uthama Sthri Savithri told this sloka to get her husband Sathyavan. Thanks



धर्मराज नमस्तेऽस्तु साक्षाद्धर्मस्वरूपिणे।

धर्मिष्ठ शान्तरूपाय सत्यरूप नमो नमः ॥१॥


Prayer  addressed  to God of death

1.Darma raja namasthesthu sakshath darma swaroopine!
Darmishta santha roopaya sathya roopa namo namah : !!


Salutations to the Lord of Dharma who is personification of real dharma,

Salutations to him who follows dharma is peaceful  and has the form of truth.



यमाय मृत्यवे तुभ्यं कालाय नमो नमः।

सूर्यपुत्र नमस्तेऽस्तु सर्वभूतक्षयाय ते ॥२॥


2.Yamaya mruthyave thubyam kaalaya sa namo namah : !
Surya puthra namasthesthu sarvabhootha kshayayathe


Salutations to  you who is Yama  and is the time,

Salutations to son of Sun God  who weakens for death all beings.


साधूनां पितृतुल्याय वचनामृतदायिने

कटकाङ्कितकेयूर हारनूपुरधारिणे ॥३॥


3.Saadhunaam pithru thulyaya vachanamrutha dayine !
Kadakangitha keyura hara noopura daarine !!


He who is like father to saintly people gives them nectar like words,

He wears a crown , bangles , anklets  and chains.


दूरादेव सतो दृष्ट्वा दुराचाराद्यविप्लुतान्।

अर्चते गन्ध पुष्पाद्यैः प्रत्युत्थानासनार्हणैः॥४॥


4.Dhoora deva sada dhrushtva duraachaaarath yavipludaan !
Archathe Gantha pushpathyai: prathyaththa naasanarhanai !


From the distance that God will always watch the bad acts right from youth,

And if he is worshipped by flower and sandal paste he would pardon those ones.


मध्यस्थाय नमस्तुभ्यं तत्त्वज्ञाय नमो नमः।

ददते निज सर्वस्वं साधूनां समदर्शिनाम् ॥५॥


5.Madhyasthaya namasthubyam thathvagnaya namo namah : !
Thathathe nija sarvasvam saadhunaam smadarsinaam !!


I salute the intermediary and salute again and again the great philosopher,

For  he views all people including   the sages as equal and one.


देवदेव नमस्तुभ्यं वेदवेदान्त वेदिने।

सत्कृतत्संकृतं पूर्वं जातं पाथेयमत्यवः॥६॥


6.Deva deva namasthubyam vedavedantha vedine !
Sathkruthath samakrutham poorvam jaatham paadheya madhayava !!


Salutations to the God of Gods , who is greatly learned in Vedas and Vedanthas,

When the previously earned good acts are exhausted, you would be born again in the middle.


स्वर्लोकान्गच्छत क्षिप्रमिति संप्रियवादिने।

नमस्ते पितृरूपाय भक्तानामभयंकर ॥७॥


7.Swarlogaana gachatha kshipram idhi sama priya vadhine !
Namasthe pithru roopaya bhakthanam abhayam kara !!


Salutations to Yama who tells people to go to heaven quickly ,

And who has the form of our manes, with a request, Please protect your devotees.



कमलाकान्तभक्ताय  कमलोदरचक्षुषे।

मलोद्भव भव्याय कमलाभासक त्विषे ॥८॥


Kamala kantha bhakthaya kamalodara chakshushe !
Amalothbhava bhavyaya kamala baasaga dhvishea !!


Devotee of Lord Vishnu , who eyes like the lotus flower,

Who is the excellent one born out of purity,

And who is the  son of he who unfurls the lotus flower.


नमो लावण्यनिधये कारुण्यवचनालय।

पापिनां घोररूपाय गर्जते दुर्जनाग्रतः ॥९॥


9.Namo lavanya nidaye karunya vachanaalaya !
Papinam ghora roopaya garjathe dhurjanaakrutha : !!


Salutations  to the treasure of prettiness ,

Who is collection of  knowledge of mercy,

Who looks horrible to the sinners,

And who roars  at wrong doing.


