Tuesday, October 8, 2024

श्री अनघाकवचाष्टकम् Sri Anagha kavacha Ashtakam

 श्री अनघाकवचाष्टकम्

Sri Anagha kavacha  Ashtakam

The  octet armour of Anagha


Translated  By



(Godess   Anagha  is believed to be wife  of Lord Dathathreya)


।।अथ श्री अनघाकवचाष्टकम्।।

Adha  Sri  Anagha  kavachashtakam

Now octet  armour  of Anagha


श्री अनघा लक्ष्मी दत्तात्रेयाय नमः

Om Sri  Anagha  Lakshmi  Dathathreya  nama

Om Salutations to Anagha  Lakshmi  and dathathreys


शिरो मे अनघा पातु, भालं मे दत्तभामिनी।

 भ्रूमध्यं योगिनी पातु, नेत्रे पातु सुदर्शिनी ।।१।।


Sira may  Anagha  pathu, phalam  may  Datha  bhamini

Bru madhyam yogini  pathu, nethre pathu  sudarashini


Let  Anagha protect my head , let  wife of Datha   protect my forehead

Let middle of  eye brows  be protected  by expert of Yoga, Let she  who sees well  protect  my eyes


नासारंध्रद्वये पातु, योगिशी भक्तवत्सला।।

 मुखं में मधुवाक्पातु, दत्तचित्तविहारिणी ।।२।।


Nasaramdhra  dhwaye  pathu  Yogesi Baktha  vathsala

Mukham may  Madhu vaak paathu, Datha   chithe  biharini


Let  my two nostrils  be protected  expert of  Yoga  who likes devotees,

Let  my face  be protectedby one with sweet voice who roams  in mind of Datha



त्रिकंठी पातु मे कंठं, वाचं वाचस्पतिप्रिया।

 स्कंधौ मे त्रिगुणा पातु, भुजौ कमलधारिणी ।।३।।


TRikanti  pathu  may  Kantam , vaacham  vachaspathi priya

Skandhou may  triguna  pathu. Bhujou  Kamala dharini


Let  she with  thre necks  protect my neck, Let my apeech ne protected by one liked by Dakshinamurthy

Let shoulder  be protected by one with three  charactersmLet  the hands  be protected by one  who holds lotus


करौ सेवारता पातु, ह्यदयं मंदहासिनी।

 उदरं अन्नदा पातु, स्वयंजा नाभिमंडलम् ।।४।।


Karou  sevaraathaa pathu , hrudayam  Manda hamsini

Udharam annadha  pathu, swayamjaa naabhi  mandalam

Let my  palms  protected by one  interested  in service, Let  heart be protected by  one who smiles

Let my stomach  be protected by one who gives food, Let my area of belly, by one who is self  controlled


कमनिया कटि पातु, गुह्यं गुह्येश्वरी सदा।

 ऊरु मे पातु जंभघ्नी, जानुनी रेणुकेष्टदा ।।५।।


Kamaneeya  kati pathu, guhyam  guhyeswari  pathu

OOru  may  pathu jambagni, januni renukeshtadhaa


Let  the attractive one protect my waist, Let  the goddess  of privacy  protect my  private parts

Let my shank be protecte by the fire which burs  pride, let knee be protected one who is liked  by  renuka



पादौ पादस्थिता पातु, पुत्रदा वै खिलं वपु:

वामगा पातु वामांगं, दक्षांग गुरुगामिनी ।।६।।


Padhou  paadha sthithaa  pathu, puthradhaa vai khilam vapu

Vaamaghaa patthu  Vaamaangaa , Dakshanga guru bhamini


Let feet be protected by her  who keeps the feet, Let one who grants sons  protect  all the body
Let the left sided one protect my left sides And right side  be protected  by Darling  of Guru



गृहं मे दत्तगृहिणी बाह्ये, सर्वात्मिकाSवतु।

 त्रिकाले सर्वदा रक्षेत्, पतिशुश्रुणोत्सुका ।।७।।


Gruham  may  datha grahini  bahyo  sarvathmika  aavathu

TRikale sarvadhaa  raksheth , pathi  susruno uthsaka


Let my home  be protected  by wife of Datha, let outside  be protected by one who isin soul of all

Let during three  times of the day , I be always protected by  one  interested  in looking after  her husband


जाया मे दत्तवामांगी, अष्टपुत्रा सुतोS वतु।

 गोत्रमत्रि स्नुषा रक्षेद्, अनघा भक्त रक्षणी ।।८।।


Jaayaa may  datha vaamaangi , ashta  puthraa  sutho  aavathu

Gothramathri  snushaa   raksheth  , Anaghaa  baktha   rakshini


The wife and one who resides on left side of Datha, give  eight  sons

Let  the daughter in law  who looks after  of our clan be  protected by Anaghaa  who protects devotees


: पठेद अनघाकवचं नित्यं भक्तियुतो नर:

तस्मै भवति अनघांबा वरदा सर्व भाग्यदा ।।


Ya  padeth  anaghaa  kavacham nithyam, bakthi  yuktho  nara

THasmai  bhavathi  anaghaambha , varadhaa, sarva  bhagyadhaa


The man who reads with  devotion   this armour  of Anagha,

He  would be made lucky by mother  Anagha,who grants  boons


इति अनघाकवचाष्टकम् ।।

Ithi   Anagha  Kavacham

This is the armour  of Anagha

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