दंष्ट्राकराल भ्रुकुटी भीषणानन ते नमः।

ऊर्ध्वरोम्णे महारोम्णे दीर्घरोम्णे नमो नमः ॥१०॥


10.Dhamshtra karaala brakruthee  beeshanaana they namah : !
Uurthva romne maha romne theerga romne namo namah : !!


Salutations  to the one having fearsome teeth in his open mouth

Who has an extremely fear some face ,

Salutations to one having straight hair , great hair and long hair.


घण्टारव महाचण्ड कालदण्डाय चण्डिने।

दण्ड्यान् दण्डयते नित्यमुग्रदण्डाय ते नमः ॥११॥


Gandaraba  maha chanda kala dandaya   chandine

Dadyaan  dandayathe nithya mugra  dandayathe  nama


He who comes  with great anger along  with sound of bell, Oh angry one with  staff  of god of death

You will punish with your staff and you will  punish with vehemence daily  , Salutations  to you


कोदण्ड कालदण्डाऽसिपरश्वध वरायुधान्।

धारिणे मारिणे लोकान् पुण्यराशिस्वरूपिणे ॥१२॥


Kodanda kaala dandaasi  paraswadha varayudhaan

Dharine , maarine lokaan punya rasi   swaroopine


Armed with  blessed   weapons like  KOdanda , staff  of death   and  the   axe,

He   who kills people and has form of  collection of blessed   deeds



ग्रहणे सर्वलोकानां जागरूकाधिकारिणे।

दिव्यज्ञानप्रशस्ताय समस्ताङ्गायते नमः ॥१३॥

Grahane sarva lokaanaam jaga roogadhi  karine

Divya  jnana prasathaaya  samasthangyathe   nama


He   who catches  entire world and  is very alert  in his job

Has fame of divine wisdom and I salute him who has  all  branches


समस्तलोकवन्द्याय समस्तस्तोत्ररूपिणे।

कालाम्बुदमहानील महावृषभवाहन ॥१४॥


Samastha loka   vandhyaya, samastha  stotra  roopine

Kalambudha maha neela  maha  vrishabha  vahana


He who is saluted by  entire world, he who is  form of all  stotras

And rides  on great buffalo of the  deep blue colour   of water rich cloud


कल्पानल महाकील ज्वलल्लोचन ते नमः।

भयंकराय पापानां अभयाय सुधर्मिणाम् ॥१५॥


Kalpanala maha  keela jwala  lochana   they  nama

Bhayankaraya papanaam abhayaya  sudharminaam


I salute you  whose eyes shine  like the greatly burning fire of the  yajna

And one who excuses  great sins  of  people   who follow  proper  dharma


द्रवत्सुधांशु संपूर्णचन्द्रास्याय नमो नमः।

प्रलयांबुदनिर्घोषभीषयित्रेऽहदर्शिने ॥१६॥


Drwath  sudhamsu sampoorna   chandraasyaya namo nama

Pralayambudha  nirgosha  bheesha yithre   aha   darasini


I salute and salute  he who is like   the full moon appearing like  liquid  nectar

And who appears  fearful  like the  terrible   sound made  by  the  water  of deluge


गोभ्यां करुण्यपूर्णाभ्यां पश्यते सुकृतात्मनाम्।

तत्त्वाय तत्त्वरूपाय तत्त्वदृष्टे नमोनमः ॥१७॥


Gobhyaam  pkaruna poornaabhyaam  pasyathe sukruthathmanam

Thathwaaya  thathwa swroopaya thathwa   drushte  namo  nama


The people who  do good deeds  seem him like a cow   full of mercy

And I salute him who is truthful , has  form of truth and sees  only truth



छिन्धीति भिन्धीति चूर्णतेऽसतो वीक्ष्य विभो नमस्ते ॥१८॥


Atheeva garja pralayambudha  dwani pra moorchithaa asesha  digantharaya

Chindheethi bindheethi choornethi asatho  veekshya vibho  Namasthe


He who is like  the atmosphere filled with fierce  sound of great thunder which  makes us faint,

I salute  him  who sees us  as if we are being cut , tears  and powders


करालकायाऽतिकठोरवाचा पापिष्ठसंघं भृशभीषयित्रे।

ज्वलद्युगान्तोद्यमबाडवाग्निसमोर्ध्वरोम्णे परपीडकानाम् ॥१९॥


 Karaala kaaya  athi katora  vachaa papishta sanga,  brusa bheeshayithro ,

Jwaladh youganthodhyama  badavagni sam a ordwaromne  para  peedakaanaam


He who  with  formidable body, fearsome  voice scares the group of sinners and wounds them

And is similar  to the  shining fierce fire  of deluge, has very long hair while  troubling others


विषोल्बणा भीषण कृष्णसर्प दण्डाभिघाताघि विमोहयित्रे।

साधुमित्रायते शश्वन्मित्रपुत्रायते नमः ॥२०॥


Vishol banaa  bheshana Krishna sarpa  dandabhi ghaathaaghi vimohayithre

Sadhu  mithra  yathe saswan mithra  puthra  yathe nama


Like  poisoned arrows  and black cobra he attracts  sinners and punishes

But for good  people  he is like   friend  and consoles  like  friends son , saluttions to him


शान्तगात्राय शान्तानां मेरुगोत्रसमञ्जसे।

पूजामात्रातितुष्टाय भक्ताभीष्टप्रदायिने ॥२१॥


Santha  gathraaya  saanthaanaam  meru  gathra  samanjase

Poojamathraadhi   thushtaaya  bhaktha  abheeshta pradhaayine


With peaceful body , peaceful  and  is similar  in shape  to meru  mountain

Would become satisfied  just by a worship[ and fulfills desire  of devotees


शिपिविष्ट नमस्तेऽस्तु नमस्ते परमेष्ठिने

वाचा प्रीणयते साधून् पूज्यान् पूजयते नमः ॥२२॥


Sipivishta   naosthu , Namasthe parameshtine

Vaachaa preenayathe  saadhoon , poojyaan poojayathe  nama


Salutations  to one  surrounded by light, salutations   to one  who is divine

He who  gratifies   good people   and worships  divine people   salutations  to him


प्रदात्रे साधु सल्लोकं अपहर्त्रे सतां भयम्

धर्मशास्त्रस्वरूपाय न्यायशास्त्रार्थचक्षुषे ॥२३॥


Pradathre  sadh  sallokam  apaharthre sathaam   bhayam

Dharma sastra  swaroopaaya nyaya  sasthrartha  chakshushe


 He  grants  heaven to good people   and steals away their  fear  forever

He   has form of dharma  and sastra and  understands  the meaning  of science  of justice


वृकोदर नमस्तुभ्यं यमुना सोदराय च।

यमाय धर्मराजाय मृत्यवे चान्तकाय ॥२४॥


Vrukodhara   namasthubhyam  , Yamuna  sodharaaya  cha

Yamaya  dharma rajaya mruthyuve  cha  anthakaya   cha


I salute  him who has a belly like  wolf , who is   the brother  of river Yamuna also

He is  Yama, king of Dharma, the death  and one who  puts an end to things


वैवस्वताय कालाय सर्वभूतक्षयाय

औदुंबराय दध्नाय नीलाय परमेष्ठिने ॥२५॥


Vaivaswathaya   kalaya   sarva  bhootha  kshayaya  cha

Oudhumbaraya    neelaaya   parameshtine


The  Kala who is son of sun God   who  puts an end to all life

The one   who causes  disease , the blue  one  and the  great  God


वृकोदराय चित्राय चित्रगुप्ताय ते नमः।

भूयो भूयो नमस्तुभ्यं भक्तरक्षगते नमः ॥२६॥  

Vrukodaraya   chithraaya  , chithra  gupthaya they nama

Bhooyo bhooyo  namasthubhyam   Bhaktha  raksha  Gathe  nama


He who wolf like belly, who is peculiar, who is Chithra Guptha  , salutations

Again and again  I salute he who  goes to protect his devotees

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this beautiful stotram and translation 🙏🤩